Has anybody seen this? BAALenciaga! And people think it’s a game...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 23, 2022...
The devil’s in the details as they say... On one of the pics from the Balenciaga child photos, Balenciaga is spelled BAALenciaga…
BAAL and Meloch are the demons or entities that people use as an excuse to torture and execute kids for sacrifice…
And in Christian demonology, BAAL is one of the seven princes of Hell…
I don’t know if it’s true! However Hollywood has a way of mentioning it’s crimes without saying it upfront. I just think this whole photo shooting and the details are freaking weird.
Meanwhile, Balenciaga has put out a BS apology… But the company will probably be selling record numbers of clothes and other apparels this week-end… It worked pretty well for United Colors Of Benetton a few decades ago…
Another demon… Vaccinated people now make up a majority of covid deaths…
I wouldn’t go there for vacations right now… Bolsonaro now no longer conceding election, claiming fraudulent results due to voting software error…
And just like that, we will stop hearing about the Colorado shooter…

Are you ready? Fifth large quake in 48 hours… This is worrying to say the least… M6.1 earthquake shakes Turkey – At least 50 people injured – Power disruption – People jumping from balconies…
With the right light and flexible perspective it seems to me there's always something incredible to see…
It’s gonna get very crowded very soon… Biden reveals the White House plan for living on the moon and mining its resources… The US has a plan… China has a goal and is developing new nuclear system to power moon base expected to be up and running by 2028… Again the US is way behind…
Let me guess… He wants another $50 billion to fight the weather?
Money is money; Rules are for the others… European countries are selling Russian oil to the UK under their own flag, bypassing the "no russia" policy through a loophole…
French billionaire Philippe Argillier claims he has four databases that will expose 38 individuals who run the "shadow government"…
Mutants all over… Genetically-engineered mosquitoes suppress survival of their kind, in field trials designed to reduce mosquito-borne diseases…
Well, these giant tarantulas will need more tiny frogs. Insects will eat the tarantula's eggs - so the spiders protect the frogs from predators, and in return the frogs eat the insects.
Get ready for more cyber attacks and glitches… Google has a secret new project that is teaching artificial intelligence to write and fix code. It could reduce the need for human engineers in the future…
Queensland senator demands to know why WEF penetration of cabinets around the world hasn’t triggered a national security alert…
Why was the adult pointing his gun at a kid’s chest while he unloaded? Aren’t we talking basic gun safety here? 6 shot, 11-year-old killed during Wisconsin's gun-deer season opening weekend…
Klaus Schwab says China is a "role model for many countries" and proclaims a "systemic transformation of the world" on Chinese state television…
Stop geoengineering, stop spraying deadly chemicals in our air… Decades of air pollution undermine the immune system…
The middle picture is so disturbing… But what a coincidence having Trudeau and him smilling on the same picture…
They probably have the bomb already… Or this is the proof they are close to having it… Iran starts enriching uranium to 60% purity at Fordow plant… Just keep in mind that going from 5% to 20% is a lot more work than going from 60% to 90% (90% being the ideal purity for weapons). One of the concerns about allowing test reactors to have 20% enrichment is that you are most of the way to 90%. Why does the 20% uranium enrichment line matter? The simple answer is that enriching uranium to 20% represents about 90% of the effort needed to produce weapons grade fissile material. Once a proliferator reaches this threshold, it could be ready to weaponize in a relatively short time. For research reactor fuels enriched to less than 20%, the plutonium component dominates proliferation concerns, which is why the 20% mark is a useful distinction to differentiate between civilian and military applications.
From billionaire to not able to use his ApplePay app… This can happen to everyone of you if you say something against the regime…

Of its alleged 10 million documents leaked, less than 3,000 remain accessible on WikiLeaks' website… WikiLeaks website is struggling to stay online—as millions of documents disappear…
Confirming what we knew all along: The wokes ran Twitter… Let’s trash that…
Mainstream media has taken the word “woke” and changed the meaning. Being woke used to mean that you weren’t asleep on the lies your government was telling you. It was a real conspiracy theorist term. Now it’s being used as going with whatever narrative they are feeding us.
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the SOBs preying on the weak, vulnerable & unawake… God WILL eventually pull the rug out from under them, they WILL get their dues… for eternity.
As far as living on the moon, Biden's head is in the dementia clouds. No one has been to the moon for the simple reason of the Van Allen radiation belts. No one can pass thru that radiation without frying. Literally. The 1969 moon landings were a dual purpose national hoax to distract from the Vietnam unpopularity and to show Russia we're on top of the space race. Everything has been built on a house of cards ever since JFK assassination. So glad Jesus gave us his WORD. The U.S. is toast.