If you control the money and or it's terms of use, no need to "launder" money

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A-Z top to bottom, right to left ungodly unholy alliances… did the real us gov dissolve with President Kennedy’s assignation, WWI, WWII…? Video of the tunnels recently discovered under a synagogue in New York City; Contained mattresses and high chairs for babies. What the heck?“ what the heck? WTH?

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To borrow George W. Bush's campaign slogan, 'MAKE NO MISTAKE", the little drones (and the big ones) already possess the technology to do exactly what that video clip by Dust has demonstrated. I believe that those 1.6 billion number of hollow point rounds that DHS bought back in 2013 was a LOW number. They've been stocking up on everything because they know that one day very soon an event is going to take place which will utterly turn this world upside down!

Anyone who believes that sometime in the near future there will be a critical mass awareness - a point at which the people will suddenly wake up and realize what the elite have been doing, take up their proverbial torches and pitchforks in massive numbers and head for Washington DC - either hasn't been paying attention and/or is dreaming.

The controlling elite could wipe out every single person in this world except those they deem "controllable" and who will serve them and they have this technology right now! They won't even need nukes to destroy us. The rest of us are a liability and will be, let us say, procured.

Every bit of this is spelled out in Scripture and every horrific event which the Bible tells us will occur in the seven year tribulation is being prepared by the elite RIGHT NOW. From the destruction of the earth (Revelation 11:18) to the systematic reduction of the global food supply banning fertilizers and agriculture, destroying crops by geoengineering, GMOs, gain of function pestilences, flooding and desertification, burning food production facilities, fomenting runaway global inflation and these are the things we KNOW they are doing. What might they be doing secretly?

I'll say it again and again until I can't say it any longer...Jesus Christ is COMING for those that love Him and have been washed of ALL sins by the Shed Blood of God Himself in Jesus Christ, to CHANGE us into eternal, glorious beings with bodies like that of Jesus Himself. He'll take us up to Himself and hide us in our mansions (John 14:1-3) "until the indignation be overpast". (Isaiah 26:20)

The indignation is the WRATH of God Almighty which He pours out upon this earth. Can anyone accurately imagine the WRATH of our Creator Who spoke into nothingness and everything which He commanded leapt into existence??? That is merely an explanation of His CREATIVE power. As for His Wrath???... I shudder just contemplating it.

And to think that billions of people will suffer the Wrath of God, well, THAT is what drives me and motivates me to get people to LISTEN and to wake up to the TRUTH! If you woke up in the middle of the night to find your neighbor's house on fire while he slept, would you go and try to warn him? I believe that anyone watching this thread most certainly would. That is what I am doing here. If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior (and you'll definitely know if you're saved) then YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE and it will burn forever and ever with you in it if you reject Jesus Christ's Propitiation to your dying breath.

Please read Revelation chapters 8-10 for a descriptive narrative of what the time of tribulation looked like to the apostle John who wrote Revelation. If you would like more details of what happens when God pours out His Wrath, see Isaiah chapter 24. And if you don't definitely know that you're saved by FAITH and believing that His Shed Blood is the ONLY means by which all mankind could possibly be saved, ask yourself if YOU want to be here for any of the horrific things that happen in the tribulation which, by the way is coming at any minute of any day.

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Good news from the Swiss Senate regarding Russian assets!

Red Cross never bothered to forbid donations from those having taken the clot shots, a big loss of credibility. The blood supply, therefore, has been contaminated for 3 years with graphene oxide and more.

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Panda bears have 'carnivore' teeth, yet they mostly eat bamboo plants. Bamboo is extremely tough and fibrous, and it requires special intestinal bacteria (via soil microbes) to be digested fully. One of my creationist homeschool books told me about this.

Don't think that Putin's the 'NWO-smashing hero' though, neither is DJT nor Desantis or any politician. This video exposes what Ukraine really stands for, a far-right ideology (that's regaining popularity via the MAGA movement here in America): https://odysee.com/@Light-up-the-Darkness:3/Kraine:c (Nazikraine - Ukrainian army is ultimately Nazi fascist and does ultimately evil things)

I have a stomachache and earache in both ears. My gallbladder hurt as well and my chest hurt as well, despite never taking any of the 'potions' nor swabs. Please pray against my suffering. God bless.

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I know how they're spinning it, but when you control the money, rates, etc printing it. Old money deep pockets; you don't need to launder it, that's a TV movie. The money scales haven't been balanced since Jesus left the earth.

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It doesn't matter why Qanon Shaman wants his hat back; it's HIS.

You need to be better on some social issues, Manuel. The "eat the rich" socialists adore you for the nice little nod to class warfare with the "While you’re distracted by petty politics, this is secretly underway. You’ll own nothing and be happy… Richest 1% pay lower tax rates than everyone else in most states…" poke.

The richest 1% are likely living on what they've made in the past that has already been taxed. It's called "income tax" for a reason. No income, no income tax. Would you like it if every time you walked into a shop, they hit you with a SALES tax on the money in your pocket plus your credit limit before you even start shopping? Let me know.

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