Today, they make a vaccine for everything... And that's not a good thing at all...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for January 5, 2023...
Bee VAXX! US approves use of world’s first vaccine for honeybees…
Honeybees are the world’s most important pollinators, but their population is on the decline. Now, this Bay Area teen discovered a way to repair the effects of pesticides on honeybees…
Did you know? Bees are important for agriculture, but they’re not so good for the environment…
Oh yes sure, I forgot about that…
Of course… The new cancer vaccine will simultaneously kill and prevent brain cancer developement…
This is a real patent held by Sony…
Cover-up… FDA is rewriting history after claiming it didn’t prohibit Ivermectin For COVID-19…
Actually, it is a nice city… Smogless Los Angeles during COVID quarantine…
The men who stare at goats, are coming… Russia is afraid of Western psychic attacks…
Awesome! Weightlessness during freefall…
I thought it was ‘Made in China’… A single Iranian attack drone found to contain parts from more than a dozen US companies…
Not that one, not that, one, not that one… ONLY THAT ONE…
Imagine the wait to be rescued for the woman with her two kids knowing her husband just tried to kill them all… Or else: Imagine being the husband and realizing you survived along with everyone else and now your family knows you tried to kill them… Tesla driver is charged with intentionally plunging his family off a California cliff…
16 Years after the death of Nicole Van Den Hurk, her stepbrother Andy falsely confessed to killing her to get her body exhumed for DNA testing which lead to the arrest and prosecution of her attacker. Andy believed that his father was responsible for Nicole's death…

Hopefully across the world soon… Meta is now banned from using personal data for advertising in the EU…
What a mess… There is a very rare condition called Anton syndrome, in which a person becomes blind however they are unaware of it and will deny it, as their brain generates (false) visual images so they continue to believe that they can see…
And Europe buys it for 3x the price… China and India are buying up Russia’s Arctic oil…
A group searching for water in the desert in ALGERIA stumbled upon oil gusing out of the sand… The country is rich in oil but poor in water…
Nothing left for breakfast… Melted butter clogs historic canal and storm drains after dairy plant fire in Wisconsin…
One week is long… Love is everything… Emotional footage shows the moment a father is reunited with his son with Down Syndrome after he spent a week away meeting his favourite baseball star. The touching display took place at LAX airport in California, where the two have lived together since his mothers passing 25 years ago…
Are you still around? New Covid strain is the most transmissible yet, WHO says…
So… Another murder-suicide?
Everywhere I would say… A mass exodus from Christianity is underway in America…
Any society that disrespects children on this level is doomed to failure…
5G is a weapons system designed to KILL people…
Twitter files publisher: 'Every conceivable wing' of federal enforcement sent censorship requests…
White supremacy comes in all colors. 2023 will make this impossible to ignore. In other words, "White supremacy" really means any opposition to the globalists' criminality…
When is it going to start please? We need more money for the Second pandemic…
“Pure and deadly greed”: Lawmakers slam Pfizer’s 400% price hike on COVID shots…
Rest assured this is all normal…
Amazon is reportedly laying off more than 17,000 workers, the largest job cut in the company's history…
Scientists Just Found The Tomb Of Egyptian God Osiris Next To The River Nile…
Censorship! Today I have received a Search Engine Removal notice from Google for a post about Maxwell and Disney - One means hundreds? Probably…
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DoD gives a reward for resqueing bees from pesticides??? Are they now working for MOnsanto?? What kind of teachers give that IDIOTIC task to young generation while making it BLIND to the main issues we got. GET RID OF ALL PESTICIDES and the corresponding GMO's, and the bees will be there (!!!), people will live longer and STOP promoting Monsanto/BAYER criminals!!!
Forgot to add, yes indeed, the synthetic GENES in every injection from now on, called properly GENE THERAPY are on its way, here the link:
Btw. the Monsanto patented genetic sequences which were designed to partly resist pesticides are partly embedded in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike genome from all the covid gene based injections!!! Just wonder for what purpose...
Little post about that part at:
Tuesday I was restricted by linkin for posting about Ukraine begging for weapons/money. They will require me to submit a copy of a gov issued id to be reinstated.
Adios linkin!