We are being strangled by all these corporations and the powers that be. And people are acting like everything is fine and dandy...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for June 27, 2022...
While everyone was sleeping and/or raging over Roe v Wade The president was in a foreign country committing more American tax payer money to other countries. For example, you will be giving millions to Senegal for a vaccine facility and MORE money for Ukraine… So much good news on Monday…

Russia defaults on foreign debt for first time since 1918…
There was a mass shooting in a bar in Oslo, Norway. Some unarmed Norwegian citizens took down the terrorist... Look at the police car, they don't intervene, turn out their lights and go parking...
Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee were murdered by the CIA in 1967. Later safety inspector Thomas Baron, who testified to Congress about the incident, and his family were murdered… Here’s a great book about it…
My body, my choice. Except for gene therapies. They would push anything to depopulate the planet…
It was his last chance to win… Los Angeles 29-year-old trans woman beats 13-year-old girl to first place in NYC women's skateboarding contest…
Now doctors prescribe medication based on patients’ political affiliation and race… Terrible!
We can dream of the rights Big Pharma has. The right to kill, the right to injure, the right to sterilize. With immunity and taxpayer money, backed by corruption, greed, fake science and a geriatric thief…
Start the clock… Ghislaine Maxwell put on suicide watch ahead of sentencing…
Sarah, please check what they have written for you before saying it out loud… “We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they're as safe as they are in a classroom.”

Meanwhile, the MSM is gearing up to blame the demolition of the US economy on the Supreme Court decision. LOL!
But don’t worry! Trudeau is there! Canada will allow Americans to cross the border for abortions…
The legends flight navigation logs release by his son after his death… Admiral Byrd secret diary Operation High Jump in Antarctica…
That would be a big hit as Taiwan’s war against China is looming… Up to 40,000 Army National Guard soldiers across the country — or about 13% of the force — have not yet gotten the mandated COVID-19 vaccine, and as the deadline for shots looms, at least 14,000 of them have flatly refused and could be forced out of the service…
Who is lining up? Second day of long lines in NYC for the mon(k)eypox vaccine…

RIP Daniel Pearl, WSJ journalist who was beheaded by ISI (Pakistani intelligence) for discovering that the CIA allowed (directed) the ISI to set up the 9/11 story by having ISI agent Omar Saeed fund the "hijackers". Omar Saeed was released in 2021. The 9/11 hijacker funder is now a free man. CIA?
The elites at work… Nigerian senator and wife charged with plotting to get child to UK to harvest organs…
The M1 money supply chart really brings it home. All that fast, liquid, juicy cash. Injected into the system for literally no reason. Lockdowns that did nothing. Paying off lobbyists. Paying off politicians. Paying off banks. What a clown show. But the bank of Rothschild/Rockefeller that owns the USA just kept printin. PRINT BABY PRINT…
Cities underwater in China as record floods hit on June 26th…
Not good… Cyanide pipe of the gold mine in Ilic, Erzincan, flows into the Euphrates River…
Mosquito tornadoes in China…
200-500%: Massive increase in DROUGHT-induced MIGRATION in the coming years…
Floods affect nearly 5 million, over 200,000 displaced in Assam, India - More than 118 dead…
Money and power rule the world. You want to make a difference? Starve them of their money and power. How? Become self sufficient. Build a well. Plant a garden. Raise chickens for eggs. Talk to your neighbors. Work together. Be able to defend yourself and loved ones. Be self sufficient, and stop playing their game…
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Below, you will find some products or things to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Remove ALL major contaminants out of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
SAVE your retirement by investing in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS…
You will ALWAYS have electricity with this portable SOLAR power station…
Thank you for your help and have a great Sunday.