Look at the sky... It's shining for you...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for December 8, 2022...
Last night, the full Moon passed directly in front of Mars, producing a rare lunar occultation visible across North America and Europe…
Balenciaga scandal worsens amid Epstein link… But who is Rachel Chandler?
Yesterday, the moon was also occulted by weird clouds over Arizona…
The right to refuse? Restaurant denies Christian group service over its anti-abortion and LGBTQ stances…
Sure… these are also from ice crystals… Kibbutz Samar, Southern Israel. By Nega Shelzer (Dec. 6, 2022)
House Financial Services Chair Waters doesn’t plan to subpoena Sam Bankman-Fried to testify at hearing on FTX collapse. Can it get any more obvious that the globalist criminals completely control the government…
After banning all TV platforms in Ukraine into one state broadcast, jailing political rivals, and restricting political parties, Zelensky is named TIME Person of the Year… Meanwhile ‘The Women of Iran’ are named the HEROES OF THE YEAR (a much better choice)…
Always have a lawyer with you when you buy a house… Utah city tells families to get out of their new homes due to sinking and sliding toward the canyon…
And this one over Gauteng, SA, is also natural?
This book is the bible of climate engineering issue…
Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds look like waves in the sky over WY and AZ on Dec. 6…

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Big cats: US Senate unanimously passes bill to curb private ownership…
Mauna Loa volcano (Hawaii, USA, December 2022)…
Too young! Cult 'prophet' Samuel Bateman was 'disgusted' over his child bride's bedwetting…
More than 10 inches of snow fell on Tuesday in Anchorage, making it the snowiest December day since 1999…
Live: Hawks announcer Bob Rathbun suffered a medical emergency during last night’s broadcast…
Like a tsunami wave… Brazil
'Y'all put me in this cage?': 82-year-old Alabama grandmother said she was told by police officers 'not to cry' after they arrested her for not paying her trash bill…
A guy asked an AI to tell him the most effective way a small, powerful group of people ruling us from the shadows would keep themselves hidden from the public eye. That AI is more intelligent than 90% of people… Here's what it said:
Africa tests… Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals to force use of CBDC… Meanwhile EU agrees on Digital ID and Wallet Vision, likely to be implemented in 2 years… Then…
That’s our future illustrated…
We need to repair our soils and quickly ortherwise FAMINE … Soil in midwestern US is eroding 10 to 1,000 times faster than it forms…
Just know your limits…
Crazy video… Man survives impalement through neck with 1.5-foot ancient trident…
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Thanks for reading Strange Sounds! Have a nice Thursday…
Interesting essay on physical survival at extremes. I found it interesting that at 30% blood loss we can survive, but not at 40%. All hospital-born babies are stripped of about 30% of their blood at birth. Here is how they do it:
During passage through the birth canal, 30% of the baby's blood is stored in the placenta (in the mother). Immediately after the baby pops out they ALWAYS clamp the cord to prevent the baby's blood returning to it. Then they get a beaker ready to collect the blood and cut the cord - draining the baby's blood into the beaker for resale.
They also steal (and sell) the entire placenta, the cord, and anything else they can get their hands on. It's like laboring women (and their new babies) are hung from a meat hook the minute they walk in the door, and then slid down the conveyor for butchery and theft.
The products collected thusly are worth a FORTUNE in the resale market.
Celine Dion ad for kids clothes: