Former IDF soldier’s report.

Of course.

Not as it appears to be to the “average bear.”

S i g h.

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Thank you.

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Thanks for the info about the waterspouts in Lake Erie. I hadn't heard about that. The so-called "experts" explain this as a result of "climate change".

I'm so sick and tired of their weather manipulation but I fear that it has been so disruptive to natural weather patterns that if they were to suddenly cease controlling the weather, it would be catastrophic. All weather is now completely managed by Stratospheric Aerosol Injection by jet aircraft (of heavy metals and fibers) and High Energy Frequency Transmission. The millions of watts of microwave energy beamed into the clouds of metal particulates by ground based and satellite frequency generating stations allows them to absolutely control the cloud layer and manipulate high and low barometric pressure systems, strengthening or weakening them; stalling them or moving them wherever they choose and thus utilizing the weather as a weapon.

181 waterspouts...yeah. That's normal. What's mostly outrageous is that the people just go about their business, not caring a thing about what is going on over their heads or that they are breathing these metals (which eventually fall to earth) which are so tiny that they penetrate every organ in the body and end up in the bloodstreams of every living thing that breathes! They are also so small they cross the blood-brain barrier (there is some speculation on this topic) disrupting the normal function of the brain! Aluminum is one of the metals sprayed. It is also scientific fact that Aluminum is the number ONE cause of dementia leading to Alzheimer's. These metal nanoparticles are so small that they aren't even detected by the air pollution monitors because anything less than 5 microns isn't detected! Isn't that convenient! The nanoparticles are only 2-3 microns in size and that is why they're not detected in the air.

181 waterspouts? They'll probably say somewhere that this had happened in the past. "Yes in November 1864 there was a waterspout outbreak in Lake Huron which actually spawned over 200 waterspouts." Oh, so it's normal then, just rare, huh? The media attempts to normalize every outrageous weather event by tell us that it happened before. Nobody ever checks the fictional accounts. The people then go back to sleep. As long as McDonalds is still selling Big Macs and Walmart is still open and crowded, everything is fine. Oh, stop by the Starbucks drive-through on the way home. I want a Latte Grande. ...

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Think about this. Our former president, actually STILL president, because the "election" was proven to be stolen, is coming out against the current POTUS, enraging the American people by telling them that it was this complete puppet JOE who was responsible for actually sending this money over to the Middle East, to the country that has historically HATED this country and has hated Israel for more than 4000 years, yet Sloppy Joe couldn't come up with the wire transfer number and write it down correctly twice! He couldn't count his feet and come up with the same number twice! Trump knows who calls the shots and he is STILL following orders by rabble rousing and stirring up discord among the people FOR the deep state! The presidents in this age have all been PUPPETS doing the will of the principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world, i.e. the deep state. It's all so clear to me. They MAKE it clear. That is, to those who can still THINK.

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9-19-2019 puppet in wh signed “illegal presidential mandate” handing over entire country to military Controll” “in case of a “global pandemic “ “outbreak” “fauci funded. “Died blunt force trauma” corner #45’s 1st EX wife. What’s in that vault on #45’s private golf course? There ain’t no red or blue ties, only purple.

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Iran was not our enemy.Iran was very pro-American,that is,until the neocons made them an enemy.

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no way Israel didn't see this coming, this story is even more ridiculous than their 9-11 BS

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I recall that there was a report that those recording the Jerusalem videos all were (coincidentally) enrolled in the same film class at Uni. And that maybe one of the videos was from the prof? I can't find that report now, but thought this was laready debunked a couple of years ago. But maybe the ETs planted that report to keep us off guard.

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US gave back Iran's own funds that US had seized illegally. I hope you are not intentionally ignorant.

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First time I had seen the Jerusalem UFO!! Thanks!! There are SO many "sides" to what is going on worldwide, it is rather dizzying!!

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