Elon Musk removes China state-affiliated media tags…
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for April 21, 2023...
Right now, it seems that all of the ‘state-affiliated’ and ‘government-funded’ tags have been removed from Twitter…
Yes! They have been removed from all accounts among others: NPR, PBS and Russia and China… What a move!
This is how these people (example of Chen Weihua) were tagged previously…

What probably happened:
Elon wanted to remove the Chinese state-affiliated tags so that he can improve his relations with the CCP in order to continue doing business with them on favourable terms.
In order to justify this he began using the culture war movement and added ‘state-affiliated’ tags to center-left news media organizations. Because there was no proof that organizations like NPR are ‘state-affiliated’ he changed the tag to ‘government- funded.’
He then used the backlash from these organizations to remove all state-affiliated tags thus removing the Chinese ones in the process…
These rich guys lose all their morals when they see $$$… Twitter strips labels from NPR, PBS and Russia and China accounts…
CNN recently interviewed the grandson of 84 y/o Andrew Lester, the man who shot the teen attempting to enter his home The grandson said his grandfather is a racist Christian male that watches Fox News You know what CNN didn’t disclose? The grandson’s Twitter bio & here’s why…
What this did (and probably still does) is direct search results to show only curated sources, and not what you are actually searching for. The same techniques are applied to other shootings, pro-life groups, Gun Owners of America, Anthony Bourdain, Pizzagate, and other topics…. Leaked "twiddler" blacklist from 2018 shows Google and YouTube really didn't want people looking into Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock and his girlfriend…
2,000-year-old graves found in ancient necropolis below busy Paris train station…
Misleading title. Intentionally misleading, actually. 40 anomalies found that could be remnants of graves or bodies… B.C. First Nation says 40 unmarked graves found around former residential school…
Bayer trying to normalize youth Heart Attacks on Twitter…

Geologists have found the first direct proof of the largest known mega-flood that ever occurred on earth, ending what is known as the ‘Messinian Salinity Crisis’… The entire Mediterranean refilled in 2~ years…
Is anyone buying this? Why haven’t we seen the Nashville Shooters manifesto?

The film's armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is still facing charges… Charges dropped against Alec Baldwin in fatal on-set 'Rust' shooting…
Sabotage? Or they just have some difficulty understanding how borders work…Russian plane accidentally strikes Russian city near Ukraine border leaving 20m crater…
Something tells me the sins going to be in the emails… Vatican says disclosing emails in court clash is a "grave sin"…
Old but efficient…

Good move! But they will lose a lot of traffic = money… How long until they bring it back like Tumblr? Imgur is about to wipe a ton of porn from the internet…
It’s White Pocket as seen from above... An otherworldly spot in Northern Arizona…
Smart policy… Lithium will probably increase in value tremendously in the next decades… Chile plans to nationalize its vast lithium industry…
Videos about Disney's shady side is literally how I started my conspiracy journey like a decade ago. Such a crazy world… Season 2, Episode 23 of Disney’s Duck Tales…
After Dominion… Smartmatic wants more than Dominion's $787 million payout, plus a retraction from Fox for its 2020 election lies…
Saudi company draws unlimited Arizona ground water amid drought: Farms in Arizona are growing alfalfa – one of the most water-intensive crops – in an area where there's a shortage of water. Farms are shipping the crop to Saudi Arabia, where it's illegal to grow because it takes too much water…
Time to start filling trash bags with gasoline… Panic buying causes widespread gas station closures in South Florida…
Could it be? Is everything being destroyed to fit a narrative?
When they said stop the spread this isn't what they meant… Dutch nurse suspected of killing 24 COVID patients…
Amazing fireball seen over CT, MA, NJ, NY, Ontario, PA, RI, VA and VT on Thursday, April 20th 2023 around 04:00 UT…
How do natives feel about this one? I mean, lots of things in North America are named after tribes and people. Are they trying to erase you? New York state education officials vote to prohibit public schools from using Indigenous team names, logos or mascots…
Interesting tshirt, Drake Bell… What are you trying to say with these symbols on your shirt?
The NIH has poured $1 billion into long Covid research — with little to show for it…
The Attorney General lied to Congress and it looks like he’s going to get away with it. Rules for thee…
And Washington state did the exact opposite. Recognize the polarization techniques yet? Florida just passed a bill allowing the state to physically take custody of your child for seeking or taking gender affirming healthcare measures…
There was more than a flurry of surprise for parts of Saudi Arabia shortly before iftar on Wednesday, as heavy snow and hailstorm hit the Taif region, blanketing streets and delaying traffic…
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Is anyone surprised that Mr. Baldwin skated? Not me. Not in the least. To think that Steve Baldwin is his brother is so strange to me.
The grandson of Andrew Lester gives me chills. Not because I'm afraid of him but because of what and who he aligns himself with - the adversary of God and mankind - satan. And it is not satan who I am afraid of, it is GOD who has infinite power over satan! This man is a perfect example for the reason that God created a place called Hell; a place to keep those wicked spirits that rebelled against Him, including the spirits of every man who chooses darkness and wickedness instead of God who IS LIGHT and has NO DARKNESS in Him at all (1 John 1:5)
These people like Klint Ludwig are free to make a choice (here comes the part that gives me chills) but they choose evil over good because they are DECEIVED! This doesn't happen overnight for any person like him. They are born with the knowledge of God (Romans 1:19) and are aware even of His Godhead. (Three Parts equalling ONE God) But they, knowing what is right and good CHOOSE to walk away from God in vanity and He allows them, darkening their understanding as they go and withdrawing this knowledge of Him from them and they soon lose all sense of the Truth.
Now, having no God given truth within them, they are open for deception of all sorts and we know who can dish deception out don't we? Soon they become captive of their own choices and walk off into a horrifying eternity of pain, eternal death, (we think of death as the end but for those in Hell, it is the beginning of an eternity of painful death) suffering and hopelessness. We are ETERNAL creatures and the Bible makes that clear. The person inside of everyone, their spirit, will LIVE FOREVER in only one of two places. Chilling and unthinkable for one, Glorious beyond description for the other.
But God is MERCIFUL and even now, if this wicked man would change his mind (repent) and seek God with his whole heart, God would forgive him and he would become one of those who will live with God for eternity, (this has happened countless times) ever discovering His Majesty and His hidden world, (hidden from us for now) and inheriting ALL things. (1 Peter 1:4)
I like to see videos of people watching a giant glacier or massive iceberg calving and falling into the sea. To be there in person surely must be a thrill to our soul and the sheer largeness of such an event causes us to marvel, saying, ooo and ahh, even clapping, whistling and applauding.
I compare that to the same type of thrill we will see in God's domain only magnified a billion times as we see His Grandeur and enormous magnitude. We will have new eyes, perhaps several, to see new colors and new ears, (perhaps four or ten of them) to hear new sounds, in new bodies that could actually fly up and stand on one of those glaciers and experience it from WITHIN without being hurt because our bodies will be INDESTRUCTIBLE and IMMORTAL!
The only limit to what we will see in God's Kingdom (and beyond, perhaps other even universes) is our own imagination but you can be certain of one thing; it will be infinite times BETTER than we could imagine with our finite minds! 1 Corinthians 2:9 The closer I get to seeing God, either by death or Rapture (I pray for the latter) it becomes more difficult for me to understand who could turn down such an offer.