Are you ready for the apocalypse?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 13, 2021
Are you ready for the coming apocalypse?
Yes, I am just asking because it was very close today again as a major M7.1 earthquake struck Japan off Fukushima near the site of the Great East Japan Earthquake that killed thousands and caused meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

It has been reported that this has led to a nuclear fuel spill at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power plant
Then half an our later, another strong M6.0 quake hit Papua New Guinea, while large eruptions are occurring in neighboring Indonesia.
This seimically and volcanic unrest is kind of scary if you add numerous other eruptions and swarms of massive earthquakes that occurred in the last 2-3 days.
So if you don’t have a plan, make one and prepare for the next disastrous geological event! It’s coming even in the US!
The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 82 reports (event 809-2021) about a meteor fireball seen across the UK, northern France and Germany, as well as Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. Did you see it? Here’s a video:
Low temperatures records have been tumbling across the planet of late, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. North America, Europe, and Asia have each logged thousands of new cold records this winter, and now the situation looks set to intensify even further as relentless wintry weather is set to bombard much of US into next week with a new winter storm every 2-3 days. Can you imagine that? It’s truly insane!
Do you hear that eerie noise made by skaters on a canal in Amsterdam?
Arriving a day earlier than expected, a solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field on Feb. 13th. The gaseous material is flowing from a gigantic triangular hole in the sun's atmosphere:
Environmental destruction will soon be an international crime
China refuses to give WHO raw data on early COVID-19 cases
You can’t say anymore I have a headache, baby!
If you replace the wheels on your bicycle with giant circular saw blades you can ride across the ice:
Refuse to wear a mask? That's a draggin' out of the bar by your hair, missy
Is the stock market about to crash? ‘Very, very concerning’ echoes of the 90s dot-com bubble are being heard loud and clear by nervous market experts
This new legislation willd force tech giants to pay for sharing news content. Annoying Facebook and Google, isn’t it?
Donald Trump acquitted in second impeachment, which turns out to be even more bipartisan than the first impeachment. At this rate, Trump will be convicted by his third term in office.
A ghostly aurora under the moonlight in Alaska by Helena
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Thank you, Manuel
Trump distraction was/is part of the banksters' plan as is the scamdemic
L'apocalypse c'est le temps des révélations, tous les fantômes cachés dans les placards de ceux qui dirigent en surgissent.
Les volailles noyées dans un océan de croyances ont peur et restent soumis face à leurs maîtres déguisés qui les enchainent à leurs mondes qui n'est autre qu'une Matrice I.A prenant de plus en plus de place dans leurs vies.
Tu parles de destruction comme d'un poison, mais celle-ci est nécessaire comme à chaque fin de cycle au temps de la grande parodie qu'est la dernière Cène.
Perdre ses repères sans en oublier un seul, ceux faisant fonctionner cette gigantesque machine pilotées par des Présences Invisibles qui ne sont autres que Tes "pères de chaire", Tes éleveurs en masse d'Humanimaux bipèdes enchainés à leurs traditions faisant d'eux des Êtres castrés ayant moins de sens que les animaux.
Une carotte est tendue au bout d'un bâton afin que ceux ci avancent avec comme mouche pour les piquets un SI,.........Mais...SI,.............. Messie...
Tu ne trouves pas bizarre tout ce qui arrive afin que l'attention de chacun soit devenue cet ennemi invisible semé dans cette bulle-dôme, chacun héritant d'une part de mystère de ces congénères et chacun des dirigeants y perdant son latin, une fois noire une fois blanc, tu peux, tu ne dois pas, la peur doit continuer d'agir afin que les regards restent baissés.
Afin que seul l'arbre montré sur les écrans restent coupable, alors que ce qui s'en vient d'En Haut afin de tout raser est une gigantesque forêt a fin de tout anéantir.
The apocalypse is the time of revelations, all the ghosts hidden in the closets of those who lead arise.
Poultry drowned in an ocean of beliefs are afraid and remain submissive to their disguised masters who chain them to their worlds which is nothing but an I.A. Matrix taking up more and more space in their lives.
You speak of destruction as a poison, but it is necessary as at the end of every cycle at the time of the great parody that is the Last Supper.
Losing its landmarks without forgetting one, those operating this gigantic machine driven by Invisible Presences that are none other than Your "fathers of pulpit", Your mass breeders of bipedal Humanimaux chained to their traditions making them castrated Beings having less meaning than animals.
A carrot is stretched at the end of a stick so that they move forward with an IS,......... But... If.............. Messiah...
You don't find it strange that everyone's attention has become that invisible enemy sown in this bubble-dome, each inheriting a part of the mystery of these congeners and each of the leaders losing his Latin, once black once white, you can, you must not, fear must continue to act so that the eyes remain lowered.
So that only the tree shown on the screens remains guilty, while what comes from Up in order to shave everything is a gigantic forest for the purpose of annihilating everything.