How do you prepare for the apocalypse?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for March 21, 2021...
Sunset in Chicago or Chicagohenge on the equinox, March 20, 2021 by Barry Butler
Today: Biggest, fastest known asteroid flyby of 2021…
Across the English Channel a loud bang and 'earthquake-like' tremors were reported by residents in Dorset. The Ministry of Defence quashed rumours that RAF planes caused the boom. Meanwhile, the American Meteor Society (AMS) received 68 reports (event 1767-2021) about a meteor fireball seen over northern France, England, Wales and Belgium at the same time (around 14:53 UTC). Here a record of the loud booming noise:
The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 143 reports (event 1786-2021) about a meteor fireball seen over CT, DC, DE, IN, MA, MD, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, Ontario, PA, Québec, TN, VA and WV on Sunday, March 21st 2021 around 04:25 UT.
Mysterious moving geyser in Imperial County, California…
Drought expected to worsen across much of the US…
Cloud iridescence forming above a cumulonimbus cloud in Zambia… Photos from Amanda Collins
Get prepared for the next Big One in California…
Red tide spreading at beaches in Lee County, Florida…
The Great Reset is here: Follow the money…
First report of biofluorescence in Arctic snailfish
Miami Beach declares state of emergency…
Global shortage in computer chips 'reaches crisis point'…
The lava dome of the Soufriere volcano continuously grows on the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent…
That is a rare lower tangent arc from Colorado

That’s the best hail protection for your car… (affiliate link)
I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter… Now this is how you can help:
Thank you, Manuel