I have never ever witnessed anything like this...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 10, 2024...
The huge amount of energy in a hurricane is amazing...
And what about this one captured from a tanker sailing in the Gulf of Mexico with winds above 142 mph.
Florida residents began assessing damage Thursday after powerful Hurricane Milton brought strong winds, heavy rains and tornadoes as it moved toward the Gulf Coast and then barreled across the state - 3 million without power - at least 10 dead, 45 tornadoes reported...
Here some first devastating images:
And you will probably ask me why do so many normal people pretend weather manipulation doesn't exist?
I don't think normies don't believe in cloud seeding. That's established science for over 100 years…
The issue is people thinking humans can create hurricanes and direct them towards RED-VOTING states and districts…
ANYWAY, Hurricane Milton is a beast!
While Florida is being slammed by hurricane Milton, a politically less important region of the US is on fire: Wyoming…
Media blackout… Serious disconnect!
The fire is out-of-control, 16% contained. People are evacuating their homes. Gov. Mark Gordon issued an emergency transport order to protect livestock and the significant agriculture industry in the area. This order eases restrictions on cargo size and extends driving hours, both of which can help speed up transportation to safer areas. The state also received a USDA Disaster Declaration, which will assist in agriculture recovery from the wildfire damages…
The previous largest fire recorded in the forest’s 100-year history topped out at around 18,000 acres and took weeks to grow that size. Over the weekend, the Elk Fire grew more than 25,000 acres IN A MATTER OF HOURS. Now more than 76,000.
Another DDoS attack… The Internet Archive has been taken down…
Internet History hacked, Wayback Machine down—31 million passwords stolen…
Another big mess…
Pentagon computers used for Child Porn. Whatever happened to this story?
They investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing…
SOTT Earth Changes Summary - September 2024… Enjoy!
The plane was flying from Seattle to Istanbul when it was diverted to New York City for an emergency landing after "one of the pilots suffered a medical emergency," according to the FAA…
Scientists accidentally find deep-sea 'jelly' creatures that merge into 'single entity' after injury…
Btw, you can disintegrate a sponge to individual cells, and they will reintegrate…
Around 200 people may have been buried after a landslide occurred in the Port of Terra Preta , in the municipality of Manacapuru, state of Amazonas, northwest of Brazil , official sources reported. The Fire Department said that the land that supported part of the port, located on the banks of the Amazon River, slid for reasons still unknown…
THE CME HAS ARRIVED, AND THE STORM HAS BEGUN: The CME launched by Tuesday's X-flare has just reached Earth. It appears to be as potent as advertised. Solar wind speeds jumped up to 750 km/s, and a crack is opening in Earth's magnetic field. A geomagnetic storm is underway with an intensity currently fluctuating between G2 (Moderate) and G4-class (Severe).
Auroras have been observed in Switzerland:
Meanwhile, electrical currents are flowing through rocks and soil in the United States in response to today's geomagnetic storm. Red zones in this map from NOAA show where the geoelectric voltages are highest:

Peak voltages in the US midwest are near 5 V/km, more than 100x normal values when the sun is quiet. Fortunately, today's peaks are only about 25% of what caused the Great Quebec Blackout in 1989. Power outages are therefore unlikely.
Nikola Tesla's prophecy…
Considering how much this man knew and how little I know I can only fathom what he was imagining…
No, sorry… It’s like he predicted the Tesla Truck…
Now, convince me that there is not an elite Satanic cult controlling the world and plotting to destroy us all…
I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have problems reading it, please follow the instructions here…
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If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work.
Thank you and have a great Thursday,
Hurricane Milton was perfectly positioned to devastate nearly the entire state of Florida, with super intense flooding on the North side of the storm, encompassing Orlando, Ocala, Tampa and more. The devastation is going to be massive and will absolutely wreck Florida's fertilizer exporters, with huge implications on next year's farm crops in America. Engineered storms = engineered famine.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: The child porn scandals that rock the places of government and world religion by the rulers of the darkness of this world will NEVER go away because it's controlled by the elite and they can cover up ANY story that gets out. They CONTROL what gets out and every bit of the Jeffrey Epstein wickedness for example, was intended to get to the public to bolster their promotion of "false conspiracy theories" otherwise they would all be in jail for their crimes right now!
The evil that they perform in underground ceremonies using BABIES and small children, the most innocent of all, is simply unthinkable. They use these little children in horrific, unspeakable ways, drinking their blood and harvesting it for making adrenochrome. Just think, if you can, the limitless evil that could be done upon these poor children and you probably won't have imagined the most inhuman things they do in secret places.
The Bible speaks of a bronze statue of Molech with his hands stretched out into a cup which they would heat to glowing red and put the babies into its hands. It was difficult to type that. But guess what? They STILL do such horrific things and MORE! The wicked have never stopped sacrificing to Molech!
All judges in the higher courts and the "elected leaders of the 3 branches of the federal gov't are mostly ALL involved and those that are not are kept from blowing the whistle by BLACKMAIL. This is DEEP folks, so deep that most simply refuse to believe any of it. But there is proof for those who want to learn it. I spend my life SEARCHING for Truth.
But the actual truth is much more horrifying. They, the deep state, yes - those with the HIGHEST security clearances- didn't get to their positions by being law abiding, good humanitarian citizens, NO! The got into the wicked club by signing OATHS to secret societies that worship Satan. That's correct, they worship Satan in underground, secret locations where they perform, as they always have, since the days of Nimrod, CHILD SACRIFICE to Molech.
They have GENERATIONS of non registered young women living underground, kept as sex slaves, giving birth to an endless supply of babies worldwide for their wicked sacrifices. All powerful and sloppy rich people in this world are part of this club which is actually controlled by, of all places, the VATICAN And you can learn much of this by reading the Bible.
The squeaky clean appearances of these witches and warlocks when they don their "holy" garb or "respectful" positions topside is just a facade - THE BIGGEST facade and they call on the powers of the spiritual wickedness in high places to help them do their bidding and assist with their hidden technology which they use AGAINST the people.
This I have compiled from my endless research into the "conspiracy" realms where they do NOT want anyone to look. Several books in my library are now UNOBTAINABLE because in this day people are more curious than ever about these things. I have been studying all of this for DECADES.
They have successfully kept these secrets by two main systems; compartmentalization and...RIDICULE. Anyone outside of their club that calls attention to their deepest secrets (someone like me) they ridicule to scorn by those whom they have brainwashed and dumbed down to buy all of their lies which cover up the truth. I'm much too small a voice to gain their attention so they just censor me on Youtube (I don't do any other social media but occasionally Rumble and Bitchute but even RUMBLE censors me!) There are few places that don't censor me, this is one of them, thank you Manuel.
Most people are now AFRAID to speak up about anything they learn about them for FEAR of being castigated from the status quo and being marginalized as a "tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy wacko".
My love of truth prevents me from worrying about what people think of me, I'm WAYYYY beyond that. I just want people to wake up and LOOK at what is happening in this world and how it all ties into Bible prophecy. I want people to set aside the lies they have been programmed to believe for a moment and look at the ugly underbelly of this wicked system which they keep hidden by the media in all of its forms. When we search for the Truth, it will eventually lead us to the Bible and to Jesus Christ, our Creator and Savior.