3 years ago today, Epstein did not kill himself...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 10, 2022...
I wonder who's supplying the same services for these freaks now?
Fascists prosecute their opponents, fascists increase the size of their government enforcers, fascists call people that disagree with them domestic terrorists. Fascists collude with the media to control the narrative. Fascists accuse the other side of what they’re guilty of…
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton gloats after Trump Raid… Hillary was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 emails…
How to enjoy the peak of the Perseid meteor shower on August 12-13 even in bright fullmoon light…
What were in those damn envelopes at George HW Bush’s funeral?
Will there be a 2nd civil war in America?
Meet the "judge" that signed Trump's search warrant… Oreogate?
The US is now truly a bankrupt and corrupt Banana Republic....well at least there is "81 MILLION" folks getting exactly what they voted for…
Intruder who broke into monkey enclosure in Tasmania at risk of ‘potentially fatal’ herpes…
I just watched that movie yesterday… The Devil We Know is a documentary on Dupont knowingly poisoning their workers and the public with C-8, a teflon toxin present in 99% of humans. Emails show Dupont officials knew it caused birth defects and cancers for decades and covered it up by infiltrating the EPA.
Glowing ‘STEVE’ descends on North America after surprise solar storm…
Perhaps the conspiracy theorists weren’t so crazy after all… Uk is preparing to start blackouts…
Former Apollo 15 member Al Worden said: “We are the aliens, but we just think they are somebody else. And if you don’t believe me, go get books on Ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say. They’ll tell you right up front." He died on March 18, 2020… If you would like to understand what really happened during America’s famous “Apollo” missions, READ MOON MAN…
Watch the mental gymnastics that Bruce Reinhart…

The Green War on Dutch Farmers Should Concern Everybody…
Philip Perry, who is married to Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, is a partner at the same law firm representing Hunter Biden…

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage…
The world commemorates the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima but never commemorates the genocidal Japanese war crimes during WW2 which resulted in the deaths of 20 million people. Never forget Nagasaki and Hiroshima, but forget all the war crimes that Imperial Japan carried out… It’s all propaganda…
Meanwhile, Japan’s population drops most in 9 years, with more over-65s than ever…
Saudi ambassador drops dead while giving a speech in Egypt…

The clearest image of Pluto captured by the New Horizons spacecraft… Or is this another slice of chorizo?
"Muslim serial killer" that killed 4 muslim men in New Mexico is a muslim man. Media and politicians were trying to paint the situation as hate crimes against the muslim community before the truth came out…
Cancer cells being brutally destroyed by genetically engineered T-cells…
Texting between iPhone and Android is broken…
It’s too late, folks. Global warming is now unstoppable and the polar ice caps are gone… LOL YEAH!
Nothing to see there… TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance Ltd., has bought one of China’s largest private hospital chains, Amcare Healthcare, for roughly $1.5 billion…
How to spot hidden cameras in AirBnbs and hotel rooms to protect your privacy…
Jumping spiders seem to experience REM-like sleep, might even dream… If intelligent conscious spiders are your thing, I recommend Adrian Tchaikovsky’s sci-fi novel Children of Time. It’s pretty pretty full of spidery fun…
Tiger tug-o-war! Zoo gives visitors the chance to test their strength…
Alright now they need to do this for the gorilla cage…
The new normal… Energy bills expected to hit £4,200 in January, according to dire new UK forecast…
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Thank you for your help and have a great Wednesday…
maybe that's why Epsteins lawyer signed on the raid of Trumps residence.... Wouldn't be surprised if that all is maybe orchestrated by Obama actually.