A rare black jaguar
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for May 27, 2021...
Hi everybody… How was your lunar eclipse? For me it was cloudy… But some, for example in the Philippines, were very lucky and even witnessed a star (HR6066) occultation during the sky event! WOW!
The exploding lake Kivu is on fire… Deadly gas released?
Alaska’s Great Sitkin volcano erupts - ‘red warning’ for aviation… Ebeko volcano in the Kuril Islands too…
Thousands of cannonball jellyfish pile up on the shores of Tybee Island in Georgia…
Mysterious loud boom and rumbling in Virginia Beach, Virginia…
Russia to launch nuclear-powered spaceship to the moon, on to Venus, then Jupiter…
Huge fireball disintegrates in the sky over Brazil…
Healthy magnesium rich foods to increase your well-being…
'Gorgeous' rare black jaguar born at English Big Cat Sanctuary…
Jammu and Kashmir suffer heavy losses to orchards due to hailstorms…
Deadly cyclone Yaas swamps India and Bangladesh…
Mystery as giant stone road resurfaces from beneath the Pacific Ocean…
EMF? At least 470,000 homes without power in widespread outages across Queensland…
‘Scuba-diving’ lizards are real…
World faces longer supply shortage as China’s factories squeezed…
1918 flu mutated to become deadlier in later waves…
Megadrought: 84% of US West plunged into dangerous drought…
Another disastrous weather event…
Stars don't just vanish — or do they?
The ground just moves with mice in Autralia…

H5N8 Bird Flu strain found in 46 countries could spark disastrous pandemics…
Couple discovers huge lava cave under their home…
42 cows killed by lightning bolt that also hit farmer in China…
Road buckles after underground explosion…
Sweden is building a secret massive space complex…
'Extinct' giant tortoise found in Galapagos…
Major flooding ahead! Keep your eyes on the Three Gorges Dam!