There is enough in this world for everybody's needs, but not enough for certain people's greed...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for May 27, 2023...
Yes, that’s their yearly salary…

Now, Mexican president tells Florida Hispanics: Don’t give ‘one single vote’ to DeSantis… How do you think DeSantis got in office?
DeSantis won 58% of the Latino vote, including 68% of Cuban Americans, 56% of Puerto Ricans, and 53% of all other Latinos combined [CNBC]
We are the bad boys… Peru police seize cocaine packets with Nazi flag and Hitler’s name printed on the outside…

They probably do that for all the religions… Christians caught with a Bible in North Korea have faced death and had their families, including children, thrown in prison for life..
Sam's FTX promotional CONDOMS say they will 'never' do EXACTLY what they ended up doing…

Russian gold: UAE cashes in as sanctions bite the dust; I would bet they and the other Emirates are also making a lot with Russian diesel resold to Europe…
This is interesting…
With new privacy and speech rules coming into effect in the EU in November of this year, Twitter will not last long unless they fundamentally change how they deal with hate speech and disinformation… Twitter withdraws from EU disinformation code…
She has a beautiful voice… Celine Dion cancels entire world tour after incurable neurological condition diagnosis…
I remember when I was living in Montreal, we had a cat and this cat got babies. We gave them around to friends of my parents. One of the family removed the claws of their new baby cat. We felt really sad… Michigan bill would ban cat declawing as cruel and unnecessary…
In 1783, a boy was born with two heads. The second head was upside down, with the neck pointed straight up. Shockingly, the second head was fully functional. The boy claimed he could hear the other brain telling him things. He died at 4 years old from a cobra bite…

So the parents padlocked the fridge and when asked why, the mother said the kids were “stealing” food and “garbage disposals with legs.” Really makes me wonder where the 10k needed to post bail came from… 7 kids found living in filthy Pennsylvania home with rats…
While eastern Nebraska is begging for rain, parts of southwest Nebraska have seen way too much of it over the last 24 hours. Up to 10 inches of rainfall in 24 hours! The National Weather Service has issued several Flash Flood Warnings for portions of Hitchcock, Hayes, and Red Willow Counties. Other Flood Warnings are in effect for parts of Dundy, Chase, Hayes, Hitchcock, Red Willow, and Frontier Counties in Southwest Nebraska…
I wouldn't be surprised if student loans are deferred until after the next election… The House wants $1.3T in student loans to start being paid back WITH over 2 years of interest back-payments…
I thought we had a pretty intense winter… But Mongolia was just hit by something worse… Dust and snow storms in the Mongolian provinces of Sukhbaatar and Khentii killed 290,000 livestock and at least 2 people last week. The overall number of fatalities is expected to increase, as many livestock and a total of 127 people, primarily nomadic herders, are still missing missing…
Looking for a cool real estate? US to give away free lighthouses as GPS makes them unnecessary…
This US administration is preparing to send Ukraine $300M, but will default on social security checks for American seniors next week. Why? Because it’s just about moving money from the taxpayers to the defense contractors…

That google history is horrifying and the most incriminating search history outside of literally typing a confession and hitting search… 'Family Feud' contestant who joked about regretting his marriage is now on trial for wife's murder…
Years of prayer answered…
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I live in Arizona near the border. Here, we are completely overrun by illegals. My county, is number in the country for property crimes. Violent crime has exploded. Foil smoking zombies are everywhere. Fentanoyl camps are in all our washes. Mexico, is a big of an enemy as Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran combined. I have no tolerance for this, nor for those who aid the IMMIGRATION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. kudos Manny
Celine Dion: another victim of the jab