Why would P Diddy flee when facing charges for child sex trafficking?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for March 26, 2024...
Rap Epstein flees country…

Let’s face it he’s probably guilty, would it even be that hard to believe? This dude has been so heavily and obviously involved in basically every shady major event that's ever happened around the rap game since the 90s that I can't believe this is finally going to be the thing that takes him down…
On March 4th, Candace Owens said that "the P. Diddy case is arguably bigger than the Jeffrey Epstein case, yet the media is virtually silent on it.”
But why are the media silent about child trafficking?
Because, it’s a big circle and you ain’t in it… BUT:
Obama is in it:
Trump is in it:
And that’s actually a picture of the Ex of Diddy!

And that’s Prince Harry…
I am now finding out that there are 2 lawsuits. One from a former girlfriend and another from a former record producer. Apparently, the record producer claims that Diddy would host sex parties. Music execs were present as were children... If this is true, the Feds aren’t looking for evidence, theyre trying to hide it.
And the Deep State probably helped Diddy escape to Antigua…
Big Win for Freedom of Speech… London court rules in favor of Assange’s extradition challenge…
Singapore freight vessel takes out the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD; Total collapse, with closures expected until December 2025…
Seriously, I was willing to believe it was an accident until I stumbled on this posted by NBC news of all places. Are there currents, yes. Did they let down anchor which could have shifted their course, yes. But even with complete power failure they were already on course to safely pass under the bridge. What happened? Why did they veer so abruptly? This is from official marine traffic. People are going to have a hard time convincing me that currents moved a ship of that size that already had forward momentum that quickly…

Florida will ban anyone under 14 owning a social media account from January 2025, deleting existing accounts… How do they go about enforcing it? Digital ID probably. Shit like this is always justified as a "save the children" campaign. The devil's in the details. It only looks good on the surface…
Major newspapers' predictions in the 1960s of the future of work in the United States…
KuCoin and its founders were charged by the U.S. Department of Justice for conspiring to violate the Bank Secrecy Act by not operating a compliant anti-money laundering program, allegedly enabling money laundering and terrorist activity. The exchange is accused of handling over $9 billion of suspicious and criminal funds. Founders Chun Gan and Ke Tang, along with three companies, were charged in what is described as a 'multi-billion dollar criminal conspiracy'… Like every bank is doing…
It’s not Bitcoin neither RDDE, it’s cocoa and it goes ballistic…
This dude is going off the deep end… Boxer offers free Brazilian butt lifts and boob jobs to 'support women'…
Northern lights shine over erupting volcano in Iceland…
There are concerns about the impact of microplastics on the environment and on human health, but a new study also suggests they could force a change in the entire field of archaeology. Archaeologists are now finding microplastics in ancient remains… While preserving archaeological remains in situ has been the favored approach in recent years, the new findings could trigger a change in approach, as microplastic contamination could compromise the remains’ scientific value…
Torrential downpours in several Iranian provinces have caused widespread disruption as floodwater blocked communication routes in dozens of villages. Authorities have issued warnings about rising water levels at several dams, and flooding has already begun in some areas…
But IQ is not following…Human brains are getting larger… Study participants born in the 1970s had 6.6% larger brain volumes and almost 15% larger brain surface area than those born in the 1930s. The increased brain size may lead to an increased brain reserve, potentially reducing overall risk of age-related dementias…
Creation of an analogue black hole using Helium 4 isotopes and an interesting quantum effect…
The 2020s trend of ‘it got worse’ continues… Dairy cattle in Texas and Kansas have tested positive for bird flu…
One of the most dangerous volcanoes in all of South America is displaying increased signs of unrest. In only a 10-hour timespan, 280 volcanic earthquakes struck the Cerro Machin volcano, including two magnitude 4 range earthquakes. So, does this mean that Cerro Machin will erupt soon?
I told them not to buy from Temu! Millions of Americans caught up in Chinese hacking plot…
Lenticular clouds over the volcanoes of Kamchatka, March 26, 2024.
Kidnapping scam now using AI to terrify parents… Dad was certain his daughter was calling in distress…
Sunrise unusual in Alberta, Canada…
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OmG NOT chocolate.....
Regarding photos of famous people taken with criminals like Epstein, etc. - important to note that the rich, the famous, the powerful, all travel in the same circles and go to the same events. Just because at some point they appeared together in a photo at a fundraiser or a party or a premier really means nothing.