This newsletter is brought to you by Augusta Precious Metals, your premier GOLD IRA company… It’s now the best time to invest in precious metals to achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
Las Vegas, NM declares emergency, with less than 50 days of clean water supply left… New Mexico. Las Vegas, New Mexico. The time is coming, though . . .

They will always try to trick us… U.S. Bank illegally used customer data to create sham accounts to inflate sales numbers for the last decade. Now they've been fined $37.5 million plus interest on unlawfully collected fees… In your face!
These are not special forces… These are members of the CJNG cartel in Mexico, which seem to be very well funded…
Lunar pits and caves could provide stable temperatures for human habitation… There are some shady locations within pits on the moon that always hover around a comfortable 63 degrees Fahrenheit…
Haoko the Gorilla loves spending time with his kids, but his missus doesn’t allow it when they’re too young, so he “abducts” them, forcing the mom into a harmless, playful chase. It’s sort of a family tradition, as he did it with all 3 of his kids…
Hawaii gets its last shipment of coal, ever… The state's last coal-fired power plant will close down in September… Hawai'i gets 11% of its electricity from coal and 64% from petroleum… The state is heavily reliant on Diesel power generators… But the US has a Diesel shortage, no? Oups…
Albert Einstein: “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones…” North Korea will be best prepared…
‘We don’t want any more assimilation. We don’t need any more churches and we don’t need your god.’ Oglala Sioux Tribe temporarily suspends all Christian missionary work…
If people don't believe in GeoEngineering or chemtrails, all they have to do is research Operation Popeye, where the US government started a weather warfare on Vietnam by spraying them with chemtrails…
US and Japan move toward founding of 'economic NATO' to counter China…
Bravo. Faith in humanity has been slightly restored…
The wind is turning… 500 fired health care workers win historic multi-million dollar settlement in COVID mandate 'Wake-up Call'…
Desert turns into sea… UAE and Saudi Arabia heavy floods...
22 vacationers collapse and die on Italian beaches in three-day period…
More than 53 dead in Iran following downpours, flash flooding and mudslides…
While we suffer at the pumps… ExxonMobil scores enormous profit on record gas prices at a whopping $2,245.62 a second…
Chinese rocket re-entry: The Aerospace Corporation is predicting a reentry of China's massive Long March 5B rocket booster on July 30th at 17:15 UTC ± 1 hour. This places it along a ground track that is mostly ocean with a little bit of Amazon rain forest. It is possible that no one will see or confirm the reentry. This is the rocket booster that propelled the Wentian science lab to China's Tiangong space station on July 24th.
They just don’t care about people… Just about the stock value! Facebook approved pro-genocide ads in Kenya after claiming to foster 'safe and secure' elections…
3 meteor showers in one night: Be alert for fireballs tonight, July 30th. Earth is passing through debris streams from three comets: 169P/NEAT, 96P/Machholz, and 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Respectively, these produce the alpha Capricornid, southern delta Aquariid, and Perseid meteor showers. (Earth is only in the outskirts of the Perseid stream.) Together, the three showers will combine for as many as 20 meteors per hour with a sprinkling of bright fireballs after local midnight.
To sexy for what? Alabama prisons say reporter’s skirt too short to witness execution…
No more post coming home? USPS plans to slash 50,000 positions in coming years to reach 'break even' point…
Congress regulating themselves is 100% proof the market is going to crash soon… The market is 100% rigged and controlled by algorithms to extract the most amount of money from Retail, 401k’s, and retirement funds all for the benefit of the top .01% and govt insiders… It’s now time to invest in precious metals to achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
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Remove ALL major contaminants of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
Never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
Thank you for your help and have a great Saturday…
The regulation on the Oglala rez was rescinded. this isn't Pine Ridge nazism, but it's time the war department released the reservation so they can pick their own leaders, not ones the dnc owns.