One year ago…
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for December 19, 2022...
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! This is why they really want you to eat the bugs…
It’s time to follow Elon down the Twitter hole…
This new paper corroborates the concerns of doctors that the large uptick in blood clots, progression of atherosclerotic heart disease, and blood disorders is independently associated with COVID-19 vaccination… Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older…
Playing God never ends well…
Thoughts and prayers to his victims… Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs who lead Canada’s response team to Covid-19 and vaccine rollout dies suddenly at 35…
Regular Citizens on Agenda 21…
This is often what is left out of the conversation about affordable housing. It's not just the homeless, but people that can't begin/continue their lives because they can't afford to do so… Nearly half of Americans age 18 to 29 are living with their parents…
Survival of the fittest… Mother stork throws out immature baby to increase survival chances of other babies…
Same where I live… I'm really not sure any of my data qualifies as "private" any more, the number of times it's been released, stolen, uploaded, resold, and monetized… IRS accidentally releases 112,000 taxpayers’ private data again…
Does it wag when it's happy? This dog was born with an extra mini tail on his forehead…

Falling iguanas in Florida on Christmas…
I don’t buy this at all… Stranded dolphins’ brains show common signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
My work is now entirely reader-supported. It takes a lot of time to compile your daily newsletters with new pictures, videos and links. So if you enjoy what you are reading and watching, please consider upgrading your free subscription into a PAID one. Thank you!
I don't think a person can be CEO of a US company and be on US most wanted list at the same time… Edward Snowden offers to become Twitter's CEO in exchange for Bitcoin pay…
The Information Awareness Office (IAO) was established by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in January 2002 to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other asymmetric threats to U.S. national security by achieving "Total Information Awareness" (TIA)… Look at their logo!
How do you misplace 65 trillion? The answer is, you don’t. We know what happened when the pentagon couldn’t account for 2.3 trillion… What’s next now… ‘Huge, missing and growing:’ $65 trillion in dollar debt sparks concern…
Sign that was hung on a wounded Navy Seals hospital room door…
And that’s what he went through…
The current Ukranian Football association president got busted misusing funds. Rationally the Ukraine Football organization is discussing his dismissal and replacement… This displeases FIFA, who for unknown reasons has decided this routine administrative action is grounds for Ukraine’s football association being banned… Ukraine could be banned from playing soccer by FIFA…
A Peruvian elongated skull with metal surgically implanted after returning from battle, estimated to be from about 2000 years ago. The broken bone surrounding the repair is tightly fused together indicating it was a successful surgery…

We really do live in the dumbest timeline… Attacker yells ‘Kanye 2024’ during antisemitic assault, police say…
Shameless… A Ukrainian Embassy reception, sponsored by America’s biggest weapons makers…

I had no idea this was still a thing… 10 states have now banned the sale of cosmetics tested on animals…
Best way to see Van Gogh's "Starry Night" is to stare at the center of the spiral for 20 seconds and then look at the painting… It worked well for me… What about you?
Gaslighting! Swastikas all over! Am I actually seeing this symbol? From the New York Times?
My work is now entirely reader-supported. It takes a lot of time to compile your daily newsletters with new pictures, videos and links. So if you enjoy what you are reading and watching, please consider upgrading your free subscription into a PAID one. Thank you!
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Thank you and have a great Monday,
I saw a sign similar to that Navy Seal's on a Marine's hospital room door next to my son-in-law's door. That poor boy was injured even worse than my daughter's husband, and his injuries and multiple amputations were horrific enough. This was fall of 2011, after Obama and Biden changed the Rules of Engagement and American casualties tripled. So many amputees at Walter Reed. It was overwhelming. All the boys in ICU were on 24-hour suicide watch for at least the first month they were there. The experience completely changed the way I looked at war. The cost is too great unless we are defending our own shores, our own people. The kid next door eventually died of heart failure not long before he was due to marry his fiancee, and my son-in-law passed away in 2014. The pain, the loss, the grief of all the families cannot ever be measured.
Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs obviously didn't get the memo to just pretend to get the vaccine like Trudeau, Borris and Marcon did. You can't just kill everyone, that's just bad management. When you have good slaves that want to help you with your evil plans you want to keep those ones around. Amateurs