Today, I thought I would show you some pictures I made in 2006 in Antarctica during a scientific expedition.
About me: I am Canadian and Swiss. I have 2 happy kids. I graduated in geology (this is why you get a gemstone if you subscribe!). Then, I wrote my PhD in cosmochemistry (study of the early processes in the solar system based on isotopic measurements of radionuclines in minerals found in meteorites) in Paris.
After working in the private sector for a few years (as a geological and concrete engineer at different big tunnel construction sites in Switzerland and around (Gotthard, Lötschberg, Linthal 2015, Lyon-Turin ferroviaire, among others…), I quit everything, fed up, and started a website (StrangeSounds) which then led to the creation of this newsletter.
I am very happy with that decision… Let see where it will bring us!

But let us come back to the topic… So, during my studies in geology, we (50 scientists and 50 crew members) sailed over two months on one of the most powerful research icebreakers, the SV Polarstern, to study, among other things, the movement of the Pine Island Bay Glaciers…
We were flying everyday with helicopters to the continent to install GPS stations and make magnetic/ seismic maps of the area (a very environmetally friendly trip… LOL!).
We also collected lots of rocks, sediments, saw lots of widlife (penguins, whales, seals, etc..) and visited many military bases (we were carrying food and electronics for them)…
The trip started in Punta Arenas, Chile, went down the Strait of Magellan. We sailed through the Roaring Fourties, the Furious Fifties and the Screaming Sixties, trough giant waves and rough tempests. Just to give a terrifying idea of the fierce power of the storms over there: One day, because the waves were too high, the ship was almost on standstill. It only moved at a speed of 1.0 knot - while our average speed was 12 knots…
Following this expedition, I did many more (in far less remote areas: North Sea, Med Sea).
Then I sailed (sailboat) with my wife from Venezuela to Bermuda. From there, after sailing the Caribbeans, we tried to cross the Atlantic… We lost the mast in-between during a big storm. But hey… We are alive! Others didn’t make it. This adventure brought us closer than ever before…
I love being on a ship, with no land visible around… You head completely empties… You are on your nutshell and understand you are nothing…
But what I prefer is at night… You have your head in the stars… You have nothing but the darkness of the night and the stars. It’s kind of magic, it’s surreal… You make one with the universe… You feel part of the whole damn thing…
Sorry I disgress… Here are some more pictures from Antarctica… Have a great day, Manuel
I will send you a gemstone for any donations over $50 as well as for a yearly paid subscription ($50) or after 8 months of a monthly paid subscription ($6)… Please send me your address after subscribing to get your gift…
Thank you and have a great Friday,
PS. I was sick this week so I was not able to send anything per post. Will do that on Monday… Have a great weekend… Manuel
what an amazing journey!
Outstanding! Quite the career, my brother. Sounds like you may have partaken in CERN? Very interesting. Antarctica, different story. So do you believe the "Ice Wall/Flat earth" theory from what you could tell? And how about the international, 57 country (or thereabouts) agreement that "Antarctica" is off-limits from any conflict or unapproved exploration? Any signs of the Nazi-Under-Continent military base as described by Admiral Byrd? Lots of questions, and maybe you've already addressed these topics long ago, if so, direct me to them please. I, being a relatively new (8-12 months) subscriber, have not had time to deep-dive your archives. But knowing your link with Steve Quayle, I can only imagine what your deeper story/description might say. One last thought, Rob Skiba (RIP brother), posted an article back around 2012 dealing with the "Ark of Gabriel", apparently uncovered while muslims were digging around MECCA prior to the yearly pilgrimage tp their Holy Site and twice, giant cranes and/or lightning strike killed about 200 visitors and it was said because during their excavation of said tunnels they stumbled upon the Ark of Gabriel and anyone who touched it died (very parallel story to the Ark of the Covenant). Anyway, the story goes, Iran called on Russia for assistance in moving this Ark, they did, loaded it on giant tanker, and surrounded by 7 battleships sent it to Antarctica. Within a couple months, then began the foreign dignitaries trips to Antarctica, including Obama, Arch Bishop Kroll of Russia, John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin (who had a heart attack when he was there), China President Xi, and many others. The MSM story was they went to study Penguins-yeah, right. After Rob posted this the story went silent. Haven't heard anything since. So....any take on this story?
Thanks Manuel! Love your work!