Creepy and sick! School children in Canada and Australia are being groomed to eat insects...
And your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for September 13, 2022...
School children in Canada and Australia are being groomed to eat insects, in an attempt to normalize it for when this is the only viable food source in the future. The WEF is everywhere…
1,000 schools already in Australia:

And in Canada:

Yes it is creepy and sick… Don’t let this gang of psychos control your life!
In 400 BCE Persian engineers created a ice machine in the desert…
Stunning martial arts skills at age 85…

Interesting piece of work revealing the important role of atmospheric manipulation and geoengineering on the extent and severity of California wildfires… But too many are afraid to talk about that… Because it’s a conspiracy, isn’t it? LOL!
Would you drink that water?
If you live near fracking sites, you should always filter your tap water at home or buy bottled water!
And just like that, Jacinda Ardern declares, “we all just need to respect people’s individual decisions”...

The climate change FALSE propaganda…
And it has "Nothing to do with man" - Astrophysicist says climate-cultists "are on a gravy train" to make money…
If you are scared about that virus you buy your HEPA filter here… It can also be used against other more dangerous stuff in your home or office…
That’s disturbing…
Montana adopts permanent block on birth certificate changes for trans people…
That’s a pretty odd fish…
Amazing comeback… Really hard to understand… A real good screenplay!
A poll of over 580 tech leaders shows a return to the office looms…
Inflation across European countries… Huge variations…
Oklahoma inmate suing over alleged "Baby Shark" torture found dead in his cell…
During the August 2022 and March to September 2021 volcanic eruptions in Iceland, something strange was observed. Initially, these highly effusive eruptions were thought to have originated from the Krysuvik volcanic complex. Yet, the fissure direction, size of the eruption, and nonexplosiveness were different than what was expected to occur. From this and other evidence, the two latest eruptions at Geldingadalir and Meradalir were designated as originating from a completely separate and completely new volcano. This new volcano is known as Fagradalsfjall…
'It’s everyone. It’s all of us': More than half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — even the wealthy are feeling the heat of continued inflation…
Rules for thee, not for me. Literally.
The new king will avoid inheritance tax on the estate worth more than $750 million due to a rule introduced by the UK government in 1993 to guard against the royal family's assets being wiped out if two monarchs were to die in a short period of time, i News reported.
But if youre a commoner, peasant or slave in the same situation, they will gladly wipe out your assets…
Florida has a secret surveillance system at toll roads tracking you and your car…
Canada Q2 household debt-to-income ratio widens to new record high…
What do u guys think will happen this time?
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It’s one of the best time to invest in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS to limit the effects of inflation on your IRA/401K and achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
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Never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
Remove ALL major contaminants of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
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Thank you,
Here are the lies about climate change: They have lied and deceived the deceived about the deception causing even those awake to believe their lies.
Here is the TRUTH about climate change: It's happening but not to the extent that they (the controllers) are telling's MUCH worse. In fact, this planet doesn't have 5 years left at the rate of runaway global warming and it IS manmade. It's by geoengineering, the biggest secret kept by the elite but right in our faces every single day, easily identified as the checkerboard patterns of white hazy lines in the sky which dissipate into a silvery haze blocking out half of the sun's energy. The intended result has backfired and they now control ALL weather patterns globally. They have been controlling the weather for the last 70 years but in the last 25 this control has gone exponential. Go to for the truth about this matter because you won't find it anywhere else. It has been hidden under layers of obfuscation (beginning with Al Gore) causing even those who care about truth to disbelieve that it is happening!
Those children eating the cricket chips will probably develop health problems. Naturally, the globalists will be introducing that garbage to American children next. Globalist scumbags will be eating steak and lobster laughing at the sheeple too. Don't eat that garbage!