Emergencies all over! And you should care about all those things at the same time...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for September 20, 2023...
It's an emergency…
In Missouri 40% of the state's corn crop was classified as poor or very poor.
Iowa, the nation's top corn producer, is in the midst of its worst drought in a decade with about 80% of the state in some measure of drought…
Midwest towns scramble as drought threatens drinking water…
This drought also means the water level in the Mississippi River is sinking, thus reducing loads on barges and increasing shipping prices…
This is really bad news for farmers and end consumers. Inflation isn’t going to slow down this fast…
About to be renamed: Ex… X will charge users ‘a small monthly payment’ to use its service…
Brutal! lightning strike kills two people on Mexican beach…
It reminds me of the Netflix Cleopatra "documentary," where in the first few minutes of the series, Haley recalls her grandmother telling her “I don’t care what they tell you in school, Cleopatra was Black.'” Stonehenge was built by black Britons, children’s history book claims…
Jet fuel burns down buildings but can't burn down the woods…
This is going to make 2300 very different… After peaking at 10 billion this century we could drop fast to 2 billion…
$5.3 billion spent on Direct Energy Weapons in 2022 – Is the New Age of “Climatic Warfare” here?

After manufacturing crystals of an HIV drug in space, the first orbital factory is stuck in orbit after being denied reentry back to Earth due to safety concerns… Space drugs factory denied reentry to Earth…
The U.S. Geological Survey just revealed that a new volcanic eruption is occurring within the United States. This eruption is occurring at a submarine volcano named the Ruby Seamount which is 29 miles north northwest of the populated island of Saipan in what is the Northern Mariana Islands…
Years later... after telling everyone that the "White Supremacists" were trying to kidnap the Governor of Michigan... turns out it was all a lie, perpetrated by the government… BTW, it was the Ukrainians who bombed the Market Place in Kostiantynivka…
Certain names are banned in Australia, but what happens if one is used is unclear, so a reporter named her newborn "Methamphetamine Rules" to find out…
Russell Brand demonetized by YouTube.
Is youtube still going to run ads on his videos and just take 100% of that revenue?
If Brand is found innocent in a court of law, does youtube pay him his share of that lost revenue?
Gee why does this sound so familiar?
Right in the eye of a tornado in China (1 dead and 3 injured)…
A new human species? Mystery surrounds 300,000-year-old fossil…
I have a date tomorrow night at a sushi restaurant… I can’t wait!
Nice to be rich. Azerbaijan has oil, Armenia has none. So one of them has many times more money for the procurement of weapons… Moreover, Azer has 4 times the population of Armenia… And Arminia is depended on Russia for more than 90% of its security… Looks pretty bad for them! Azerbaijan unilaterally closed Armenian Airspace as ground war begins…
To ground every plane is very suspicious, what is the most likely truth?
Nuclear is the way. Just don't f up… If you think nuclear energy is too risky, you are likely the victim of believing common social myths…
Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing it to Create Confusion”…
Hey Guys! Now its time to SUPPORT MY WORK!
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work via:
A catastrophic hailstorm in Valencia, Spain has resulted in nearly $43 million worth of crop destruction, hitting close to 100% of some farmers' harvests. The harsh weather had a significant impact across approximately 37,000 acres of land, affecting a wide range of produce including vineyards, citrus fruits, persimmons, avocados, almond trees, olive trees, rice and vegetables. The region's primary grape producer is expected to see a more than 60% decrease in the harvest compared to recent annual averages due to the severe damage to their vines… Spain hailstorm destroys nearly $43 million worth of crops as it hits nearly 100% of some farmers' harvests…
6.3-magnitude quake hits 180 km N of Hirara, Japan…

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Anthony Fauci and his wife netted $2 million during Covid pandemic… They are now worth $11 million…
People don’t get pregnant. Women get pregnant. America is in a cultural revolution changing words to fit the narrative… Notice it doesn't say anywhere that it IS safe, just that it's being monitored…
Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened? Think about the currently brown coalition currently leading the country…
Compilation of Lahaina locals saying this fire was a planned attack & NOT natural + police blockade clips…
This is happening everywhere, on a local level. There was an influx of new easy money. Young, professional, upper middle class earner began to play beyond their means. These people had no idea what they were doing. They bought local businesses and completely collapsed them. So many small businesses go under in exactly this way, and it will only get worse as the money tab is being turned off. These are all prelude to an economic collapse rivaling that one of 2008… My question: Why does the ‘War on Inflation’ feel a-lot like the ‘War on Drugs’? US corporate debt defaults surge 176% as the Fed's war on inflation pushes more companies into financial distress…
Gasoline prices soar to US seasonal record…

But But But……..it’s not Biden’s fault gas prices are high… Biden Admin shuts down future oil and gas activity on thousands of acres in New Mexico…
Students caught handing out 'N-word passes' at school…
This flash one of the brightest ever recorded on the giant gas planet, was observed last month… Probably a giant asteroid impact… According to Dr Arimatsu's initial analyses, the flash reported in August had an impact comparable to the 1908 Tunguska explosion in Siberia, which experts believe was an asteroid that ripped apart 800 square miles of forest…
That’s the upshot of a new poll shared exclusively with Vox. The poll, commissioned by the think tank AI Policy Institute and conducted by YouGov, surveyed 1,118 Americans from across the age, gender, race, and political spectrums in early September. It reveals that 63 percent of voters say regulation should aim to actively prevent AI superintelligence…
The mysterious lives of Ancient Japan…
Yea I'm sure it's just vaping....not sedentary lifestyles, poor eating habits with high sugar, high saturated fats, high cholesterol foods… UAE: Hospitals report increase in heart attacks among patients in their 30s…
Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a fast-moving CME strike on Sept. 18th. The CME's arrival (a day earlier than expected) sparked a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm with auroras stretching from France to the West Coast of the USA. At the apex of the storm, red atomic-oxygen auroras spread into the United States as far south as Colorado (+40.4N), Missouri (+40.1N), and Nebraska (+41.9N). It was a true mid-latitude event.
Not all the lights in the sky were auroras. Many observers also spotted STEVE… Notable sightings of STEVE were made in Montana, Michigan, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming.
Hey Guys! Now its time to SUPPORT MY WORK!
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work.
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Thank you for your help and have a great Wednesday,
So many things going on. The forced food shortages are being intentionally perpetrated by the deep state on EVERY level including lowering the Mississippi river (by drought) in the heart of our nation's food producing agricultural regions by geoengineering.
The hail storms in Spain which destroyed up to 100% of many Spanish farmer's crops are MANUFACTURED by chemical ice nucleation in the atmosphere combined with massive frequency generation, all part of the weather warfare happening globally. When has a FLOOD EVER killed 20,000 people? Just happened in Libya but before that, not since the time of Noah! This famine will result in a global food shortage such as has NEVER been seen before! One loaf of bread will cost a day's wages!!! (Revelation 6:6)
The lethal lightning strike on the beach is ALSO a result of geoengineering. The atmosphere is heavily laden with electrically conductive, nanoparticles of metals intentionally sprayed from jet aircraft, visible in the sky all over the world. They increase the natural level of electricity in the sky producing lightning more powerful than has EVER been seen before and in which entire herds (100s at a time!) of grazing animals are being killed BY ONE LIGHTNING STRIKE! Yet the people still believe the lies of the media that these lines criss crossing each other and making the sky look like a checkerboard are simply "contrails" or water vapor. See geoengineeringwatch.org for more info on this.
There was a time, not long ago, actually, when I used to walk along the beach, let my dog swim in the water and even swim in the sea myself without any worries of deadly pestilence, only sharks. These exotic viruses and bacteria are inundating the earth, I wonder why. The very first time the world heard of the brain eating amoeba was in the 1990s. I used to look at them under the microscope in Biology classes in high school in the late 1970s. They looked innocent enough to me, and they WERE until they changed them! Why are these bugs getting so deadly now? Could it be that there are hundreds of military and civilian BIOLABS across the globe which are engaged in producing MORE HARMFUL PESTILENCES? I think so. What? Do you think they are experimenting with them for the benefit of mankind? How obvious can it get before the masses wake up???
Don't eat Sushi. The media made it popular in the 2000s FOR A REASON - as another way to sicken and kill us. The civilized, western cultures frowned upon eating raw fish forever, (that is until the late 90s) and for every good reason but the media turned it into a new "health sensation" and hip food trend. (TV, movies, magazines, fashion shows, etc.) Fish are an EXCELLENT harbor for bacteria, viruses and parasites. I'm a (retired) professional, highly trained and certified chef and I NEVER ate Sushi! I have pulled way too many visible worms from fresh fish in my day to EVER want to put any raw fish in my mouth!
Excellent Substack today, Manuel. It's probably getting more difficult to decide which content to include here as there are so many things going on right now. More than I have ever seen in my life. Why doesn't EVERYONE see it? Could it be the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2:11? I truly can't see any other way that so many could be so completely deceived.
However, it was widely reported in several Tech publications earlier this year that Twitter’s track record of complying with government demands to turn over data on Twitter users has actually INCREASED dramatically since Elon Musk took over Twitter.
Twitter is complying with more government demands under Elon Musk