Can you help identifying a logo?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 23, 2023...
In the background, you will see a cross with a diagonal line passing through it that also contains 2 circles. Can anyone identify this?
Yes… The symbol behind the kid…
Btw… The answer everyone came for, and missed because you got caught on the crispr dome child is:
Higher Ground Logo Higher Ground presents Diplo… The logo is from an Atma Amulet…
Pfizer stock: Big loss because nobody wants their COVID “vaccines” and drugs…
McDonald’s announced that they are now offering Free French Fries every Friday until the end of the year. Just remember, Bill Gates owns the land in Washington state used to grow the potatoes for McDonald’s fries… Yep! Something is up with those fries…

Elon Musk: Strong statement in defense of the Second Amendment… But it doesn’t mean I like this puppet…
Despite being convicted, autopsy report reveals Derek Chauvin DID NOT kill George Floyd…
To get it off the streets.... right? Right?! NYPD officer arrested for allegedly negotiating deals for fentanyl and heroin while on-duty…
October 21: Rumors are that the Crew onboard the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) in the Eastern Mediterranean have been served Steak & Lobster tonight for Dinner which is usually reserved for either Holidays (Which today isn’t) or News which is expected to Lower the Crew’s Morale like a Deployment Extension or possible something else…
I also read that Mexico has surpassed China as our main trading partner… Probably Chinese manufacturers moved in Mexico… US beats China to emerge as India's biggest trading partner during first half of FY24 (probably buying Russian products like oil, gas and all other things very cheap and selling it for 3x to Europeans)…
Too bad the dead can't sue. The damage has been done…
While you’re distracted with petty infightings, this has been silently underway. You’ll own nothing and be happy… The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it…
This is actually weird… Kind of looks like NBC is reporting the news…
Anyone who is a satanic pedo can't run for president. Except, those are the only people CIA and the Rothschilds allow to be president…
yesterday Times UK published an article titled "Revealed: the Hamas chief who lives in a London council house." Many of us have long suspected or already found out about this, so when I come across a piece like this, I can't help but wonder, why is it being brought up now?

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If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work via:
The Setiles… Maria Farmers explains her Epstein, Maxwell cabal painting…
King Charles III owns precisely 6.6 billion acres, a 6th of Earth's entire surface!
Is Canada simply careless or are there other things in play? Canada has been helping China hunt for high profile Chinese national fugitives. China also got caught over the last year operating 'police stations' in multiple cities…
Adult Swim makes some seriously disturbing content… And is not banned… Weird no?
What happened to the children, Oprah ? you f*cking human trafficking witch… Maui Residents Say Oprah Winfrey and The Rock’s Wildfire Relief Fund Has Made Two Rounds of $1,200 Payments Amid Backlash for Delayed Financial Aid…
The moons orientation changes depending on where you are…
So has anyone been considering the implications of if Iran closes off the Strait of Hormuz? It seems with the way BRICS and OPEC are lining up there are some serious implications and the potential for a geo-political split…
Kids today are ‘pussies’… Back in my days, kids with allergies just died… (joke, ok?)
Oxford was murder capital of late medieval England, and students were to blame…
With that picture, and this opening paragraph, it seems The Guardian doesn't think too highly of this guy:
A foul-mouthed, far-right populist who has been described as a cross between Boris Johnson and the killer doll Chucky is in pole position to become president of South America’s second-largest economy...

Steve Quayle and Mike Adams: On the knife's edge of NUCLEAR WORLD WAR…
What is Marina Abramovic who now works for Ukraine trying to symbolize here?
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Thank you and have a great Monday,
Hard-hitting and disturbing facts presented here today. The video with the triangle, Illuminati men slamming babies was truly disturbing. Sometimes Youtube censors my comments and restricts me from commenting for a week at a time for what they call DIS information! If they call it disinformation, it's the truth. Believe it. How in the world could something like this video be considered NOT censorable? Ahh, could they be on the same team?
George Floyd died of a drug overdose and this has been known by anyone who digs for facts since it happened. It served to divide and ENRAGE one side against the other, still boiling today -all prearranged.
The Halloween kids with allergies. When I grew up, nobody ever had such allergies. I once heard how a 17 year old kid died from an allergic reaction simply by KISSING his girlfriend who had just eaten peanut butter! What has changed so drastically? Could the 72 mandated vaccines now required by age 18 have anything to do with that? Nah, it's probably just climate change, huh?
And the moon's orientation change viewing from the N and S hemisphere is just more ammunition to use against the ridiculous and insane "flat-earthers". Yet they continue to believe our earth is flat and refuse to believe that they are spraying anything into our skies! Clown world intensified!
That is an interesting logo, but I have no idea what that organization is, do you have more info? Thank you