NASA to fire 3 rockets at the 'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse on Saturday during strange experiments to better understand this still mysterious sky phenomenon...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 10,2023...
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse and NASA experiments
US is about to witness a rare ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse on Saturday… And during this amazing event, NASA will fire three rockets at it…
What they say the rockets will do:
NASA will look for perturbations—changes in the Earth’s atmosphere—during the eclipse. “There will be three NASA-funded suborbital rockets, each of which will launch before, during and after the peak of the eclipse to gather data on Earth’s atmosphere, electron density and temperature,” said Madhulika Guhathakurta, heliophysics program scientist, in a press briefing at NASA Headquarters.
The rockets, which will launch 35 minutes apart, will travel to about 50 miles up into the ionosphere, where the air becomes electric. Here, a sea of ions and electrons wax and wane in temperature and density at sunrise and sunset. During an eclipse—when sunlight vanishes quickly—it’s expected that waves will ripple through the ionosphere. “This is the first time we have done this because such an opportunity only comes once in about 400 years,” said Guhathakurta."
After the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, the next one over the contiguous U.S. is not until 2044, while the next annular solar eclipse after this Saturday’s is not until 2046.
Here’s a newsletter I wrote about a month ago about how to watch the coming solar eclipse! And enjoy the show!
Water Alert in Southwest Texas
Study Butte, a Southwest Texas community is probably without water right now or set to run out of water in a few hours… This was an official message from yesterday…
And so, everyone did in fact panic and hoard, and the system collapsed entirely within 30 minutes (joke!)…
More: SBWSC warns of water system failure, enacts boil water notice…
Hamas attack
Chanting "Gas the Jews" is not going to free Palestine, guys…
This is gonna be crazy… Israel to totally blockade Gaza, including fuel and food…
Diabolic if true… Israeli soldiers discover bodies of 40 babies, some beheaded… More than 100 bodies found in Israeli kibbutz Be'eri after Hamas attack…
Oh I forgot about this guy… Chechen leader says he is prepared to send his forces to support Palestine…
Isn’t it strange that the U.S dollar was on the verge of collapse and then suddenly a war starts, and the dollar picks up steam again due to said war... Just my little thought…
Right out of the false flag playbook…
Finland Gas Pipeline
The Finnish government suspects that Russia stuck the [Finnish-Estonian] gas pipeline…
Finnish President Niinistö confirmed on X/Twitter that the Finnish-Estonian gas pipeline (and data cables) were disrupted by "external action"…
Well, you remember, they just joined NATO at the begininng of the Ukraine war…
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And other news
The world burns and the military industrial complex lines its pockets…
Another ridiculous headlines from a janky source… Surging methane suggests Earth is brewing an Ice Age termination event…
So we're at the third plague of Egypt? WHO: Dengue fever will become a major threat in southern Europe this decade...
Cool news, no? Researchers found that replacing a nutrient that pancreatic cancer cells rely on to survive and grow with a copycat version starves the cancer, slowing its spread…
This coincides nicely with the new IRS reporting laws going into place regarding Venmo / PayPal transactions exceeding a certain limit… should be an entertaining tax season… New York’s Airbnb ban is descending into pure chaos…
Uncensored library that can be accessed by anybody…

Imagine hanging out on your front porch and all of a sudden splat right in your front yard... 69-year-old skydiver plunges to death in Florida front yard…
What could that be? North Carolina Republicans are creating a ‘Secret Police Force’…
LOL! So they all the sudden care about colors matching team colors but don’t give two f*cks about what color the ads plastered all over the jerseys are… NHL issues its ‘Don’t Say Gay’ policy with a ban on Pride Tape…
A man molested a 5-year-old girl. That victim won't see a dime of the settlement a judge ordered—because cops seized her abuser's cash via civil forfeiture & refuse to give the money back… This story is nauseating...
You probably didn’t know this… In WW2, RAF uniform buttons were used as an emergency compass…
When your politics is the central part of your personality you cannot change your mind… Only 9% of British voters believe Brexit has gone well, but a majority of Leave voters would still vote the same way again…
A massive solar storm, the biggest ever identified, was discovered via a large spike in radiocarbon levels of 14,300 years old tree-rings…
Campi Flegrei area near Naples has been jolted by more than 1,100 earthquakes in a month… Italy plans for mass evacuation as quakes continue around supervolcano…
The sun magnetic poles are disappearing! Complete reversal of the sun’s global magnetic field ahead – More natural disasters and extinctions to come…
The irony of the U.S sending warship to Israel.... be careful they don't "accidentally" bomb it and sink it…
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I call bs on their rockets. They are probably launching EMP's that they will blame on China or Iran or Russia. Also please see this link: Citizens in western countries are about to be massacred by illegal aliens, men of military age. PLEASE READ
Here is a brief summary of the war against Israel and its ramifications for the politics of the world in these end times. The world is in the last days of this age, the age of Grace according to Bible prophecy. One of the hallmarks of these end times is that the entire world will align itself against Israel. BUT, there is good news in all of this which I'll share after I explain what is going on from a Biblical perspective.
The nation of Israel has been hated for thousands of years. It has been victim of more turmoil, strife, war, senseless slaughter and prejudice than any nation in the history of the world even though for many years it did not even exist as a nation. The most prolific of all evidence of this hatred was demonstrated in Nazi Germany in WW2. Why do you suppose this tiny sliver of a nation in this big world is hated so vehemently? One simple reason. They, of all nations that have ever existed, are GOD'S chosen people.
The entire Bible was written by Jews and is CENTRAL to one Man who is God Almighty in the Flesh, coming into this space/time continuum as a man for the PURPOSE of giving His Life and shedding His OWN Blood of His own WILL so that all men everywhere could be free from the curse of sin and death. This man came as a Jew; a Hebrew from the line of David.
There is so much more that could be said and the history gets quite complex but for now let's understand the simple fact that this world HATES the Jew because it hates GOD. It hates God because it aligns itself with antichrist. The world has rejected Jesus Christ (for the most part) thus rejecting God Who together with Jesus CREATED all things seen and unseen.
Being [prophetically] so close to the end, when Jesus removes those who love Him and pours out His WRATH on this earth, we now see the prophecy found in Zechariah 12:3 coming to pass, "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."
There is a new wave in the world being cleverly promoted by the media (natürlich), a new wave of hatred toward the Jew and it is dividing the world into two camps - those who hate the Jew and blame him for every wicked and nefarious crime against humanity (such as 9/11 and even blaming the love of money which all men are involved in, on the Jews, placing all responsibility of the existence of the deep state itself on the Jew) and those who LOVE the Jewish people. This should be obvious to all but amazingly, many calling themselves "Christian" have sided AGAINST God's chosen people!!!
The hatred toward the Jews has always been unfounded, from the time of Pharaoh to the time of Jacob to Nazi Germany, to the present day. God gave the Jews MOST of the land surrounding them in Biblical times ("From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast." Joshua 1:4) and ever since they have been pushed out of their Homeland and wandered the earth without a nation of their own until 1948 when the UN gave them the present, tiny slice of land they now occupy. The Arabs hate the Jews more than any other nation hates them and they've wanted them GONE since 1948.
There is a supernatural element to this which nobody understands completely and it involves how and why these are God's chosen people. I trust that His Plans will come to pass as they always do and with precision, showing the impossibility of predicting such intimate details; i.e. telling of the details of the future BEFORE it happens, thus demonstrating that the prophecy was dictated to the Hebrew prophets BY God Himself who knows the end from the beginning.
It has come down to this: A decision has to be made by each individual and that decision will dictate where he will spend eternity. Those who have studied the Bible with the intent of knowing Who God is and WHY they exist and who Created them, LOVE the Jewish people simply because God loves them. (by "studying" the Bible I don't refer to the "Bible scholars" in the universities which treat the written word of God as a piece of history, denying it's infallibility and Supernatural origin thus denying Christ as God in the Flesh and that He rose from the grave)
We have the Holy Spirit of God INDWELLING us, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you..." Romans 8:14 All who are SAVED, Born again of The Spirit; those who LOVE Jesus Christ and believe the Bible as God's written word, love the Nation of Israel by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost! It is IMPOSSIBLE for us to hate the Jews! This new hatred of the Jews now further reduces us into an even smaller percentage however, now making it possible to exclude any who CLAIM to love God and yet take sides with the world AGAINST the Jews.
And now the Good News. God LOVES us. Even those who don't love Him and even those that DENY Him. He loves every person He has ever made and desires for EVERYONE to be saved by His making our salvation POSSIBLE by paying the penalty Himself. It's the ABCs all over again. A: admit that you're a sinner; B: believe that the Bible is the written word of God and the Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ and His Shed Blood is TRUTH and C: confess your sins repenting of them and that's it. If you mean it in your heart, you're saved! Very important in these days, if someone blames "the Zionist" or the Jews MORE than any other ethnic group or nation for any of the evil of this world, they most probably are not saved.