Just the richest man in the world downloading every persons information for personal use…
Elon musk seems to be going into government offices and downloading boat loads of personal private citizen info and sensitive info for specific government agencies…
Seriously, why the fuck do Elon Musk and his tech bros get access to my social security number and personal information? It's just insane…
It legitimately feels like we are watching Elon enacting a coup…
Musk has ties to most major authoritarian players in the world stage. Is the richest man in the world. Has plans to implant chips into people’s brains and control them with satellites. He views humans as cattle to work in his factories and is now taking on private information to do what he wants to with.
This man wants to be the eye on the top of the pyramid. And we’re just going to let him take it…
I'm ok with you being complete goons as long as I can see you shaft me…
I'm starting to think rather than shadowy organisations or hidden cabals, to avoid being the center of a conspiracy theory just do stuff out in the open…
People will just accept it, or even defend it…
Elon will destroy the US Treasury payment system as a pretext to privatizing it, then swoop in with his America Inc company as the “Paypal for the Treasury”…
Musk/DOGE are seeking intimate knowledge of the actual mechanisms of how money flows from the Treasury to pay out things like social security, medicare, employees, EVERYTHING. The goal is to gain intel on the flow, identify the choke points, then grind the system to a halt.
Once the Treasury payment system is destroyed, DOGE can recommend the government privatizes the payment system with a new company that charges a fee on top of each payment.
And who will swoop in with a private payment company? Maybe someone who made their fortune with Paypal and wants to turn X into a payment system? The same person who makes his money now from government contracts for SpaceX and Starlink?
Big Brother is watching you…
Big brother was all like "Don't worry your information is secure with us" to the American people they conduct illegal surveillance on and now bigger brother is stepping in, "Don't worry your information will be secure with us". What happens when the biggest brother arrives?
If the account of events is true, and this is a faithful testimony, then this is the stuff of Agent Smith and the rest of the agents in the Matrix.
And keep in mind, Elon is just a regional manager for the dozens of trillionaires of the world. Your not allowed to speak about those guys lol…
He’s a drug addicted illegal immigrant… No less…
Source: Musk aides lock Office of Personnel Management workers out of computer systems…
Source: A nice little answer…
Can’t identify a pilot that wasn’t there…
“At the request of the family, the name of the third soldier will not be released at this time,” an army statement said.
Army refuses to identify female Black Hawk pilot killed in DC collision… Female?
It was a deliberate, REMOTE-CONTROLLED, full-scale attack of the army on civilians…
It's gonna be interesting to see how things look in 4 years time…
The CDC has already removed scientific data from public view. More could follow…
‘Already, content from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, which includes data from a national survey, has disappeared; so have parts of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Social Vulnerability Index and the Environmental Justice Index. The CDC’s landing page for HIV data has also vanished. And the agency’s AtlasPlus tool, which contains nearly 20 years of CDC surveillance data on HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis, is down. Several scientists I talked with told me they had heard directly from contacts at the CDC that the agency has directed employees to scrub any mention of “gender” from its site and the data that it shares there, replacing it with “sex.”’
Sure it’s weird to see that in real time, but I’m curious as to what the future implications are…
Possible magma movement at Greece Kolumbo volcano…
An unusually strong earthquake swarm is occurring at an active volcano in Greece, and this is seemingly occurring alongside bursts of volcanic tremor which may indicate the movement of magma. This is occurring at Greece's Kolumbo volcano, which is located directly northeast of the famed island of Santorini. So, what exactly is happening at this submarine volcano, what happened during its deadly 1650 eruption, and what might happen next?
Year of the snake…
I know some of you don’t believe in astrology and numerology but according to the lunar calendar ( Chinese astrology ) this year is the year of the Snake🐍…
Probably just another bunch of "coincidences":
US entered WW1 (April 1917) - year of the snake
Great depression stockmarket crash (October 1929) - year of the snake
Pearl Harbor (December 1941) - year of the snake
Tiananmen Square massacre (June 1989) - year of the snake
Fall of Berlin Wall (November 1989) - year of the snake
September 11th (September 2001) - year of the snake
Boston marathon bombing (April 2013) - year of the snake
Would it be too much of a coincidence to think that a life-changing event will occur this year?
Just watch…
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Thank you and have a great Saturn Day,
This was a fishy thing from very begin, where is the definition of 'Gov. efficency'?? If Gov, why to take private data from everybody??? It is almost sure that with anyone using any digital device and typing passwords, dates of birth, addresses, SS numbers while filing taxes, 'they', the owners of the digital world, know already all these numbers anyway, but not even more details.. Just need to add: it is under Trump's watch. Oh, just got that:
trillions for, among others.., terrorists, well without naming a single one. Strange.
here one more, NO PEACE:
what the hell, ISIS again?? This is REALLY not good! And a new redefinition of KILLINGS as a 'strike'.
It is all just crazy, how much deception we are dealing with:
-free speech for everybody, but no critics allowed toward the isr...
-all foreign aid frozen for everybody, but isr..
-first war seed, now gene 'therapies' to 'heal the cancers'
and it goes SO FAST, thus telling 'to think that a life-changing event will occur this year?' should be
IT IS happening right now.
Stay healthy and tuned.
Oh, wanted to point out to this interview: https://rumble.com/v6fpcj4-general-atomics.html
and then this:
and then
and then draw conclusion about how many overlap actually is in those reports.
The only addition is, Webb is NOT acknowledging DEW attacks on 9/11, no DEW's in fires etc. So many op-in-I-ons...
The same guy (ai) drove the boat into the bridge, now knows how to fly a chopper? I wonder how long the download took? Saw that movie