Many will say, Gates doesn't sell anti-virus softwares… Well:
Microsoft owns cybersecurity software program companies…
This 2005 NYT article says ‘Gates confirmed plans to sell antivirus products to both consumers and big businesses’…
Yes, Bill Gates sells A LOT of anti-virus solutions!
And what about vaccines? Here you go…
Bill Gates is totally invested in anti-virus softwares and vaccines…
Now, beware, this post may be soon invaded in full force by angry Microsoft bots…
Arsenic-based antibiotic can fight antibiotic resistance… And new research shows it can also stop transmission of malaria… What a coincidence, isn’t it?
They still don't get it… The brand is radioactive, and their former customers want this "woke" company that pushed a transvestite agenda to go bankrupt… Bud Light releases new ad with Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce in bid to win back male drinkers… RIDICULOUS…
People worried about mercury in vaccines are gonna love this stuff… Mercury causes homosexuality in white ibis birds in the wild… Is it the same for us humans?
Here we go…

Interstellar meteor…. He thinks it is an interstellar meteor but entertains the idea that it COULD be technological… Why Harvard’s Avi Loeb thinks he may have found fragments of an alien spacecraft at the bottom of the Pacific…
One ton cranium is unimaginable to me… Enormous petrified remains of an ichthyosaur have been discovered in the UK…

There is a woman in Louisiana who is filing a federal lawsuit in response to one of these porn censorship laws. In Louisiana you have to show ID (which can be done using the digital LA Wallet) in order to access porn online as long as you are 18 or older. She is challenging this law due to her unique standing of being a military spouse ordered to be in Louisiana who holds a Texas ID (military families don’t have to change ID every time they move within the US for the military). She says watching porn helps her marriage, especially with deployments… LOL!
I think she wasn't freaking out over a man who wasn't there. She was freaking out because she perceived something very wrong with a man she was sitting next to / near. It was so wrong she thought he wasn't real / human and wanted to flee the plane. I don't think its drugs or karen, I think the "aliens" aren't masking as good…
Let’s say, it’s climate change… In less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues with 1,310 of them dead…
In a new paper, Phase Transition in Random Circuit Sampling, Google presents their new quantum computer. According to the researchers, the new device instantly makes calculations that take rivals 47 years. While the 2019 machine had 53 qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers, the next generation device has 70. Adding more qubits improves a quantum computer’s power exponentially, meaning the new machine is 241 million times more powerful than the 2019 machine. The researchers said it would take Frontier, the world’s leading supercomputer, 6.18 seconds to match a calculation from Google’s 53-qubit computer from 2019. In comparison, it would take 47.2 years to match its latest one.

Nobody should give any attention to what a “reparations panelist” has to say… California reparations panelist blasts White men as a 'danger to society': They're 'shooting up schools'…
Amongst the other things of course...
I can guarantee that if I went out into the street and asked people what they think about this, nobody will have heard about it… Sunak’s Britcoin ambitions hit by huge public backlash…
Youtuber Mr.Beast is funded by people with deep pockets…
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work.
An Area 51 blogger was raided at gunpoint by federal agents… Ever since his homes were raided by federal agents eight months ago, he’s been trying to figure out why… He says the US Government is trying to silence him…
China says it has successfully tested the world's fastest train. At 400-450 km per hour, it is as fast as maglev trains, but will be able to travel on its existing 42,000 km high speed rail network…
3 cents more and the prophecy will be fulfilled… Price of a US stamp rises to 66 cents, the second hike this year and the 5th increase since 2019…
Mars is populated entirely by robots… Well that’s what they want you to think… A new blockbuster coming out soon! Ingenuity helicopter phones home from Mars after 63-day silence…
It will be the official currency of the world very soon… India refiners start yuan payments for Russian oil imports…
Is it controversial to tell a foreign citizen he needs documents to get a driver license?
And yet “peer reviewed” is seen as the ultimate stamp of human wisdom… A researcher who publishes a study every two days reveals the darker side of science…
The power of clipping things… YouTube censors Roseanne Barr and Theo Von for discussing censorship…
Open their API, free of charge, and allow content to be viewed by unregistered users. Easy steal… Meta could probably hire many of ex-Twitter employees to jumpstart their rival service… Good timing… Facebook owner Meta set to launch Twitter rival on Thursday…
Don’t feed wild animals… Otherwise, they will come for you… Residents in a northeast Winnipeg community are on high alert after two children were injured in separate coyote attacks days apart…
I'm surprised this latest round of accusers didn't end up dead… 3 of his last accusers miraculously died… Kevin spacey "acted like a predator"…
A wet 4th of July for some of you:
Flooding in Chicago…
Flooding in New York…
Meanwhile, in Quebec, Canada, it doesn’t look better at all…
Meanwhile, a fundraiser for police officer who killed French teenager raises €1m…
Sunspot counts hit a 21-year high… The sun is partying like it's 2002. That's the last time sunspot counts were as high as they are now. The monthly average sunspot number for June 2023 was 163. This eclipses every month since Sept. 2002:

To all of my American followers, I wish you a wonderful 4th of July… The National Day of Switzerland is on the 1st of August (if anybody cares)… I am Swiss and Canadian for the newcomers…
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Gates was Fauci roomy in college, Gates quit, Fauchi continued to become a doctor (haha) and NEVER saw ONE patient!
Gates quit college, became a real good thief of ideas from others, never got a degree in anything, yet every one believes he is a philanthropist.......NOPE.....he is just a common asswipe that wants to rule the world......along with his gayblade buttbuddy Harari....cannot wait for all of them to start offing each other for control!
Bill Gates is truly the worst serial killer in human history along with his roomy & fellow psychopath. Fauci.. Bill Gates has the same type of narcisstic detached personality as Ted Bundy. The only difference - Bill has more money. It's truly unbelievable he & Fauci are walking free. Both should have been arrested on international terrorism & murder charges long ago.