Thank you, Manuel. I have been blessed with your site carrying news that matters especially pertaining to prophetic events, and am glad you know the Lord. Unfortunately, I have no money to donate, or I would. I hope to when I can. In the meantime, I can pray for you, and I will . Thank you again.

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Thanks, Manuel!! I always enjoy the SOTT one each month! And, it would be wonderful if they could get more of the clay tablets translated so we would know more of our past history!

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Same reason for the 6 feet 'social distancing'.......get you used to it and then think nothing of it...Satan has his ways!

Waiting for neuralink to roll out???.........WETHeck??

Musk launches 12,000 satellites for 'better connections' to the WWW around the world last year....that we know of!..........how many do We the People do NOT KNOW OF??

Why would ANYONE believe ANYTHING that is spewed from Ukraine...3rd most corrupt country on planet earth, the US governments piggybank, child sacrifice and trafficking capital of the world, home to the left over nazi's from WW II, Gaylensky hand picked (hahaha) by gay Obozo in 2008, home to 26 biolabs that specialize in gene specific killer viruses....much more, just might puke if I continue

AI.....garbage in, Garbage out.......all based on 'programmers' whom 99% of are libtard trannies that hate God....typical of Kabbahlist Luciferian cult followers

Genesis 6..there were giants in those days and after that, they are returning, get right with Jesus!

Firefocx has sucked for a long time.....Brave

Chinas weather manipulation???....serious??...you my brother know better.........world wide and ongoing for 75+ years, Project Cirrus, Operation Popeye, Mike Morales has great vids, geoengineeringwatch.org

And this just in........


I am in the Canyon Lake area in Central Texas, for 5 days now, tons of rain in the Gulf gets within 50 miles, and then is shutdown by Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon (the weather makers), with the help of HAARP and other similar control ionospheric heater systems

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I was talking about musk neuralink brain implant… when everybody is plugged, then it’s going to be even more easier for China to mess up with our brains

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Yeah, I did gather that, I was just pointing out the possible reason for the 12,000 satellites to be connected to all of it, including China, and I would guess you and I both know Musk is heavily tied to them....that make sense?

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Yes i think so too

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Thank you for all of your work and Blessings to you and your family my brother

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The "666" appearing in most logos of the corporate crime syndicate are there, I believe because they are in some ways REQUIRED to give away their identity, just as the ROC symbol; the triangle which those speaking to a camera make by joining their fingertips together identifying them as being a Freemason or Illuminati member.

The Bible says, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18 That verse reveals the number of the BEAST. The antichrist who I believe is alive and directing the globalists from behind the scenes RIGHT NOW.

Perhaps, when God ejected Satan and 200 of his angels from Heaven to the earth, one of the stipulations was that whenever they were controlling something which deceives the people, it might be required to hide this number identifying who is at work and give those who are wise to their deceptive plans, the proof of who is controlling it. They give away much truth like this.

Hollywood is widely known by we who are awake to hide numbers and events in their productions. Perhaps it's like a game to them. If you desire to know who is asleep and who is awake, just share the Chrome logo or the new Threads logo with someone. If they call you crazy, they are asleep. If they observe and show interest, they are fertile ground for sowing the Truth.

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thank you

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