The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continued ...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for December 6, 2022...
We went from endless spending in Iraq/Afghanistan to endless spending for covid to endless spending for Ukraine… It’s all just to keep the government spending propping up a collapsing economy and military (space) contractors in business (with a big pharma halftime show)…
The movie Nineteen Eighty Four, 1984 nails it…
This is the US Army’s next helicopter, the V-280 Valor, which will soon replace the Black Hawk…
And that’s project Olympus… While the highlight of the contract are 3d-printed housing, it also includes roads and launchpads. The real work of building a lunar road network, lunar spaceport, and eventually lunar laboratories and power plants begins here. Decades from now this will be the basis for lunar mining, resource extraction and long-term habitation which will be the basis for things like particle accelerators and telescopes. NASA wwards $57M contract to build roads on the moon…
A short video about he Olympus project can be found below…
Yes, this Tweet isn’t a coincidence: A spaceship ark, escaping Earth while a crowd is held at gunpoint...
Meanwhile, if you really want to understand what really happened during NASA’s Apollo missions, you should read this book right away…
Oxford Dictionaries names 'goblin mode' its word of the year… For those not wanting to Google or read the article: “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.”
It's a big club and you ain't in it… Tucker Carlson asked for Hunter Biden’s help getting his son into college…
Death penalty here… Rural Texas community mourns death of 7-year-old allegedly kidnapped and killed by delivery driver…
Afghanistan now…
Long-term natural immunity in unvaccinated populations is REAL… SARS-CoV-2 antibodies remained detectable up to 12 months after natural infection in all unvaccinated employees working as hairdressers and hospitality staff, suggesting long-term natural immunity…
Interesting… And, it’s all starting to make sense now…
It will never end… CDC encourages people to wear masks to help prevent spread of Covid, flu and RSV over the holidays…
Levine tells pediatricians that they need to become activists for transgender care for minors. At this point they are openly advocating for your child to get groomed…
Approval and execution are separate… 9 million Americans were wrongly told they were approved for student debt forgiveness…
Price is probably sky high…
They should force Elon to be the first human test… Musk’s Neuralink faces federal inquiry after killing 1,500 animals in testing…
Because I love watching such videos…

This must hurt… but it reportedly didn’t… Man survives impalement through neck with 1.5-foot ancient trident…
A few more of the recent “Died Suddenly”…
Meanwhile, entire ICU unit completely full of kids on ventilators in Alberta Children's Hospital… There is a massive influx of children being brought in to the Emergency Room very sick…
This is how Rife frequencies destroy disease. Dr Rife was assassinated decades ago for this…
Just blew up my hometown several times over. Cool… This guy made a website that lets you launch an asteroid at Earth and see the effects…
Thousands rally in Rome against arming Ukraine…

Facebook: Meta may remove news from platform if U.S. Congress passes media bill…
Harvard business professor to CEOs: Don't let '3%' of your employees turn company woke'…
Man these guys just love launching sh*t into the ocean… North Korea fires over 130 artillery rounds as warning after South Korea-U.S. drills…
Fossilised fragments of a skeleton of the last known toothed bird, hidden within a rock the size of a grapefruit, have helped upend one of the longest-standing assumptions about the origins of modern birds. Cambridge researchers have found that one of the key skull features that characterises 99% of modern birds – a mobile beak – evolved before the mass extinction event that killed all large dinosaurs, 66 million years ago…
Rock Church, in San Diego: Megachurch leader accused of torturing, murdering adopted daughter…
If they disappear, the consequences could be lethal… Horseshoe crabs have been saving our species—are we endangering theirs? Horseshoe crabs’ blood is very important for vaccine development as it helps to prevent bacterial contamination. Most horseshoe crabs survive this process and are released back into the wild… Their blood cells use copper instead of iron. That's why their blood is blue and not red…
Don’t tell Bill Gates… Scientists just discovered that ants make milk…
Wonka knows…
Why do people accuse you with being right wing if you talk about conspiracies? What does left vs right has anything to do with it…
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Thanks for reading Strange Sounds! Have a nice Tuesday…
So NASA is just not happy screwing up Earth, so now they want to screw up the Moon!
Wow.....I just am at a loss of the absolute stupidity of people!
Climate change, yes every day it changes........but let's fly 400 private fuel sucking private jets to (not) Mt Sinia and pretend to make some 'commandments' to get people to bow down to us global big shots...
Whipping video:
Much too harsh a punishment. Give the woman a ticket. Beating women is a not appropriate in a civil society.
Chimp Video:
Let's have more stories like these up here please.
Trump photographed with PedoEpstein:
Trump took a flight on PedoEpstein's plane as he missed his connecting flight. It was a connecting flight to his final destination. He did not go to PedoEpstein island. So, the facts are President Trump is not a pedosatanist. Nor is affiliated with pedosatanists. Let's be fact based when we make reports please.