What if all conspiracies are part of the control?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for January 9, 2025...
Los Angeles is ablaze with anomalies…
Meanwhile, multiple reports coming in from all over LA that there’s somebody starting fires across the area…
This is more than becoming suspicious. There are now 7 fires raging across Southern California with absolutely no origin being able to be brought forward by authorities and the insurance companies pulling out quite literally months before this incident.
I just want to know what’s going on as I watch those beautiful cities and houses burn away before my eyes… It seems that even the Californian house of Hunter Biden has been burnt down… (btw, I am wondering what he was hiding in there)…
This guy drove through one of the fires:
There’s no way these fires are a coincidence. The LA fires are a prelude. Keep an eye on it this year…
Sweden: Hours of waiting to fill up your Tesla with electricity…
A union dispute has cut off power to many Tesla charging stations, causing drivers to have to wait a while to fill up…
LOL! Look at these poor EV freaks…
RFKJr is just a crazy guy? OR not so crazy…
Conspiracy theorists are winning another one as NYTs titled yesterday: “Study Links High Fluoride Exposure to Lower I.Q. in Children…”
China: A child slips off a chairlift in front of her mother…
A 7-year-old girl fell from a chairlift at Genting Ski Park in Zhangjiakou. She was taken to hospital for check-ups, but was unharmed…
Oh Lucky you! Insane!
Here’s a real life conspiracy affecting the lives of average people…
Six major landlords conspired to keep rents high…
What do all distraction agents on here think about that?
Where does Iran actually get the fissile material for its nuclear program?
Easy, the Yakuza smuggle it from Myanmar...
A plot like from an Amazon Prime Video production!
“As he admitted in federal court today, Takeshi Ebisawa brazenly trafficked nuclear material, including weapons-grade plutonium, out of Burma,” acting US attorney Edward Kim said on Wednesday, using another name for Myanmar.
The question remains where Myanmar got weapons-grade plutonium…
Ransomware attack on digital land register of Slovakia…
The ransomware gangs have a new target: the digital land register… What a mess!
Disaster movies always assume attacks on the power supply and the deletion of bank data. Real estate documents are probably less well protected and would cause even more chaos… More in Slovakian here…
It’s always 33…
Do you know the significance and symbolism of the number 33?
Now that you know… what do you think about this headline?
So, the same week as congestion pricing goes into effect, NYC says they need to increase taxes to fill a $33 billion deficit, in which that money won’t come from congestion pricing…
That gift has the same age than me…
An Illinois man was helping his parents renovate a house they lived in for 53 years when he got the surprise of his life. Tim King discovered his long-lost Christmas present from 46 years ago. He was just six years old when his parents got him the gift in 1978. The bright red gift-wrapping paper was adorned with Disney characters. Inside the gift wrapping was a set of Matchbox thunderjets in their original packaging from the 1970s…
DOJ cleared to sell BTC…
There's your strategic national reserve… LOL!
Remember when it was impossible for governments or outside entities to gain access to your Bitcoins? I don’t…
It would be absolutely hilarious if Biden sold all the BTC the US holds before Trump came in… What a crash…
Shocking images show woman, 19, whose breasts quadrupled after taking Pfizer Covid vaccine…
I see a surge of ‘new jabbed’ in the porn industry and on Onlyfan in the coming days… Just crazy…
Did you have werewolves on your bingo card for 2025?
Ok Ok, only werewolf syndrome in dogs when you give them chew bones from China that are apparently made of industrial waste...
Evening planet show…
When the sun goes down tonight, step out out and look ... in any direction. There are bright planets all across the sky:
Four of the naked eye planets are above the horizon at once. Only Mercury is missing…
Venus, Jupiter and Mars, in particular, are very bright - all brighter than the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, which is also visible. It's quite a show.
The Moon is moving among the planets. On Jan. 3rd there was a conjunction with Venus, followed on Jan. 4th by an occultation of Saturn. Next, on Jan. 9th, Jupiter will have a close encounter with the Moon. The best event of all will be next Monday's occultation of Mars.
On Jan. 13th, the Moon will occult (cover) Mars. This infographic from the Astronomical League shows the times and circumstances. The red planet's vanishing will be visible to most everyone in North America around dinnertime. Binoculars are recommended to see Mars near the glaring-bright edge of the Full Moon. As you look through the optics, be sure to appreciate the rusty-orange color of Mars; there's no other planet like it.
Keep you eyes to the sky and meditate on the title of this newsletter…
I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter. If you have problems reading it, please follow the instructions here…
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Thank you and have a great Thursday,
I want to know how much those Match Box Thunder Jets are worth today!! In the original box? Whooo Wheee! what a find! and is he going to share the windfall with mom?
Use Yandex.com and search for DEW fires (hint Hawaii, Canada, California)
Don't use Google, Bing, etc. Censored!
“What could go wrong with a "currency" created out of thin air by using gigawatts of electricity to run computer calculations and get rewarded by something called a bitcoin??? I mean it's not like some silly gold bar now is it?” 1
5 Mar 2001. The NSA filed a patent for the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256, used to optimize earlier hashing functions like MD5 and SHA-1, vulnerable to known attack vectors.
SHA-256 is essential for proof-of-work consensus algorithms used in blockchains like Bitcoin.2
Publication of Federal Information Processing Standard FIPS PUB 180-2,
The NSA wouldn't have release SHA-256, if it wasn’t useful for spying: it’s obvious that it is NSA-hackable.
Every single military tech released to the public has to give an advantage to the cabal. For example, the opening of DARPAnet, known today as the internet, had the goals of:
• Advancing full spyable-digitalization of the world, essential for the global digi-tatorship
• Keeping the kill switches to bring it down, leaving any enemy digitally and communicationally crippled
• Giving mason-controlled corporations the advantage to make billions in developing the internet hardware and software infrastructure: Google (CIA startup), Microsoft/Yahoo, Apple, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
7 Dec 2004. U.S. Patent 6,829,355 for SHA-256 was granted to the NSA:
Why did it take over 3 years?
20 June 2007. The NSA made the patent available royalty-free.3
Why patent it in the first place instead of just releasing to the public domain? Why release it after 6 years? Was it because they had bitcoin in mind already?
31 Oct 2008. A link was posted to a cryptography mailing list, to a white paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” by an individual or group using the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto”.
3 Jan 2009. Since nobody had picked up the ball after a 2-month waiting period, as if there was a 2008 deadline, “Nakamoto” released the open-source code for the bitcoin software. Nakamoto mined the first Bitcoin block, known as the Genesis Block or Block 0. This event marks the beginning of the Bitcoin blockchain and the cryptocurrency movement.
8 Jan 2023. "Satoshi Wallet" or "Genesis Wallet" still holds over 1 million Bitcoins, worth $50 BILLION USD in Jan 2023.
9 Jan 2023. Someone sent Satoshi's genesis wallet $1.2 million in BTC.
NSA created Bitcoin
NSA owns the genesis wallet
NSA owns many other wallets
NSA uses many wallets to transfer money for their shady businesses
NSA agent made a mistake and sent money to the genesis wallet instead of others in the NSA list of wallets
Masons founded and still control the NSA and all intel agencies.
Masons will suicide Bitcoin as soon as they achieve a global CBDC: they won't need Bitcoin because that global CBDC will serve the same purposes (counterfeiting, laundering, bribing, paying criminals and traitors, planting money in innocent people's accounts, etc.).
Bitcoin is a psy-op proven to be developped by the NSA to allow the masonic intel agencies to launder billions of counterfeit dollars without being accountable.
Sell all you've got ASAP:
1. The NSA has more than enough computing power for a 51% attack.
Taking control of the blockchain enables them to double-spend, meaning, spending your bitcoins.
No blockchain is safe against an NSA attack with current tech, least a quantum attack.
2. No crypto-wallet will work: they will require Government ID to access the net after the planned Great Hack, announced at the World Economic Forum.
3. They also plan a huge global financial crash, to install Central Bank Digital Currencies attached to the ban on paper-money, monthly allowance (Universal Basic Income), yet with compliance with monthly carbon quotas and Universal Basic "Health" (depopulation contraception, abortion, haccines, baby quotas).
Old Proverb: "The idiots are not the smoke sellers, but the smoke buyers.”
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!