When is this all going to stop?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for March 6, 2021
Swiss Alps, Martian Sky by Jens Bydal
Biggest, fastest known asteroid flyby of 2021 takes place on March 21…
Pacaya in Guatemala again…

Semeru volcano puffs a smoke ring… This is how they form…
What if Berlin disappeared in a major eruption…
Seismic unrest still hot in New Zealand…
Croatia is soon a Swiss cheese…
Poison-laden drones to fight mouse plague in Australia…
Shark gets stabbed in the head by…
Polar bears have black skin and clear, hollow fur. Their clear fur allows more sunlight to reach the skin, and their dark skin absorbs heat better.
Bacteria can be effectively immortal…
About three thousand of these motocycles were made and mainly used in Operation Market Garden during WWII.
Swarms of aerial drones from unmanned submarines and ships…
Myanmar gov website got HACKED…
Tree’s vascular system exposed after a lightning strike
Ebola infects 28 people, kills 11 in Guinea, DRC…
200 km/h Tropical cyclone Niran hits New Caledonia today…
The tallest tree in Wales was damaged by a storm and needed to be cut down. Instead, chainsaw artist Simon O’Rourke created this to symbolize the tree’s final attempt to reach the sky.
Thank you for reading! Now this is how you can help:
Thank you, Manuel