The unwritten law of the ruling class: we are from above, you are beneath us, and the rules only apply to you because we're the ones that apply the rules.
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 7, 2022...
Julian Assange did nothing wrong.
Can we all just take a second to reflect on the fact that Julian Assange is still imprisoned... FOR EXPOSING OTHER PEOPLE'S CRIMES?
11 billion dollars and he's still paying proportionally less than us…
US University Admits It May Have Broken Law in Contract With Wuhan Lab…
How long until they’re labeled as “domestic terrorists”?
The U.S. Army, not Meta, is building the metaverse…
The FDA is allowing a vaccine not approved for children to be used for children…

Biden expected to extend Covid emergency through 2024 elections…
Polio virus found in water supply in NY. An outbreak of vaccine derived polio…
North Korea is sending 100,000 volunteer troops to Ukraine help Russia…
‘Like only 30% of it reaches its final destination’… Flooding a country with advanced weapons can have grave consequences, even when done with the best of intentions…
A good long list of pro-WEF companies to boycott…
Anybody know of anything about this? Brain J. Auten…

Scientists create world’s first lab-grown “synthetic embryo”…
The synthetic mouse embryo model on day 8 of its development… Creepy!
That’s maybe the best Covid cure… Indeed… LOL! These guys also think they have found the miracle booster…
Henry Kissinger, like his globalist peers, seeks to destroy civil liberties guaranteed by national constitutions to usher in global tyranny accountable to no one…
99% of sea turtles are now born female due to extreme heatwaves…
That must be an incredible feeling…
Cancer-causing chemical found in Michigan pond…
A refreshing idea…
Republicans Introduce Bill to Prevent CCP From Buying American Land… They should happily give them a refund and confiscate what they’ve already bought. Last I heard something like 200,000 Acres. Unacceptable…
So cool!
More human remains discovered in Lake Mead's receding waters…
Remember Aaron Swartz: Co-founder of Reddit that got suicided for exposing the government. He fought for free speech on reddit and got fired for it.
Federal judge grants COVID-19 vaccine mandate exemption to thousands of service members…
But this is the end goal…
Using Google Wallet? Yikes…
Alex Jones: The trials are a message to conspiracy theorists… The mainstream mind control machine has already made it clear that silencing people is the purpose…
Plato's Allegory of the Cave…
The world is in need of a unified "Digital Detox" movement. A mandatory 1-month cut-off. No internet, no screens. We would quickly realize that 99% of all outrage and hatred is manufactured and that the vast majority of humans is good, contrary to what we are being indoctrinated to believe.
As you probably all know now, my work is now entirely reader-supported. So if you enjoy my newsletters or/and my website, please consider throwing some money into my tip jar on Paypal (donations larger than 25$ get a gemstone).
The Federal Reserve is a too big to fail, private banking company that prints money for the American Government… And to limit the effects of inflation on your savings, it’s now time to invest in precious metals (Gold, Silver and others) to achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
Below, you will find some affiliate products that I highly recommend to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Restore youthfull look, revive your sex drive, feel 20 again…
Never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
Thank you for your help and have a great SUNday…
As an editor, I'm in awe of your work. As a manuscript researcher, double that.
Horse-hockey - Musk will pay no taxes. That's why he pays tax attorneys and accountants BIG BUCKS to GET HIM OUT OF PAYING TAXES. Wake up, only "the little people pay taxes." And this was NOT a hit piece as one commenter wrote. Musk is just like the rest of the greedy bunch that runs (or wants to) this world.
In 1773, Mayer Amschel Bauer (known as Rothschild to you) met with 12 of his wealthiest buddies in Frankfurt, Germany. The came up with 25 "instructions" for achieving a New World Order. Two centuries later, under the same guidance of the Rothschilds, the World Economic Forum came into existence and they put Klaus Schwab in as their front man. It's not a secret what they want to do - if you only have ears to hear and eyes to see...