Only the criminal who set fire can tell you when the next fire will be...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for may 30, 2022...
Let’s go down the rabbit hole a bit more… A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting and left just before the shooter was killed…
This makes no sense! Art lovers shocked! Man disguised as an elderly woman attacks the iconic Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre in Paris on Sunday…

When will these people realize that if you got info on someone either release it now or shut the fuck up about it… Ashley Haynes, a woman who said she would expose the Clinton was found drowned in an Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block…
The Short-Timers: A novel about the savage face of the Vietnam war (you can read it for free here!)…
First Pacific hurricane of 2022: Hurricane Agatha expected to make landfall in Mexico…
‘The ocean is everything’! At least for them… Pacific state of Niue declares all of its waters protected…
Moose charges Grizzly who killed one of its calfs yesterday in Glacier National Park, Montana… Part 1: Grizzly kills calf…
Part 2: Grizzly being chased…
New CA bill would no longer require schools to report bad student behavior to police… Interesting world where teachers are required by law to report student behavior, but police aren't required by law to respond…
When you realize the target they're referring to in the video is you…
All about Satan… Eight Missouri ministers accused of sex abuse in Southern Baptist Convention report…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
Why the silent mass extinction of bees will accellerate the coming Food crisis…
Covid and its collateral effects on other viruses… Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back — and behaving in unexpected ways…
You are the most hypocritical animal in the planet if you hate WEF but love Elon Musk…
Can we just get it over with and introduce zombies or whatever is coming. We've been edging the apocalypse for 3 years now and my balls hurt… Deadly nose-bleed fever shocks Iraq as cases surge…
Remove ALL major contaminants out of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
The Famine of 2022 is now scheduled - Economist Magazine (Globalist Mouthpiece) front cover - "The Coming Food Catastrophe" -Look at the wheat kernels, they are little skulls…
Do you actually know snapdragons? They also turn into macabre skulls when they die…
Health Ranger Store: You will always find clean FOOD and NON-GMO products to heal you and the world…
On the left you can see the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab. On the right, his father, intimate confidant of Hitler, the industrialist and fascist "Eugen Schwab" in uniform. Klaus was born in Hitler's Germany in 1938…
Killer whale that swam up France's River Seine in 'life-threatening condition'… According to an official update from the Préfecture, the orca cannot be saved and will be euthanized… It suffers from a disease targeting immunodepressed organisms, causing damage to his skin, but also heart and brain (causing his unexplainable behavior)… Radiation or vaccine effects on animals?
This is the attitude we should take when it comes to these elites…
"Stop hacking us." Says the country who hacks and steals tech on the daily… China has recently begun saber-rattling about American cyberespionage…
You will ALWAYS have electricity with this portable SOLAR power station…
Remember Gary Webb day AUGUST 31, 2022…
America has spent $6.4 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001… In other words, it made private military contractors of all kinds, $6.4 trillion… And again, they are absolutely raking in insane amount of money right now with Ukraine/Russia situation. They are completely backlogged with orders. Right now you can honestly say defense equipment is by far the most profitable business out there.
AI and automation revolution… Robot orders increase 40% in first quarter as desperate employers seek relief from labor shortages…
Sweden could be cashless by 2023 and other countries are following. Digital currency rather than cash will soon be King!

When a machine invents things for humanity, who gets the patent? Patents and copyrights aren't the same. Nobody would get the copyright, though, the work has to be created by a human to be copyrightable, which is why that photographer whose camera was grabbed by a monkey wasn't breaching any copyright laws when he shared the resulting monkey selfie…
Sweden has already introduced the first credit card in the world with a carbon limit. They did it collaborating with the wef and the UN…
Dangerous diseases’ mutations… Ebola fatalities in Congo raise concerns over more virulent strain…
An estimated 1.6 billion disposable masks made their way into the oceans in 2020 — that’s more than 4 million per day. By the end of 2021, the world had generated about 8 million tons of COVID-related plastic waste with some 26,000 tons ending up in the sea. Where's Greta?

Weather warfare… For the first time, an entirely new class of super-reactive chemical compounds has been discovered under atmospheric conditions, a so-called trioxides – an extremely oxidizing chemical compound, that could penetrate into tiny airborne particles and likely affects both human health and global climate...
A co-rotating interaction region (CIR) hit Earth's magnetic field on May 27th. The impact sparked 12 hours of geomagnetic storming (G1-class) and a rare display of Southern Lights. Minoru Yoneto sends this deep-sky exposure from Queenstown, New Zealand:
Severe water shortages strain wheat harvest in Iraq… Iraq can irrigate only 50% of agricultural lands, due to low water levels, lowering wheat production by tonnes. Desertification has been a factor behind this year’s sandstorms - there's been an amazing 10 storms already. Currently, water levels in Iraq are down 60%; putting wheat, barley, grapes, dates & other crops at high risk of failing…
REMEMBER FOR TONIGHT! Earth is expected to pass through the debris trail of a broken comet on Monday night and early Tuesday morning. It could result in a brand new meteor shower, a stormy shower with more than 1,000 fireballs per hour! Night sky watchers in North America have the best chance of seeing the tau Herculid shower, with NASA recommending around 1 a.m. on the East Coast or 10 p.m. on the West Coast as the best times to look up.
The Economist Continental Europe Edition - May 28, 2022