Funny how quickly you get banned from banks when you call out certain people...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 14, 2022...
I really wonder why Epstein wasn't even treated as harshly as Kanye?
Northwest cod 2: snow crab boogaloo! Where have they all gone? Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate mysterious disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs – Unprecedented 90% drop in population…
This is where misinformation leads… Climate activists throw tomato soup on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at National Gallery…
Anyone who is surprised has egg on their face lol… Musk's SpaceX says it can no longer pay for critical satellite services in Ukraine, asks Pentagon to pick up the tab…
A great summary of the situation. I love Musk’s answer…
Alarming Cholera outbreak kills over 60 in Syria – Lebanon reports first cases since 1993…
Anti-Ukrainian protesters in Germany yell at Ukrainians that they should leave Germany…
This scale of money just can't be blown on hardware and salaries… Meta has burned $15 billion trying to build the metaverse — and nobody's saying exactly where the money went…
I wonder if we piss them off enough, they'll spill the beans on 9/11…
TikTok's search engine pumps misinformation to its young users… Actually, how is Tiktok different from other social media giants at promoting misinformation?
What's the best way to put it? Like: I’m in Kiev, trust me bro…
Who has read the book ‘WHO BUILT THE MOON’? It totally blew my mind!
Finally, an honest politician: "I will never stop standing up for big pharma, and standing against my constituents."
It’s a manufactured shortage by the DEA… FDA confirms Adderall shortage in the US… But why can't individuals take the generic Adderall from Sandoz (Switzerland)? Sounds like there’s no problem with availability there. Insurance fuckery?
Thank you Sun for keeping us safe from all the stuff that's trying to kill us so that you may have more chances to try and kill us… The heliosphere that protects us from the universe…
There was a captain planet episode where all the cows got skin cancer because of the ozone hole. Instead of fixing it they started rubbing sun screen on the cows… White House is pushing ahead research to cool Earth by reflecting back sunlight…
China pretty much turned off the internet in Beijing during XI protests today…
NASA's Swift and Fermi missions detect exceptional cosmic blast…
Something is not right here… I've seen pharmaceutical companies fined less for actually murdering people with drugs they knew were toxic… It gives you an idea where the priorities of govts are…
NATO plans to go through with scheduled nuclear exercises next week despite the ratcheting nuclear rhetoric surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war, which also only days ago saw President Joe Biden warn of the risk of the world witnessing “Armageddon” in highly controversial remarks…
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary by Geoengineering Watch…
How dare you! Hacked data reveals Mexican gov’t sold arms to drug cartels, spied on reporters…
ha ha, this is so much fun to watch… The pfizer director is chuckling when telling in parliament the vax was never tested regarding transmission. This was the basis of their 'you have to do it for others.'... So this is now revealed as a complete lie.

The irony of a music festival known for its back to back weekends of wanton (wonton) sex being anti abortion is not lost on me… Coachella’s parent company is donating major cash to a political organization pushing anti-abortion agenda…
The Sphinx has a tail!
Human neurons transplanted into a rat’s brain continue to grow, forming connections with the animals’ own brain cells and helping guide their behavior…
Since it's federal land it goes by federal law so weed would still be illegal there. Although it looks like it's going to be legalized soon… A “marijuana prohibited” sign outside Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado…
Well at least the geologists are having fun… Lake Mead water crisis is exposing volcanic rock from ancient cataclysmic eruptions…
I continue to be mystified that the man at the center of Pizzagate, whose emails were published on WikiLeaks showing a relationship with Marina Abramovic (spirit cooker) and who had kids delivered "for entertainment" now advises White House on child vaxx policy. Mad world...
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Dick Cheney Alex Jones graphic reposted
The White House is pushing ahead> This is another gates boondoggle. Guaranteed he’ll make billions off us us pushing us into a new ice age. It doesn’t take a great deal to do that. Krakatoa caused famine when he blew, and the north had two years without summer. Gates is a favorite of soros, and soros is waiting for the new Führer to launch a war against the West. At this time, he’s grooming Erdogan of Turkey. Erdogan has passed most tests to become the next caliph. If he is voted in, then he owns all 57 Muslim nations, all the people, and all their wealth. What they need is a weak America. The Weimar Republic scenario is happening now in the US, open borders, rampant inflation, and so on. If you never read George Washington’s Valley Forge prophecies, please do so. They were published circa 1803 by his stepson. The 3rd one details the black clouds, the invasion of the US by North Africa and Asia. The invasion is supposed to follow the Rapture. Again, it would not take much of a reduction in temperatures to cause an ice age. Also, reducing CO2 guarantees less food: No CO2, no plants. We are already in such a reduction following a much hotter period a century ago.
Mexico also invited in Monsanto, which ‘donated’ maize with a trigger. It stopped producing by the 3rd generation and destroyed varieties of desert/drought adapted maize thousands of years old. This killed 9,000 Tarahumara. And, that was the plan. The Tarahumara never recognized Mexico as owning their lands. Monsanto paid 10 billion dollars and soros moved them into the Bayer corporation to stop further lawsuits.
Have t’ say it, 75K is peanuts. Also have to say with American Indians, if a woman gets an abortion her own mother may be the reason that woman got an assisted suicide. If a woman doesn’t want children, there are herbal remedies to prevent conception. And, as well, some that prevent a women from ovulation for the rest of her life.