Youtube censorship at its finest...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 28, 2024...
The Joe Rogan interview with Trump is currently being shadowbanned on YOUTUBE…
Yeah, the full interview was showing up first yesterday, even if you just searched Joe Rogan. Now you can put in Rogan, Donald Trump full episode and it’s nowhere to be found. Some smaller clips come up but not the full episode.
Try it out for yourself on YOUTUBE, not Google...
Search "Joe Rogan Trump interview" "Joe Rogan Trump" and all you will find is clips and reactions. Nothing offering the full thing…
To find the full interview you need to search "Joe Rogan Experience" and even then it doesn't show the video, you have to go through the channel.
33m views in 3 days but not a single moment on ‘Trending.’
By the way, here's the Trump Rogan video you can only find if you actually go into his channel:
Do you really think she was burned alive?
They were probably trying a new recipe…
A nice little one…
The church is about to return a 600-acre swath of land — which includes a sacred mound — to the tribe that was taken from them hundreds of years ago…

The church knows something we don't know…
This Florida lake drained down into the aquifer in a matter of days and left these uniform waterlines on all the cypress trees…
Water levels at Cascade Lake have dwindled recently, revealing a sandy bottom and the knobby roots of its cypress trees.
Many believe the lower water levels are from sinkholes.
While the breathtaking sights are intriguing, Leon County Stormwater Management Coordinator Anna Padilla said the apparent drainage is due to a natural drawdown.
Nice! You get to see the gators before they can sneak up on you now…
Society is being herded into a trans-humanist future. After immigration fails the solution to collapsing birth rates will be trans-humanism. Future generations will be born in a bag…
The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete.
However, Irving Finkel and a particularly gifted student of his - Edith Horsley - managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark.
And yes we mean that ark, as in Noah's ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra…
Early snow blankets Mauna Kea summit in Hawaii… The summit access road was closed because of ice and hazardous driving conditions.
Red sprite lightning captured in incredible detail over Castelnaud Castle, Château de Castelnaud, France.
These things look small, but they are actually massive, sometimes stretching 50 miles top to bottom and up to 6 miles thick…
Tropical storm ‘Kong-Ray in the Pacific Ocean…
Tropical storm "Kong-Ray" formed on October 25 in the Pacific Ocean, near the Mariana Islands. The wind speed at the epicenter is 80 km/h (22 m/s), with gusts up to 96 km/h (26 m/s). "Kong-Ray" is moving in a northwesterly direction and will reach Taiwan on October 31.
The tropical cyclone may strengthen to a category 3 typhoon on the Saffir-Simpson scale…
The sun just swallowed a comet…
The solar system has one less comet. Comet ATLAS (C/2024 S1) melted away today when it passed within 0.008 AU of the sun. Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory witnessed the final moments:
Here’s how MSNBC is covering the Madison Square Garden rally…
It is actively claiming Donald Trumps Madison Square Garden rally was a Nazi reunion and shared footage of the 1939 Nazi event…
Well, I’ve never seen a Nazi rally with Jews, Blacks and Hindus as speakers…
C’mon guys, this is going too far…
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Indeed, both "political" parties work for the owners of USA Inc.
BTW, I did a search on YouToilet, and the Rogan/Trump piece came right up. Guess too many People were pointing out the YouToiletries. Meanwhile, They just flushed another of My vids from... 5 years ago? For telling the truth about the jabs. Thank goodness virtually all the vids I had there got synced to Odysee a fair while ago.
Leave YouToilet and join Odysee!!!
Thank you for the news!! Just few adds.. Here a link to the full interview with the not so sleepy Joe and Don, no not Bon Jovi....:
and here is what the NY mayor had to say to the 'nazi' party:
and here what the latest from Kalamara
with the title:
"Scorched on Sacred Ground: Kamala Harris Heckled at Pennsylvania Church After Claiming Voting for Her Fulfills God’s Will"
and that despite of supporting abortions, transgender, war, etc., etc..