The descent into chaos
Everyday, more signs of an incoming man-made apocalypse are popping off around the world:
US sending Abrams and Germany sending Leopards.
Air defenses being put up in Moscow.
Rumbles of more mobilizations from Russia.
US military drills with Israel including B52s.
And now! The Doomsday Clock just hit 90 seconds to midnight…
Whose fault is it?
All because a select few of parasitic elite are slowly leading to the destruction of the planet while trying to maintain their power. They spend more funding on wars than the people. Their corporate media keeps us divided and mad over things that do not matter in the big picture. Their intelligence agencies plot coups and political espionage domestically and internationally.
They use 5000+ soldiers to protect them while they plot their complete take over all because they are afraid of what the people are capable of.
What’s more?
Everyone's gotta stay woke and follow the latest trends.
Don't pay any attention to the 750 military bases based in 80 countries around the world. 120 in Japan, 119 in Germany, and 73 in South Korea. That accounts for 40% of all US military bases on Russia and China's doorstep.
But yeah the Russian invasion is so unprovoked.
And don't even get me started on the experiments and tests run by the US on numerous subjects throughout it's history. And somehow all the egotistical polictians think the US should be the world's police.
What’s next?
As the Declaration of Independence states: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…"
What is this clock?
It's a measurement created by scientists after the end of WWII to measure how close we are to man-made apocalypse/nuclear holocaust (i.e. midnight).
The Doomsday Clock is a design that warns the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making. It is a metaphor, a reminder of the perils we must address if we are to survive on the planet.
When the Doomsday Clock was created in 1947, the greatest danger to humanity came from nuclear weapons (Cold War). Climate Change was considered for the first time in 2007.
The closest it had been before what it's at now was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the furthest it's been from midnight was in 1991, at the ‘end’ of the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (17 minutes to midnight).
Currently, the time is set by the Science and Security Board (scientists and other experts with deep knowledge of nuclear technology and climate science, who often provide expert advice to governments and international agencies. They seek the views of the Board of Sponsors, before taking any decisions…
This clock is a perfect tool for propaganda and pushing an agenda, isn’t it?
Last question
What is ‘90 seconds’ supposed to translate into in real time? I hope it’s ‘never’… But I doubt it… Be ready… Be prepared… Don’t fall for fear… And everything will be FINE!
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Thank you and have a great Wednesday,
The endtime pastors I listen to say it's 10 seconds. Whatever it is make sure your heart is right with the creator thru Jesus Christ. Nothing else really matters except where your soul spends eternity. Blessings to everyone,,,,y'all be safe, and vigilant.
We have three industries being used for commercial purposes and the politically connected are profiting on both sides. Energy companies in Ukraine and worldwide are ripe for money laundering. Military spending has always been subject to scrutiny, 9-11 was about missing money.
Healthcare now takes trillions and is under government surveillance and control. Introduce a virus then provide the vaccine equals 500 billion dollars annually.