A mysterious jellyfish object
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 30, 2021
Hi everybody! I hope you had a great weekend. Here some news!
Disaster News
Hurricane IDA makes landfall in Louisiana. Crazy videos…
Italy's Mount Etna erupts after weeks of calm…
They are building tunnels under Fukushima to release radioactive water in the ocean…
Hurricane Nora makes landfall on Mexico's southwestern coast… More…
Giant hail smashes cars and covers streets with ice in Brazil and China…
The overall flood situation in Assam deteriorated on Saturday as the rising Brahmaputra river and its tributaries inundated vast tracts in 15 districts and affected 2,25,501 people of the state… More…
It looks like the Grand Canyon… But it’s in Minnesota…
Hailstorm destroys 6,000 hectares of crops in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain… More…
Lake Tahoe threatened by massive fire, more ordered to flee…
Study finds sun - not CO2 - may be behind global warming…
Oil production halted in the Gulf of Mexico…
Cape Cod: eight great white sharks seen feeding on humpback whale carcass…
Grand Canyon is missing billions of years' worth of rocks…
Solar superstorms will trigger an internet apocalypse…
A mysterious jellyfish object enters the atmosphere over Russia… More…
Hundreds of deer in North Idaho died of insect-borne virus (hemorrhagic disease)…
From "Event 201" to "Cyber Polygon": The WEF's simulation of a coming "Cyber Pandemic"…
More than 68 people killed by mysterious fever in India…
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