The Great Reset can't happen if the peasants have guns...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for May 29, 2022...
When America looked like this and children lived like this, there were no "mass shootings…" The good old days…
California public schools lost COVID-19 vaccine mandate lawsuit this week in court…With all the state, federal, BlackRock banking & big pharma support, they could not prove children needed these experiments. They also agreed in settlement to never mandate them again. No MSM coverage?
Can someone please explain what is going on with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s neck and the noises? Starting to believe in reptilian theories…
The story of how the CIA conducted secret LSD experiments on unwitting US citizens…
10,000 mirrors using light to melt salt to generate electricity at Crescent Dunes, Nevada…
The US Army also used to spay radioactive chemicals on Americans…
WEF parasites can shove that WHO pandemic treaty right up their a***…. Well, you know where, do you?
MONKEYPOX VACCINES FOR HEALTH WORKERS… The U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended the monkeypox vaccine for public health responders and health care workers. This is where it all BEGINS!
Central bank digital currencies within five years? More slavery, no more freedom…

After nixing 50-million-gallon-a-day desalination plant, California demands residents use less water…
Anonymous donor pays all funeral expenses for Uvalde shooting victims… Kind and generous act, and I give credit to whomever did to not make it about themselves…
Does this sound plausible?
'DNA repair genes' may explain mystery of why many lifelong smokers never get lung cancer…
Members of the Grateful Dead confessing to collusion with the CIA in mind control experiments…
Type 2 diabetes accelerates brain aging and cognitive decline… Scientists have demonstrated that normal brain aging is accelerated by approximately 26% in people with progressive type 2 diabetes compared to individuals without the disease, reports a study published today in eLife.
The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words…
AI-engineered enzyme eats entire plastic containers… Some more mutants released in the world…
A great documentary on climate engineering… ‘’ is the specialists on the subject…
Planet X again and again… A giant planet may have "escaped" from our solar system…
Debris from Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 might actually be approaching Earth. A camera operated by the Spanish Meteor and Fireball Network caught a piece of the broken comet disintegrating over Zaragoza on May 27th…

This is a hopeful sign that a larger cloud of debris hypothosized by researchers may be following not far behind, and might produce a tau Herculid meteor outburst on May 30-31. If the outburst occurs--a big IF--sky watchers in North America will be favored to see it.
The Chinese-Australia battle for the Democratic Republic of Congo’s massive lithium lode…
Hunga Tonga is erupting and earthquake swarm at Hualalai in Papua New Guinea, which has not erupted in more than 135 years…
The Great Reset can't happen if the peasants have guns... Prepare for more manufactured mass shooting ahead… is running ad-free! You can support my work here… If you donate more than 25$, I will send you a small gemstone. Thanks! Manuel
Things to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants out of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Health Ranger Store: Buy clean FOOD and NON-GMO products to heal you and the world…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
You will ALWAYS have electricity with this portable SOLAR power station…
This is pretty good
Too bad you don't have the video of Pfizer CEO talking about their 50% reduction in population. Here's the text:
"One of them [company goals in 2019] was by 2023, we will reduce the number of people in the world by 50%. I think today this dream is becoming reality.” – Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
The audience applauded
Please prove tobacco causes cancer from outside of the US, UK, and Mexico. Hitler claimed tobacco causes cancer, then told researchers to prove it. He claimed this because of a hate for American Indians, calling us mongrels and Jew lovers. The Labour Party of the UK jumped on it but they were all Nazis. Then Penn State, also thick with nazi sympathizers did. The dnc adopted nazism in the 30s via FDR.
The great reset: Thar’s a fact. Hitler found that out when a few Jews in the Warsaw ghetto began gorilla raids. They had 6 guns and little ammo, but terrorized the SS to the max. To was the beginning of the end for the nazis.