Trust the scientists, trust the doctors, trust the TV, trust the CDC, trust Fauci, trust the government. But please, do not use your brain, under any circumstances...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for June 23, 2022...
We went from “spending trillions won’t cause inflation” to “Inflation is transitory” to “Inflation is good” to “Inflation is Putins fault” to “Inflation won’t lead to a recession,” and finally to “Recession is inevitable but it’s not bad…” What’s next? “You lost everything but it could have been worse???”
Antarctica: You're free to go're not allowed to go there!
1 - The Forbidden Sector. No-one knows what happens here, no one who has been has ever come back, if you try to take a peek at the border you are grabbed by security penguins and taken in.
2 - The Hole at the Pole. This connects with the Hole at the Other Pole and to the Hollow Earth and those who live there.
3 - The Wall Around the Hole at the Pole. This stops people from the Almost-South-Pole-Station from falling in the hole and keeps out immurgrunts.
4 - The Almost South Pole Station. Because there's a big hole where the actual Pole should be (obvs) you can't build a research station there so instead it's nearby, this means it easy to keep an eye on all the ufo's and other alien technology that comes in and out of the hole.
5 - UFO Base. UFO technology was first established in Antarctica at the end of WW2 by the Nazis who did the obvious thing when they thought they might lose the war and moved to Antarctica to test-fly UFO's. They have been doing it ever since, secretly... 75+ years so far and counting...
6 - Visitors Land. The magnetic fields in Antarctica are manipulated to cause compasses to lead everyone to this area wherever they think they are going and think they might be. This prevents anyone finding out about the secrets in Antarctica "They" don't want you to know about.
7 - Visitor Land Barrier. A big plywood barrier painted to look like distant mountains and icebergs that hides the rest of Antarctica behind it.
8 - Secret Nazi Submarine Base. Established at the end of WW2. A tunnel at the ice edge leads to a base built into a giant ice-cave hundreds of miles inland so submarines can come and go secretly on clandestine missions.
9 - Tropical Area. No-one would expect an area of tropical weather and rainforest in Antarctica, so that's exactly why one has been established and kept secret well away from prying eyes, you wouldn't guess it was here would you? clever eh? <taps side of nose>.
10 - The Pyramids of Antarctica. Built by an ancient and powerful race and hidden under the ice. Every now and then one of them pokes out accidentally and photographs are taken, but by the time anyone looks again, the snow is heaped back over it and it disappears from view. Also, some mountains look a bit pyramid like from some directions.
11- Land of The Ancient Race of Super-Beings With Big Angular Heads. Some of them tried to leave many years ago and made it to Easter Island where their enormous weight made them sink into the ground and a simple common bacterial infection turned them to stone. The bacterium cannot live in Antarctica so they continue their highly sophisticated secret society under the ice, just occasionally sending out for pizza.
CJNG (Mexican cartel) leader El Mencho tells a police official to have his officers stand down. The officer quickly complies…
China plans to have every single comment reviewed before it's published on social media… This is the draft regulation in question by the way (Archived site because the original link doesn't seem to work anymore)…
So, in not granting him a leave of absence it means that he will be removed as a Councillor when he misses the next three meetings. If they were to grant him a leave of absence then he could miss meetings with impunity. They haven't got rid of him, more set the stage for him to get rid of himself by not turning up…
Assisted suicide pod approved for use in Switzerland. At the push of a button, the pod becomes filled with nitrogen gas, which rapidly lowers oxygen levels, causing its user to die… The inventor has actually made this open source, and 3D printable, and nitrogen is dirt cheap…
How we speak matters to animals! Horses, pigs and wild horses can distinguish between negative and positive sounds from their fellow species and near relatives, as well as from human speech…
"Anolis Aquaticus" also known as the Scuba Diving Lizard can stay submerged underwater for around 15 minutes. It breathes underwater through the pulsating air bubble seen on the top of its head…
More alien dust incoming… Comet twice the size of Mount Everest to pass by Earth next month…
Florida python sets new state record at almost 18 feet, 215 pounds…
A bank run ahead? The Bank of England said people holding £ 14.5 billion in old paper banknotes have just 100 days to spend or deposit the money before it becomes worthless…
AOC complains her $174,000 congressional salary is too low to start a family on. Says it makes it difficult for "working and middle class" members like her…
Thousands convicted of witchcraft could be pardoned under new bill… Around 4,000 Scots are estimated to have been accused of the crime, which was in law until 1736, with around 85% of those convicted being women…
Disney set to release children’s film with gay romance…

Cold winter ahead… Germany triggers gas alarm stage…
Alex's War | Official Trailer HD…
In addition to the deadly earthquake of yesterday (more than 1,000 dead), at least 400 people have been killed in recent flooding across Afghanistan…
Supreme Court strikes down New York law on concealed carry…

Polio is back in the UK! Virus detected in London sewage samples…
The CERN Large Hadron Collider will run at double its record energy level this coming July 5th. Wonky weather and other natural disasters ahead…
‘No need to panic?’ Sunspot with potential for solar flares doubles in size overnight…
Kamala! You are the least-liked Vice President since Agnew…
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Things to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants out of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Health Ranger Store: Buy clean FOOD and NON-GMO products to heal you and the world…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
You will ALWAYS have electricity with this portable SOLAR power station…