This is what gaslighting looks like by the government sponsored mainstream media...
Do not comply!

WEF meeting 2023… Attendee list includes FBI director Chris Wray, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, top officials at the Gates Foundation and in the Soros network, and the Publisher of The New York Times… Record attendance expected at Davos for World Economic Forum 2023…
They don't want ethics investigations. Seems pretty simple. The rules were written by the R's and passed by the R's. The D's suck too. None of them (R's or D's) have the average citizens best interests in mind. It's all about power and profits for them…
The text of the signed rules has been available for 4 days. It was published Jan, 6. 2023. The first link on this page will take you to the 55 page .pdf… Here’s a news story for a brief a summary…‘
The conspiracy to convince us that electric stoves are better than gas stoves is out in full force. By the way here's Jill and her ‘electric’ stove…
But who is Carole Hildreth?

We aren’t fools… You know like me there’s no freaking Carole… LOL!
‘Look at the celebrity who agrees with us!’ This is the formula they successfully use to propagandize the masses right now…
Do not comply…
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Gas stoves cause heart attacks in children is the latest horsecrap lie peddled by media buttclowns. Pharma-sorcery pays well.
AOC tweeted that gas stoves cause cognitive impairment. So, there is a picture of her using a gas stove. Does that explain her two-digit I.Q.? Nope, she was born a moron!
I can't view the video with Carol in the hospital bed. Maybe bc I don't have twatter. I imagine it's her in other scenarios playing sick, on camera. To different outlets? Anywho. Thanks Manuel. Thanks to your family for sharing your time.