More than "666" million doses… Are you awake yet?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and mazing phenomena for January 22, 2023...
You can't make this stuff up…
This one will be very interesting too… Where are the riots in Memphis? I think the MSM is not going to talk too much about that one… 5 black officers kill black man during traffic stop…
I am just asking because the current violent riots in Atlanta have erupted after armed Manuel Teran, also known as ‘Tortuguita’ among antifa and activists, was killed by a police officer on January 18th while he was protesting “Cop City”, a planned gigantic training facility being built in a wooded area near Atlanta, Georgia..

Spanish for “Little Turtle”, Tortuguita was a nod to the Colonial-era indigenous military commander of the same name who led Native American forces to one of their most decisive victories against the then-nascent U.S. Army in 1791… Very peaceful, isn’t it?
Fire in the sky… A meteor and sonic boom woke people up across Green Country, Oklahoma 2 nights ago…
Meanwhile, New Zealand jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire as the new PM, Chris Hipkins, states their plan to track down the unvaccinated and vaccinate them…
Gaslighting… The Los Angeles Police Department has ordered its officers not to display the "thin blue line" flag publicly, though they may still do so at their personal work spaces, lockers or personal vehicles. Chief Michel Moore said the flag's original meaning, police support, has been "hijacked" by far-right extremist groups…
Is Washington pulling a Watergate on Biden?
Tibet avalanche: Death toll hits 28 after drivers buried alive in deep snow…
Massive destruction from Earth's poles shift scientists downplay…
No damage… M6.8 earthquake hits northern Argentina…
Drive Thru at Carl's Jr. in Mammoth Lakes, CA last night... Mammoth Mountain has seen 378-504" of snow already this season...
Technocrats-at-work! Medical profession implements WHO’s digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed…
The New Madrid adjustment as predicted by the Zetas shows the steps and stages when big one pulls the N American continent on a diagonal rip. Note that the N Poles are indicated by a blue color, the S Poles by a red color, in accordance with the color scheme for magnetic poles used by the non-western half of the world, including China, Tibet, Turkey, southern Russia and Russia's Far East, Mongolia, and northern Japan. The west uses a scheme which is the opposite…
SHE LIED! (LIKE ALWAYS)… Church says NO EXORCISM took place at Pelosi home…
Good girl… Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell speaks in first filmed interview from prison - saying she has 'no memory' of Prince Andrew ever meeting Virginia Giuffre and claiming picture of Duke with arm around 17-year-old is fake…
Reality! When students change gender identity, and parents don’t know about it…
Peru indefinitely shut the tourist site Machu Picchu on Saturday in the latest sign that anti-government protests that began last month are increasingly engulfing the South American country…
This is crazy… Thousands of churches are closing each year in the US…
The citizens of China, like the citizens of many Asian countries, generally don't opt to be organ donors. So the fact that organ donations are so high in China should be a red flag… Chinese parents terrified: Many teenagers disappeared in strict epidemic control/1M missing in 2020…
They should start the printing again… The world is in debt. A record amount of debt. Three hundred trillion dollars, to be exact… Is a reset coming?
Top of the world, bottom of the sea. Rubbish. Top of Everest and bottom of the Mariana Trench… Just shocking…
Yes. We know. It’s all part of the plan… Food prices rising 30-40% across the board over the course of a year is not inflation. It’s price gouging and consumer manipulation… Food firms raising prices unnecessarily…
Well, this has nothing to do with physics anymore… This is propaganda…

West bad China good. Take all of this with a grain of salt… China’s reopening comes with a $720 billion inflation Bomb…
NVIDIA just released a new Eye Contact feature that uses AI to make you look into the camera…
This probably isn't the way to do it, but if her version of events is accurate then she was a good partner… Woman fatally shoots dying husband at hospital…
Over 100,000 estimated to gather in Tel Aviv for largest anti-government protest yet…
No live whale pieces for sale? Disappointing… ‘From next month, the company plans to import 3,000 tons of fin-whale meat a year from Iceland, in a deal to support the whaling industry worldwide’… Japan sells dead whale pieces in vending machines to boost trade…
Les Grégoires Améliens… In Amélie-les-Bains, a small town in southern France, the residents wear white clothes and burn an idol each year for the Saint Gregory day…

‘Something is in our airspace’: Rep. Tim Burchett explains why he's so obsessed with UFOs: “I've met with scientists, some of the top people in the world, that tell me that we have extraterrestrial craft in our airspace on a regular basis…
People are terrified… A surprise documentary which dives into the 2018 hearings and government investigation into now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. The project, titled 'Justice,' was kept secret for over a year and marks director Doug Liman's documentary debut….
A bored hacktivist browsing an unsecured airline server stumbled upon national security secrets including the FBI's 'no fly' list. She says what she found reveals a 'perverse outgrowth of the surveillance state'…

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Thank you and have a great Sunday,
NZ PM says, we're coming to find the un jabbed. Next sentence, "Everyone will have the opportunity to be jabbed". Nonsensical, idiotic, downright demonic agenda going on all over the world. The plandemic was very first time in world history that ALL NATIONS CAME TOGETHER UNDER ONE RULE. It won't be long now, (I hope, every single day, I hope) that the Truth will come and JUSTICE will be served. If they plan on forcing that poison on me, they better bring enough people to kill me because that's the ONLY way they'll get it in me! Those evil bastards.
St. Gregory Day. If only I had the money...Take 2 ex-girlfriends, black Cherokee, there for the week. I’d get an evil eye. Of course, if Jesse Jackson or Al Sharkton showed, they’d be at the bedding store buying white sheets.
BTW, I have a meme on cow farts if you'd like it.