LOL! You now must be 21 years old to buy a can of whipped cream in New York state...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 24, 2022...
This sign was seen at an area Stewart's Shops. NY lawmakers say the nitrous oxide inside whipped cream could be an easy way for teens to get high… MSM is always good at giving new tips on ‘how to get high for cheap easily’… In parallel to the ‘fentanyl epidemic’ will we soon be facing a ‘whipped cream epidemic?’
Excessive drought reveals 113-million-year-old dinosaur tracks at Texas state park…Most tracks that have recently been uncovered and discovered at different parts of the river in the park belong to Acrocanthosaurus. This was a dinosaur that would stand, as an adult, about 15 feet tall and (weigh) close to seven tons…
Europe’s gas price is now equivalent to $410 per barrel of oil…
The original name for Gates's Foundation was "The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation For Population Control"…
Congress admits UFOs not ‘man-made,’ says ‘threats’ increasing ‘exponentially’…
You vill eat ze wind turbines… and be happy!
‘Black Crack’ in Canyonlands National Park, UTAH… I wonder how many people and animals fell inside…
CIA behind the vaccine? RNA for Moderna’s Omicron booster manufactured by CIA-linked company…
Rules of engagement are as follows…
LOL! 5 days in jail! Nancy Pelosi's husband pleads guilty to DUI charge…
"Too drunk to walk:" Paul Pelosi DUI video finally released…
Right on schedule! Monkeypox is evading the Monkeypox Vaccines…
Those who have hijacked your government are using your taxpayer money to protect their personal and private financial investments… Another $3 billion for Ukraine…
In 1984, Gary Plauche tracked down the kidnapper who sexually assaulted and molested his 11-year-old son and killed him on live television. Gary waited in disguise at the airport, and shot the kidnapper while cameras were rolling. He was given a 7-year suspended sentence and received no prison time.
Mass surveillance is just another conspiracy theory… The FBI searched emails, texts and other electronic communications of as many as 3.4 million U.S. residents without a warrant over a year, the nation’s top spy chief said in a report...
France is launching a climate change police force…

Probably like all the others social medias… Twitter is controlled by millions of bots…
This is what life has become in China since Wuhan initial Covid outbreak. A green QR code is needed to access public transportation, stores or to go to work. That means your Covid test can't be older than 48 hours. Keeping it current cost each person 50 a month in testing fees…

You can’t go either to the public toilet without it…
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This is the best you can have around if you are looking for tips and tricks to invest in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS to limit the effects of inflation on your IRA/401K and achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
Always have a look at Steve Quayle’s website for other daily alternative news links…
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Thank you,
I have to speak up. The first story and pic showing the dinosaur tracks didn't seem at all logical to me at first glance. At second glance I cracked up. I noticed where it came from (ABC) and kept laughing. How old? 113 MILLION years old? Doesn't the originator of this story realize how much sediment and silt would be carried down that river in that period of time? Not only do the tracks still have the fine cracks and details in them, (which would have eroded away in a matter of decades) they are only about a foot apart! What 15 foot, upright walking dino is going to be tip-toeing through the middle of a river, what, looking for fish? Here's reality... if it comes from the MSM, it's a lie no matter how big or small. Period.