The real conspiracy
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 14, 2022...
I hope you had a great weekend and are having a great Monday! Here some thoughts and news for today…
The media is a controlled narrative meant to manipulate society to push an agenda…
If you want to enter the Mexican cartel ‘Cannibal Schools’ , you will have to eat HUMAN FLESH…
“We have a right to resist and we have an obligation and a duty to do so! Do you understand when it says a duty to step between a tyrannical government and it’s laws?”
NASA hates Elon Musk's plan to send 30,000 satellites into space to provide the world with broadband internet… Actually I do hate it too…
Dozens rescued after flash floods in Muscat, Oman…
So let me get this straight. Auzzie force vaxxed people and are now saying that if you die from the vaccine, it’s your own fault…

'Conscious AI' already exists; And that’s terrifying…
The real conspiracy…
Bible found opened to Psalm 106 and 107 one of few objects to survive deadliest fire in US history…
Tornado hits Morales, Izabal, Guatemala…
Everyone seems to be looking past the elephant in the room regarding GoFundMe's cancelation of truckers funds : The Cashless Society Is Here........
GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding site that helped raise $8.7 million for the anti-vax “freedom convoy” in Canada, was hacked on Sunday night. Hackers just leaked the names of 92,000 donors…
Meanwhile, the City of Boston apologizes for ‘accidentally’ emailing out names of unvaccinated employees… Hypocrites!
Every veil secretly desires to be lifted, except the veil of hypocrisy…
Shrunk reservoirs. Depleted aquifers. Low rivers. Raging wildfires… Study finds Western megadrought is the worst in 1,200 years…
TheRe’s No AgEnDA?
Truck loaded with firearms stolen in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada…
Meanwhile, Trudeau has lost control of Canada. Invoking the Emergency Measures Act, the most sweeping set of powers available to a prime minister, the act that replaced the War Measures Act. It only confirms his complete and utter failure at dealing with a positive, optimistic & peaceful grassroots movement.
Remember who’s really responsible and hold them accountable…
Water is the most important thing around! Clean your drinking water with the best filter around…
Have a nice Sunday, Manuel
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Thank you, Manuel