Are you prepared for the Endtimes?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 20, 2021
Sky meets Earth: Meteor and erupting volcano in Kamchatka by Dutch photographer Tomas van der Weijden.
This is terrible for people living around volcanoes… You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! This is exactly the case of more than 200,000 people living around 3 volcanoes simultaneously erupting in Guatemala right now.
Farmers and ranchers across Texas are seeing devastating effects from the cold weather on livestock, feed and agriculture products. Texas agriculture commissioner issues RED ALERT warning on food supply chain…
Meanwhile, millions of locusts are invading northern Kenya:
Thirty-one people have died in an outbreak of bubonic plague that erupted in northeastern DR Congo three months ago. They still have more than 520 cases.
Russia reports first human cases of H5N8 bird flu…
The extreme weather in the US is so severe even weather satellites are bewildered:

Fukushima, the never-ending radioactive disaster, just got another slam!
But is the Texas snow real or fake?
The Perseverance rover has sent back its first high-resolution, full-color image from the red planet. And it’s clearly not red! :-)

And why are men suffering of infertility more than ever NOW!
You probably ever wanted to know where is the LOST 8th continent on Earth. below a map and here an article.
Human remains found inside crocodile…
Google censorship expands to their own AI, after attacking Anti-Vaxxers.
At least 43 people have been injured and several properties destroyed after a M5.6 earthquake hit southwestern Iran on Thursday, 10:55 p.m. local time or 7:25 pm UTC.
The flipping of the Earth's magnetic poles together with a drop in solar activity 42,000 years ago could have generated an apocalyptic environment that may have played a role in a major events ranging from the extinction of megafauna to the end of the Neanderthals.
By the way, our poles are flipping right now and we are in the deepest solar minimum in decades… Read the text above… Are we going to end like the Neanderthals?
The different colors of the rocks in Bowman Lake are due to the presence of Iron and Magnesium at different concentrations, as iron gets red when oxidized and Magnesium turns green.
Scientists have successfully "talked" to a sleeping person in real-time by invading their dreams. Dreamers can follow instructions, solve simple math problems and answer yes-no questions without ever waking up. Kind of scary, no?
Bill Gates hypocrisis: He calls for zero emissions then buys private jet company
Beware! Scary and graphic content! Inside the gruesome world of backstreet castrations…
The skin of sea cucumbers under a microscope looks like anchors:
OMG! I wouldn’t like to be in this flight right now!
This is how the world looks like in near infra-red
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Thank you, Manuel
There is nothing natural here! They send tools to cause the volcanoes to erupt.
Nice website. Thank you for your work
See the blue sky of Mars at
See the Pink snow and PINE TREES on Mars at
The military has been there almost 50 years