You know something is up when other people start to notice…
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 21, 2023...
The economy is doing great! You mouth-breathing peasants are just too stupid to notice…
This is indeed blatant propaganda at its finest. Some people are stupid enough to believe it…
The shocking official CIA documents on human consciousness that says consciousness is not a part of our body at all, it's stored in our brain, but not a part of it. Our consciousness (us) is its own being, a ghost version of us…
Hey Guys! Now its time to SUPPORT MY WORK!
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work via:
Just when we thought this week couldn't get any crazier…

Food waste study: 18 billion animals a year die, but never end up on our plate…
A satanic abortion clinic named after the mother of supreme court justice Alito is open in New Mexico… It is now providing free religious telehealth medication abortion care, courtesy of The Satanic Temple… Trolls trolling around…
‘It has been pretty awful’: First state to decriminalize hard drugs looking to reverse liberal experiment…
Some examples of the horrific traps used in the Vietnam War…
“Have you tried raising VAT and kill all the poor?” U.K. PM Rishi Sunak reportedly said 'just let people die', inquiry hears…
The MSM is also waking up… CNBC has dismantled its climate desk and will no longer have staff dedicated to covering climate change…
Good for Sweden… A new government inquiry will investigate how foreigners who commit crimes or do not have an 'upstanding way of life' in Sweden could potentially have their residence permit revoked…
A kilonova GRB 230307A detected by JWST that seemed to have produced a tremendous amount of different elements needed for life. But are these events dangerous for nearby planets?
If you kill one person you are a murderer if you kill a million you are just doing business… EU strikes deal on new ‘ecocide’ rules to put polluters in jail…
Photographer captures intense battle between 2 HUGE ferocious bears…
The most obscene part is that the French media calls this a “rixe” (a brawl) which would let you think that responsibilities were shared but no, it’s just 20 fucking lowlife scumbags that went to a party and started stabbing people…
The UK has a new "Minister of Common Sense"…

No offense, but the people driving this recklessly and causing these high speed accidents are not going to give 2 shits about a car telling them they are speeding. Seems like a lesson in futility… After deadly Nevada crash, federal investigators want cars to warn drivers if they're speeding… Meanwhile, South Australian Police Commissioner Grant Stevens has released a heartbreaking letter introducing “101” – the 101st life lost on South Australian roads this year, his youngest son Charlie…
Eyes of a person with a condition called asteroid hyalosis… This is creepy!
Probably wants to start another war… ‘Argentina has non-negotiable sovereignty over the Falklands,’ says new president… Meanwhile, Falkland's sovereignty 'not up for discussion,' Britain warns…
Can you decipher the meaning behind the Economist 2024 cover?
Five or six, he doesn't remember exactly? Weird no? LOL! Zelensky says he's survived 'five or six' assassination attempts by Putin's forces…
Other news from the StrangeSounds’ website:
What a time to be alive - Does anyone else remember how eerily accurate “V for Vendetta” was to our current state of affairs?
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Thank you and have a great Monday,
In order for the "economy" to be doing fine, we'd have to actually HAVE an "economy".
Home sales are at a 13 year LOW, we are preparing to collapse into a CBDC that will further stifle what little freedom any one has, and, uggh, DON'T get me started.