Was it all planned?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for June 25, 2022...
Two years after Roe v. Wade was decided, Joe Biden said: “I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion…”

Do you believe the old senile man to this day?
And now, just several hours after the abortion ruling, the DHS warns Americans about potential violent extremist activity…
What a great timing isn’t it?
There’s no better moment to take somebody’s pride, to curb people and free citizens than during protests.
As if the Supreme Court’s decision was planned to get civil unrest, to send more police and army troops in the streets to control the people, even more than we already are…
It’s going to be very interesting to see which guys will be majoritarily arrested in the next few weeks, months (pro abortion or against abortion)…
We are ruled by hypocrites… So much distraction nowadays. It’s becoming hard to tell what direction to look… Tough times ahead my friends… Take care and have a great Saturday! More here (links to pdf and MSM article)
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Things to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants out of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Health Ranger Store: Buy clean FOOD and NON-GMO products to heal you and the world…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
You will ALWAYS have electricity with this portable SOLAR power station…
It is gov't control of the people (us) to foment anger and opposition, shaking up strongly held viewpoints between the most politically divided of our society to confuse, deceive and distract, all planned for this very time when the rest of the world is falling apart. It was planned to be overturned since the time when Roe v. Wade was battling in court. It has ALL been planned for the right time for one purpose: The new world order which will allow the antichrist to reign supreme in this world for a short time after millions of God fearing, born again Christians depart from this earth in the long awaited Catching Away of the Saints, better known as the Rapture of the Church (and I don't mean the apostate brick and mortar church buildings with mostly unsaved occupying them, I mean born again Christians who LOVE Jesus Christ and have been saved from their sins by His Shed Blood at the Cross). We're watching the end of the Age of Grace. We have front row seats to see those things prophesied hundreds of years ago come to pass right now!. Jesus is waiting for every person to come to Him and the time is certainly coming to a quick end VERY soon. Call on Him now before it's too late.
that reversal of the supreme court is only a provocation to accuse the demonstrators of violence and domestic terrorism... they will have infiltrators who ignite the anger of the people with speeches or harangues... anger in crescendo... that is what they want with it. ..for the situation to deteriorate further... for the demonstrators to use weapons... the aggravating circumstances of the accusation would revolve around the use of these... the objective is nothing more than to seize people's weapons... since the law did not favor Biden ... it will turn him around