Just put the sunglasses on, you'll see, they live...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 4, 2022...
Safe & Effective…
Humans could breathe out of their buttholes like pigs, and trials will begin this year…
Sunlight through this fountain looks like it is pouring lava - L'Aquila, Italy…
Upset over LGBTQ books, a Michigan town defunds its library in tax vote…
Amnesty International accuses Ukraine of war crimes… Mainstream media won't tell you about it…

Meanwhile, Kiev accuses Amnesty of disinformation… LOL! Zelenski, Come on!

Incredible! Lollapalooza security guard faked mass shooting threat to leave work early…
The Metaverse real estate boom turns into a bust…
Even more incredible! Another security guard allegedly thought the Oxford School Shooting was a drill and that a bleeding student had a “really good makeup” on…
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/YouTube - All private companies allowed to reduce your speech as much as they like regardless whether you consider them “publishers” or not… Good luck with your endeavour…

Craft breweries shutting down due to national carbon dioxide shortage…
Earlier today, a new volcanic eruption began in Iceland. Just northeast of where Geldingadalir famously erupted in 2021, the same volcanic system ejected lava out of a 100 meter long fissure. As a result, the alert level of this Iceland volcano was temporarily raised to red, and the eruption plume became visible across the peninsula. So, what will happen next? Where will the lava flow? This video will answer these two questions and the ongoing volcanic eruption…
Ukraine takes down 1,000,000 bots used for disinformation… Probably all Ukrainians, Americans and Europeans…
A red statue of Putin riding a tank has been installed in a playground in New York City…
Energy crisis! Spain bans air conditioning from dropping below 27°C in public spaces…
A palm tree burst into flames after it was hit by lightning in Scottsdale, Arizona, on Thursday, August 4… Protect your car, home against EMP and lightning attacks…
5 Chinese ballistic missiles landed inside EEZ near Okinawa… For you to know: The westernmost island of Okinawa is only 110km east of Taiwan, and the Chinese millitary drill zones are indeed only 50km from Japanese territories as well…
Taliban says "No Trace" of Al Qaeda chief killing…
The "ninja bomb" that was used to ‘kill’ Al-Qaeda's leader doesn't explode (no warhead) but instead slices and cuts its target into pieces to minimize collateral damage…
Imagine if it was taking place in your country! Turkey’s inflation jumped to 24-year high of 79.6 percent in July…
James Webb Space Telescope depicts Cartwheel Galaxy in stunning detail…
Bank of England hikes interest rates and says inflation will hit 13%… Recession is just around the corner…
RARE blue jet lightning over Big Bend National Park, Texas.

A ‘reversible’ form of death? Scientists revive cells in dead pigs’ organs… Now this is your best bet if you want to restore your youthfull look, revive your sex drive and feel 20 again…
There is a gaping hole in this horse's neck, and the horse is fine… Apparently, the horse lived with an abusive owner who shot it through the neck, but the bullet didn't hit anything important, so eventually, the would healed on its own and formed this hole. The horse was rescued. I don’t know if it is still living today…
Germany considers U-turn on nuclear phaseout…
This is the lesser known picture after the tank incident in 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre that China doesn't want you to see…
Nice! Bibliotheca Alexandria launches website to teach hieroglyphics…
Just keep in mind! The media has Alex Jones' phone leak all over the news, but was silent on Hunter Bidens laptop leaks. Interesting how that works…
Lake Powell and Lake Mead could collapse without more water cuts along the Colorado River…
The Federal Reserve is a company no different than Google, or Apple, or Facebook: A too big to fail, private banking company that prints money for the American Government… And to limit the effects of inflation on your savings, it’s now time to invest in precious metals (Gold, Silver and others) to achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
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Below, you will find some affiliate products that I highly recommend to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Restore youthfull look, revive your sex drive, feel 20 again…
Never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
Thank you for your help and have a great Thursday…