All they want is your humanity...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 18, 2024...
Sam Altman co-founder and CEO of OpenAI has a disturbing side hustle.
The CEO of largest AI company is pushing biometric verification for UBI.
The ambitious identity-verification project Worldcoin, now called World, wants a future where humans are “orb-verified.”
In the next step, Sam Altman’s eye-scanning orb has a new look, and will come right to your door…
If you had mentioned something like this in 2020-21 during Covid you would had been considered a right wing conspiracy theorist.
UBI and 100% dependency on a one world government has always been the goal.
Some people are totally nuts when it comes to claiming Federal land as their own…
Local community members get together and remove fencing installed by group who claim 1500 acres of National Forest land is their private property…
Good job guys!
Free $100…
But some didn’t like it:
The Hill writes: “The super PAC’s early efforts to register voters in battleground states sparked investigations by the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Michigan secretary of state’s office. The investigations stemmed from a CNBC report that alleged: Individuals in certain states who visited America PAC’s “register to vote” page were asked to submit personal information - but ultimately not directed to a site where they could register to vote in their state.”
So what exactly is the point of all this? Maybe data harvesting, but $100 per person seems like he’s overpaying… Again…
Our drinking water is poison and being poisoned…
Scientists have discovered toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ present in samples of drinking water from around the world, a new study reveals.
Researchers found 10 ‘target’ PFAS (perfluoroalkyl substances) – chemicals which do not break down in nature – in tap and bottled water available for consumption in major cities in the UK and China. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were detected in over 99% of samples of bottled water sourced from 15 countries around the world.
The difference between us and the Romans is that the Romans didn't know the lead in the pipes was bad for them…
Teen tobacco use falls to 25-year low…
How's nicotine use doing though? Especially since Zyn is becoming more and more popular among young people…
Probably 25-year high…
More than 170 dead and 70 in intensive care after tanker explodes in Nigeria.
Hundreds of mourners have attended the mass burial of dozens of people who were killed by a tanker explosion in Nigeria's north.
The blast has prompted fresh questions about poverty in the country, after surging inflation this year.
Yep, the price of gas soared 5x in the last 18 months… Many cannot afford it anymore…
Inspiring. Especially on those nights I have a hard time dragging my arse to the dojo…
At the age of 97, Keiko Fukuda became the first woman in history to obtain a 10th degree black belt in Judo. She also continued teaching Judo weekly until she died at 99… With all her hairs…
Extreme weather around the world:
Heavy rains in Monterrey, Mexico cause 3 deaths, floods and stranded cars - 5 inches of rainfall overnight
French motorways and train lines closed due to flooding - up to 700 mm (27.6 inches) of rainfall in 48 hours…
Major flooding paralyzes life in Aceh, Indonesia…
Massive flooding in Tamarite de Litera, Spain…
Large hailstones, flooding, landslides as storm smashes town in Victoria, Australia…
In a joint statement on Oct. 15th, NASA and NOAA announced that Solar Maximum is underway.
Here is the long press conference in full:
If you saw last week's geomagnetic storm, you probably reached the same conclusion:

Good news: Solar Max is not a narrow moment in time; it is a lengthy phase of solar activity that can last for 2 or 3 years. More aurora outbursts and SAR arcs are likely in 2024 and 2025.
If you don’t have enough time for the video, you can read the press release here…
The next 2-3 years are going to be explosive! Expect more violent earthquakes, volcanic eruption and natural disasters…
Keep your eyes to the sky!
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Thank you and have a great Friday,
Find pure springs if you can. There is a comedian jounalist and his last name is Forgie, who does a whole thing on fake bottled water. He says such and such a brand is Mississauga tap water. Another brand is tap water from somewhere else. He has a list. He says when coke named their water "Dasani", it was misinterrupted from someone in the firm saying their water was "Dishonest".
When I was growing up any one of those floods, seen ubiquitously above, which are happening all over the earth EVERYDAY, were completely and totally unheard of. In fact, they have been unheard of throughout human history up until about 10 years ago (since the big one, that is).
Any one of the floods in the videos above would have made NATIONAL NEWS for WEEKS just 20 short years ago, now they hardly get noticed.
When the people learn the truth that the military industrial complex, in collusion with the deep state (world gov't) is CAUSING this death and destruction they are going to head to city hall and Capitol Hill with their pitchforks and torches and skewer them all starting from the top down and burn what's left. Hopefully they'll succeed before the bastards can get their filthy fingers on the launch buttons!
I have this dream; a dream of JUSTICE. I see the good winning out over the bad and the wicked receiving their just punishments. As it is now, the wicked are successful in all they do and this is only permissible by the Hand of God. Am I saying that God is allowing this wicked takeover? Yes. I am. That is quite obvious.
But for those who know Him and have sought Him and have had their sins removed by the Only Way given, the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ, He offers protection. Indeed, He takes care of His own. And, at the proper time, He will REMOVE us (we who love Him) and the wrath which He will pour out on this world will make Asheville and all the catastrophic floods and fires and landslides - and every other horrific event they cause by their weather manipulation - look like a walk in the park on a quiet Sunday.
This earth will LITERALLY be turned upside down (see Isaiah 24:1), the people will be scorched by the sun (Isaiah 24:6) and few men will be left alive.
Some people, those who have not sought to understand God by seeking knowledge of Him in the KJV Bible, are now BLAMING Him and criticizing Him for allowing all of this destruction. But who are YOU to question God??? Isn't He sovereign over His Own Creation?
The fact is that no matter WHAT He does with His Creation He will be in the RIGHT and we will be in the wrong! That is what most people don't comprehend about God Almighty. Does the potter not have the right to do with the work of His Hands whatever He pleases? Could anyone CONVICT HIM of wrongdoing?
The answer is absolutely NOT. But if you don't seek to understand His Plan for the redemption of the pinnacle of His Creation, mankind, and find SALVATION by His Atoning Blood, you too will likewise perish. Please continue to read, just 2 more minutes. It could change your life forever.
God could have wiped out mankind when sin entered the picture and He would have been perfectly justified in so doing. The fact that He allowed mankind to go on and to prosper, and for EACH of us to be born is totally by His GRACE.
And that's just the beginning. Every one of our sins leaves an indelible stain and are separated from our Creator by them. The Bible says there is NOTHING we can do ourselves to alleviate this death sentence. What could be done to save us? The ONLY thing that could save us was if God Himself TOOK our sins upon Himself.
If you have read thus far, please listen to this: He would take on the flesh of one of us, with the same temptations we all face yet He NEVER sinned. He would have to be the PERFECT Sacrifice, a Lamb without blemish or spot. He came to this dimension through the Birth of a virgin, He lived a sinless life; He willingly went to the cross and shed His Perfect Blood (without the shedding of Blood, there is no remission of sins; Hebrews 9:22). He died and after three days rose from death, ascended into Heaven and is now seated at the Right Hand of God the Father.
And by His Death, we are set free if we believe; that is have FAITH in our hearts. Satan "believes" in God but he doesn't put his FAITH in God. Most people if asked will say that they "believe" in God but that doesn't mean they're saved. You must TRUST in God and put your FAITH in Him.
You can say that you believe this parachute will save your life if you jump out of an airplane but to actually JUMP is something completely different than simply believing. It's belief IN ACTION. Just as James the apostle and brother of Christ said, "show me your faith without works and I'll show you my faith BY my works. (see James 2:18)
But HOW do we prove our faith in Him once we understand after having read (or heard) the Gospel? It's really quite simple. CALL ON HIS NAME! Go somewhere quiet and get on your knees. Ask God to save you. Tell Him ALOUD that you want to know Him. Tell Him you BELIEVE in Him in your heart and you WILL BE SAVED. Every day now brings us closer to His calling us up and out of the way of His WRATH which will be worse than anything ever seen by the eyes of mankind. Please, what have you got to lose?
I know I'm repeating myself here and I do often but nothing is more important than your eternal soul and I LOVE my fellow man (and woman) and God wants everyone to be saved and so do I but He won't force His Love on you. It must be a CHOICE made by you otherwise it couldn't be love. Love cannot be coerced. Call on Him today. NOW is the time of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late to miss His wrath He WILL pour out on this earth.