I am fed up of all this police and government madness
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 10, 2022
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The MSM prepares the public for incoming AIDS outbreak – COVID vaccine link?
We restrict you of all your rights if you don't agree ur a terrorist and a nazi… LOOK AT THE ANSWER!
With the fall of the USSR, globalists needed a new narrative. A new enemy…
In Wellington, NZ today. Unprovoked police brutality DURING FREEDOM CONVOY!

New Zealand convoy 2022. Police instigated violence against the people for PEACEFULLY protesting.
The line is held, tomorrow will be worse! ALREADY 120 arrested and violently thrown around.
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When BLM blockaded roads, the MSM called it peaceful protesting. When the Canadian truckers blockade the roads, its domestic terrorism. Why is that?
Gentle reminder that if the media or government "leaders" call you "alt-right," "racist," "transphobic," or "misogynistic" in order to discredit anything you say, they're really just shouting, "witch, witch, she's a witch!"
And now, the White House now says it never really wanted lockdowns… Hypocrites!
Explain to me how can anybody produce this perfect cylinder shape hole with no power tools back in 3000 BC…
The consumer price index for all items rose 0.6% in January, driving up annual inflation by 7.5%. That marked the biggest gain since February 1982 and was even higher than the Wall Street estimate. Core inflation rose 6%, which also was a notch above expectations. Real earnings for workers increased just 0.1% on the month when accounting for inflation. Weekly jobless claims declined to 223,000, below the 230,000 estimate. THAT DOESN’T SOUND GOOD AT ALL!
Massive Russian Military Drills on Ukraine Border Ratchet Up Threat…
US fighter jets land in Poland…
January 2022: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs…
Space wars: China accused the U.S. of not taking responsibility for problems caused by satellites launched by Elon Musk; Potential risk for conflict between the world’s two top space-faring nations…
Now they want us to eat mutant food to solve a lie, climate change…
A waterspout turns into tornado as it hits the eastern part of the Cuban capital of Havana:
IN OBLIVION: Mummified body of Italian woman found sitting at a table, 2 years after her death…
TOO EARLY: Mississippi fire chief dies hours after legal win allowing use of Ivermectin to treat COVID…
Get the best lightning and EMP protection for your home and car…
After a small winter storm in Norway! LOL!
Scientists discover new planet orbiting nearest star to solar system; Proxima d is the third planet to have been spotted circling Proxima Centauri four light years away…
Can you imagine the media outrage if President Trump decided to give out crack pipes to African Americans during black history month?
Here’s an excellent water filter system for your drinking water at home…
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Thank you, Manuel
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