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"when an undetected asteroid crashed into the atmosphere of Earth on Wednesday". You can't crash into our air. It exploded hitting our firmament. Same reason we watched Elon Musk's rocket explode when it hit the firmament. We can't leave our atmosphere and NASA and the media have made everyone believe we can. NASA rockets never go straight up,...but curve up and away, so they fall into the ocean. I know it is hard to believe we have grown up with nothing but lies about science, our history and pretty much everything. Like dating things also. I've said before, they can't make a stud finder that works properly, but they have a meter to measure time? Give me a break. Those two female bones are not 6000 years old. Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago. The earth is millions or billions of years old,...but not mankind.

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I think you misread the typo (or I'm misreading your comment) but the story said the Starliner returned to earth un - crewed, meaning that it left the payload capsule with the crew someplace else (the Nevada desert) and then returned to earth. It appears it dropped its payload from near outer space and the capsule with the crew in it came in on three parachutes landing safely on airbags. I can totally see how that could be read as unscrewed because whoever heard of the word "uncrewed"?

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Thanks for the News Roundup, Manuel!! ;-)

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