As funding for Ukraine's war runs out, Zelensky finally announces peace talks during WEF in Switzerland
So the WEF is now a forum for peace talks? LOL!
Zelensky will address the US Military. We could have fixed so many issues at home with all this war money…

WTF? Does anyone find it weird that a foreign leader will be speaking directly to your military for begging some more money?
Meanwhile Zelensky just announced peace talks in Switzerland…

So the WEF is now a forum for peace talks? Isn’t that the United Nations job? LOL!
This evidence was piling up from day one. Glad its finally in print… Covid-19 vaccine is REACTIVATING other viruses and diseases…
Why is there social media in heaven?

Vanguard and Blackrock have their fingers in basically every major corporate pie in the world. They generally own 5-10% of such stocks and oversee tens of trillions in assets. Perhaps we will get some new answers or insights on the overall Build Back Better --- probably not… Congress has issued a subpoena to VANGUARD to appear for a hearing on ESGs and possible Antitrust Law violations…
The real reason elites make political contributions. Ideology and??????
The companies know that no one will stop them. That's why they do it. And they're not going to stop… You’ll own nothing and be happy… ‘Greedflation’: Many companies were lying to you about inflation…
Here’s a quote from the very first director general of the World Health Organization… Ruminate on this one…
20% of US GDP is spent on “health care”. Nearly all of health care is based on lies. Studies that get drugs and procedures approved, that cannot be proven. It’s not about cures. It’s not about making you better. It’s about profits. Welcome to the “Replication Crisis”…
Tennessee’s sirens never activated either… Makes me think of Maui… A new normal in the U.S.?

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Tonga: The hidden impacts of ferocious volcanic eruption finally revealed…
Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, and Alex jones have a conversation about the Global Satanic Elites NWO agenda on X livestream… But what is going on?
Follow your intuitions… Why can you so often sense when someone is looking at you even if your back is turned?
Ever wonder why so many people on here defend Pfizer? Why they seemingly can’t get enough of tyrants? Why after being lied to over and over smile and ask for more? It’s called “Mass Formation Psychosis” and it’s amazingly predictable…
UAP disclosure: Congress is taking a huge step toward UFO transparency but lawmakers pushing for the truth aren’t happy…
This is a picture of the view from where I live in Bern, Switzerland… Perfect view on what’s going on at the Swiss Parliament Palace. And probably why I hate those politicians so much…
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You should make a Snow Zelensky; get it????
Congress and UFOs. The UFO agenda is so controlled, so manipulated, so valuable and useful to the agenda of those foisting it up that every bit of propaganda surrounding it is carefully scrutinized to protect its usefulness for that time in which is will be most desperately needed.
I'm referring to the time in which they will use it to explain why it was that millions of people, including all young children, (even from the womb) suddenly disappeared. Their plans are so obvious and it's so easy to put the pieces together it's nearly comical. Easy, that is, for those who are awake to their agenda.
At the beginning of the industrial revolution and the "enlightenment", as if on cue, Darwin's theory swept the world. The very most important pretense behind the entire lie was this: mankind came from nothing but naturally occurring chemicals in a process of extremely long periods of time and chance. We are here literally by way of nothing.
This lie about our origin was necessary for the world to believe to build upon the next lie, abiogenesis - that life came spontaneously from nonliving chemicals. If this is the case, and we can see the absolute vastness of the heavens, it's easy to conclude that it MUST have happened similarly on other planets like our own, somewhere, if not abundantly in all that space. The universe must be TEEMING with life. But not only life...intelligent life. So far advanced from our own because they were able to get to us from wherever they were.
I do not negate that UFOs exist, even that they "abduct" people against their will. But I don't believe they are intergalactic. There is no possible way their "crafts" can move within this space/time continuum as they do. They are interdimensional beings; liars and deceivers. and they do not come in peace. They're fallen angels left over from the Great Flood of Noah. There is plenty of info on this topic. Don't believe anything I say, see for yourself (while you still can; they're very soon going to completely censor the internet if not do away with it completely).
They are relying so heavily upon using these lies to explain away the Rapture of the Church. We were old fashioned and needed to "evolve" spiritually and intellectually so we had been taken to be trained in these matters and will be returned at some point in the near future. They will have to tell the world we would be returned so that order could return (out of chaos). They must quell the minds and hearts of those who had lost loved ones giving them hope that they'll see them again.
To the doubter: I realize that this all sounds absurd. I wouldn't believe it myself if I had not been studying this my entire life and if I wasn't rooted and grounded in the Bible which is our Message from He that created us. It's all coming together now just as the Bible has prophesied. Jesus Christ WILL return for those who love Him at any moment now. Please, seek Him before you find yourself being lied to, hearing the world leaders tell everyone we had been abducted by ETs. I'll sound the warning for the unbelievers until that opportunity is taken away from me by death or the Rapture. SEEK HIM NOW!