Don't worry sheep! The portal will open anytime soon!
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 18, 2022...
A great sheep mystery! Hundreds of sheep walk in a circle for over 10 days in China's Inner Mongolia. The sheep are healthy and the reason for the weird behavior is still a mystery…
It just reminds me of this…
And of that… 44 years ago today was The Jonestown Massacre. American preacher Jim Jones had founded the cult in 1955, and in the years before the massacre, he'd established Jonestown as a utopia for his followers. Jones forced over 900 of his followers to drink fruit juice laced with cyanide…
Wake up, sheeple, wake up…
Is this due to the jab? At least they are slowly admitting lockdowns were bad… Europe faces ‘cancer epidemic’ after estimated 1m cases went undiagnosed during Covid lockdowns…
Isn’t the universe beautiful? Yes… BUT… This is actually a window with rain on it and a street lamp outside…
Just for you to remember, I have a PhD in Cosmochemistry… And so, I love this stuff… Pristine meteorite found within hours of hitting Earth…
On October 30th, 2022, within 10 seconds period of time (between 03h 54min 04sec and 03h 54min 14sec UT), a flurry of 23 meteors originating from the same region of the sky was captured from Gaustatoppen (Norway) by 4 out of the 7 cameras of the Norsk Meteornettverk. Very rare!
A reminder: Qatar had to agree to accept all of FIFA's sponsors to host the World Cup 2022. FIFA did force Brazil to change its alcohol laws in 2014 for the World Cup… Now that! Qatar bans beer from World Cup stadiums…
Nothing says “Welcome” better than a nice doorbell…
They should team up and create Qwitter! Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves…
Rats bop to the beat of music by Mozart, Lady Gaga, Queen… Bopping was previously thought to be an ability innately unique to humans…
FTX entities from CH11 filing. This is not normal…
UK hospital in lockdown as first suspected Ebola case is being investigated…
An awww-moment… A Chimp was born a couple days ago at the Sedgwick County Zoo. He had trouble getting oxygen so had to be kept at the vet. This video shows mom reuniting with him after almost 2 days apart…
Can we trust the WHO? It would be awesome… Pharmaceutical companies could be made to disclose prices and deals agreed for any products they make to fight future pandemics, under rules being drawn up by the World Health Organization…
OMG! That’s incredible! Runway disappears in rainstorm just as the plane is about to land…
Bad news for the internet… This bill is dangerous as it tries to deal with “protecting children” by pushing websites to more actively surveil everyone… Congress looking to sneak in dangerous ‘Save The Kids!’ internet bill into year-Eend omnibus…
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War is hell…
Soon 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre again? Rare brutal unrest in Chinese city of Guangzhou as people protest over Covid restrictions…
They are war criminals. So are many other people too, but they get excused…
Again… Police in Mexico spot dog with human body part in its mouth…
They can't get their lies straight. Let's see the footage… Body cam video shows Paul Pelosi opened door for police, despite DOJ saying otherwise…
Stock up and always be ready! Great deals just for you right now (affiliate)…
A mobile vasectomy van… The other side is probably a taco truck… “Yesterdays loss is todays sauce”…
Governmental Android Attack Scandal: Massachusetts conspired with Google to auto-install COVID spyware on the smartphones of 1,000,000+ people…
Nowadays, there is a vaccine for everything… Even cancer…

Well that’s disturbing… But it actually makes sense to me… Violent sexual predators are using dating apps as hunting grounds for vulnerable victims. Rape cases stood out in disturbing ways: victims with mental illnesses and other vulnerabilities were targeted, and the attacks were significantly more violent…
5G towers spark outrage across NYC…
Completely brainwashed… Stirling University Students' Union votes to go 100% vegan…
Portals to another dimension are opening in front of us…
NK readiness… Missile fired on Friday by North Korea had sufficient range to reach U.S. mainland…
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Thanks for reading Strange Sounds! Have a nice Friday…
Too bad Old man Bush isn't in that picture, that would push civilian dead numbers closer to 14 million.
Way cool, Manuel!
Well, looks like Obama got his wish, Ebola in the West. Germany had a case of Marberg Ebola, that wiped out even simian it touched, but only 24% of humans. DC had a case in a holding house for primates that killed of them. If I recall, no humans died of it. Survivors of Ebola, about 3%, I was told, are all tobacco chewers. I could see zinc killing the virus, but tobacco isn’t know to knock off others. Knock back a virus, yes. and people wonder why tobacco is so popular...