I understand you're shocked by the artificial sweetner claim, but I had 5 years left to live 20 years ago and the big thing I had to do apart from going vegan (raw) and drinking distilled waters was quitting sweetners. Aspartame is a byproduct of making carpet. Neotame is 5000 time sweeter than aspartame and does not have to be listed as an ingrediant- it's that toxic. At least one sweetner guarantees anal leakage. Try watching some Dr Lorraine Day videos . Also human fetal tissues used in thousands of foods to bind with taste receptors on the tongu to make them more addictive and people more violent....... There are no laws governing make so cosmetics carry heavy metals and toxins illegal in foods.
THE MAGNETIC NORTH POLE is currently moving over 8km per month towards Russia and has already crossed the mid Atlantic ridge according to Maverickstar Reloaded observatories. They currently do monthly updates and have conducted multiple experiments showing that if and when the poles get to 40 degree mark this will be a magnetic pole reversal. They've been tracking it for 10 years and it's currently estimated to be arriving at 40 degrees in just 3 months. During a reversal it is expected that the magnetosphere will diminish down to 5%. Maybe that's what the underground cities past and present are for? Only safe place from the sun and weather will most likely be underground.
I don't think Evil will be able to hide from God this time. God addresses this already in the Bible and it is very specific about all the places the Fallen will try to hide to escape Judgement. The next age is going to be fantastic, as Judgement will occur simultaneously to any crime and there will be no more delay. There is no way that they will be successful even if they did live or manage to hide themselves for the only people who will be permitted on Earth are quite literally The Saints. All others will be killed for their crimes the moment they commit them. 6,000 years of practice and if people cannot learn how to behave they, honestly, do not belong on Earth.
Amos 9
1 I saw the Lord standing beside the altar, and He said: “Strike the tops of the pillars so that the thresholds shake. Topple them on the heads of all the people, and I will kill the rest with the sword. None of those who flee will get away; none of the fugitives will escape. 2 Though they dig down to Sheol, from there My hand will take them; and though they climb up to heaven, from there I will pull them down. 3 Though they hide themselves atop Carmel, there I will track them and seize them; and though they hide from Me at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them.
This is why Jesus says that it is extremely rare for a 'rich man' to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. They simply will not be able to stop themselves or behave as The Saints.
Aspartame in artificial sweeteners is indeed a poison. That has been known for decades. However, blaming artificial sweeteners, for a rise in sudden deaths and cardiac arrest increases is ludicrous. The "experts" are in the tank to those who would control the sheep of America and the world. It wasn't shocking to see the claim, a bit of "more of the same lying" going on by those who would rage on for the covid lies of these days to support the 3 years of government narratives.
Yes, aspartame has been known about since the 1980's. Mockingbird media keeps lying to people. I still hear radio ads/PSA's advising more boosters and masks. So irritating. They know, we know, and they know we know the truth, but repeat the lies until they become truth. Doesn't work on me.
One report I read suggested that the kabal and media are putting up stories to create reasons for sudden deaths and heart issues. The fake vaxx is the real issue, but a few dozen stories about other potential reasons for heart issues and strokes will diffuse attention from the real cause, ie., fake vaxx.
That is one reason I do not use tv, and have been against tv since 1973. I do like my old fashioned sci-fi dvd's. All my friends in HS were anti-tv, except a couple. We all knew then the Hollyweirdos were perverts and liars. I only liked John Wayne, James Stewart, Steve McQueen, Sean Connery, Mel Gibson, and Clint Eastwood films. Pretty much it, and that is what I stuck to. The rest of tv and films were stupid. Bunch of lying and fake people.
TV is mostly mind poison. We used to have more fun outside hunting, target practice, throwing the ball around, bike riding. Glad I grew up in those times. After 09/11, I remember getting cable tv. I left it on the retro tv channel, and watched old classic movies on TCM. Hit the news to keep updated. Had no use for the other gazillion channels. Shitcanned it after a year. Turned my radio back on, like I do nowadays. I was always more into radio anyways. Even as a kid, I liked radio. We were not allowed more than an hour or two of tv in our house back then. My friend's parents wouldn't even allow a TV in their house.
Just listened to Trump speak on radio. He has not denounced his mistakes on the fake vaxx. He was touting the rush to vaxx as a success. He did not say he made bad choices and was mislead by pharma-sorcery, Fraudchi, and Birx.
I will go with DeSantis. He and Rand Paul both are anti-fake vaxx. Trump blew his chance to admit his failure on the fake vaxx roll out! Very dissappointed.
I would have to agree regarding Trump. He continues the lie of the so called covid "vaccines". Not for me... I supported him and voted for him twice, however, I will vote for the likes of DeSantis, or Rand Paul or any other individual that will stop the LYING to the American people and will return America back to freedom and liberty (I know, I know, fat chance as America does not even know what that means... The BLUEPRINT is coming to give America a look at that!!!) Trump had his chance. He blew it.
Trump has always been part of the cabal. He is neck deep in perpetrating the fake worldview the bought media is conditioning the people with including every lie about the murderous plot which is everything about Covid, the shots the boosters, the hospital protocol of intubation and deadly (proven in Africa to be FATAL) Remdesivir (which killed my only brother earlier this year) and anything they say about any of it is a lie.
Trump was NEVER for us but has been a puppet of distraction and controlled opposition from the start. He was groomed for the "position" of POTUS for decades - for this time period, the end of the age. "You're fired!"
Desantis is another liar puppet installed AS controlled opposition. He has the world stage and he could really send out the message of the phony "vaccine" by BANNING it - any governor could do this in his own state. Desantis has a great opportunity to turn this thing around but in addition to dragging his feet in light of all the evidence that this is a kill shot, in his latest public appearance, he showed us where his loyalties are. He flashed the "Roc" numerous times (look this up and study it if you haven't heard of it before) confirming his allegiance to THEM. The deep state. The Cabal. The Illuminati.
Here is a sure fire way to know the truth in these days. Listen to the media. Take ANYTHING they say and believe the opposite. Investigate all of this while you still can (speaking to everyone) and if you do not know Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior, start seeking Him RIGHT NOW. He can be found in the cabal's most feared and hated book, the King James Bible.
Read Romans in the NT and if you're interested, ask God to show you the absolute TRUTH in this matter. Most don't know or understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ, many do not WANT to know. But if you are sincere and really want to know Him in your heart, He will save you by showing you your sinful nature. You can know for sure that He saved you if you are SORRY for those sins you know you have committed ("sin" is an old archery word meaning MISSING the mark) and you turn away from them (repent) and seek to do His Will for your life.
Jesus is coming for those who love Him and He could literally come at any minute now. There is no prophecy of Scripture left unfulfilled which marks His coming, in fact, the ages are beginning to "overlap". What does that mean? It simply means that events which we understand as major future events after the Rapture of His Saints (e.g. worldwide famine, pestilences, one world government etc.) are happening RIGHT NOW and we could not have made this claim just 5 years ago.
The fact that He is coming so soon has NEVER been more evident and we who long for His return for us (we who love Him from having sought Him by reading the KJV and ASKING) know in our hearts and we all are all sounding the same alarm to the world that this is FACT. I care for every person in this world, I am linked to everyone else by the common thread of having been created - a BEING which has consciousness and awareness and a WILL. Where do you think that came from???
You can study world religions if you prefer to compare them to the Bible or you can believe what I am saying and skip the false religions, Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist etc. all of these are man's efforts to get to God by some kind of work or effort of our own. Biblical Christianity is the only system of belief (not a religion) whereby God sought to save US in the most Effective way possible - He came as ONE of us but without sin. He came to DIE for us and to spill His Blood, the redeeming, precious Blood of God Himself paying OUR penalty for us and He conquered death RISING on the third day according to the prophets writing every detail of this 800 years earlier!
I never intend for my messages to be as long as this one but I start typing and if I feel led to type, I do so until I finish. If you have read this far and you have never considered seeking to know God, why haven't you? That is a question which you should honestly ask yourself. There has never been a better time to seek Him so tell me, what have you got to lose?
The fact is that you have only your sins to lose and EVERYTHING to gain, literally! The Bible says that we, as born again saints (a saint is not a Catholic prominent figure of old but a born again Christian) will inherit ALL THINGS. God made everything and He dwells in a dimension which we cannot understand and it is a much higher dimension.
He is waiting for everyone who desires to be free of their sins and who come to Him, humbly asking forgiveness. So, then, who's day is this? Please think about this all important decision, THE most important a person could ever make.
Yes, I figured you were but the comment wasn't directed to you in whole. The first part about Trump was but like I said, when I start typing, if I'm led to write, especially if I feel led by the Holy Spirit, I write. I'm completely passionate about the truth in every matter. Jesus said He was the Truth (John 14:6) and for those living in this age where the truth is a lie to everyone who is following the insanity mandate we who love truth are the most hated and maligned people in the world. Especially we who speak up about truth (in all matters). Thanks for reading my comment and btw, what's up with the owl? Is he your pet? (ha ha, just kidding)
There's a guy on youtube who handles venomous snakes and has a conservatory at his house. He has a pet Eurasian owl named Bagoy and that bird is a hoot! Pun intended. If you don't mind watching dead rats being fed to snakes and whole turkeys (dead) being fed to crocodiles go check out his channel. Chandler's wild life. Go just to see the owl, he is so awesome and such a nice pet to him. He can fly away but he stays with Chandler (who acts like a nut case very often).
Thanks Jim. I avoid screwtube as much as possible. I have enough on my hands at the ranch to deal with. I have a few geese, and ducks. Two male geese are fighting this week. The one is crippled from fighting. Can't flap his wings. He still wants to fight the one that crippled him. It is fixing to storm now too, so I just fed and watered all the basins. Wind his blowing cold. Expecting snow again.
And I also believe that many people READ these comments but don't comment themselves and THAT is who I was directing this comment toward or actually to anyone who reads it.
I see your perspective. He just needs to get out in front of this now. Back then was different, since he was mislead by his horrible advisors. I really blame redchinesey, our own bio traitors, fraudchi, birx, cdc, who, pharma-sorcery, ---all of them.
Yeah, that is probably true. He did go for the non-fake vaxx solutions like Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin. No money for pharma-sorcery in those. If he and DeSantis ran together that would be interesting as it would block division among Conservatives. To hell with the rinos.
I understand you're shocked by the artificial sweetner claim, but I had 5 years left to live 20 years ago and the big thing I had to do apart from going vegan (raw) and drinking distilled waters was quitting sweetners. Aspartame is a byproduct of making carpet. Neotame is 5000 time sweeter than aspartame and does not have to be listed as an ingrediant- it's that toxic. At least one sweetner guarantees anal leakage. Try watching some Dr Lorraine Day videos . Also human fetal tissues used in thousands of foods to bind with taste receptors on the tongu to make them more addictive and people more violent....... There are no laws governing make so cosmetics carry heavy metals and toxins illegal in foods.
THE MAGNETIC NORTH POLE is currently moving over 8km per month towards Russia and has already crossed the mid Atlantic ridge according to Maverickstar Reloaded observatories. They currently do monthly updates and have conducted multiple experiments showing that if and when the poles get to 40 degree mark this will be a magnetic pole reversal. They've been tracking it for 10 years and it's currently estimated to be arriving at 40 degrees in just 3 months. During a reversal it is expected that the magnetosphere will diminish down to 5%. Maybe that's what the underground cities past and present are for? Only safe place from the sun and weather will most likely be underground.
I don't think Evil will be able to hide from God this time. God addresses this already in the Bible and it is very specific about all the places the Fallen will try to hide to escape Judgement. The next age is going to be fantastic, as Judgement will occur simultaneously to any crime and there will be no more delay. There is no way that they will be successful even if they did live or manage to hide themselves for the only people who will be permitted on Earth are quite literally The Saints. All others will be killed for their crimes the moment they commit them. 6,000 years of practice and if people cannot learn how to behave they, honestly, do not belong on Earth.
Amos 9
1 I saw the Lord standing beside the altar, and He said: “Strike the tops of the pillars so that the thresholds shake. Topple them on the heads of all the people, and I will kill the rest with the sword. None of those who flee will get away; none of the fugitives will escape. 2 Though they dig down to Sheol, from there My hand will take them; and though they climb up to heaven, from there I will pull them down. 3 Though they hide themselves atop Carmel, there I will track them and seize them; and though they hide from Me at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them.
This is why Jesus says that it is extremely rare for a 'rich man' to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. They simply will not be able to stop themselves or behave as The Saints.
Aspartame in artificial sweeteners is indeed a poison. That has been known for decades. However, blaming artificial sweeteners, for a rise in sudden deaths and cardiac arrest increases is ludicrous. The "experts" are in the tank to those who would control the sheep of America and the world. It wasn't shocking to see the claim, a bit of "more of the same lying" going on by those who would rage on for the covid lies of these days to support the 3 years of government narratives.
Yes, aspartame has been known about since the 1980's. Mockingbird media keeps lying to people. I still hear radio ads/PSA's advising more boosters and masks. So irritating. They know, we know, and they know we know the truth, but repeat the lies until they become truth. Doesn't work on me.
One report I read suggested that the kabal and media are putting up stories to create reasons for sudden deaths and heart issues. The fake vaxx is the real issue, but a few dozen stories about other potential reasons for heart issues and strokes will diffuse attention from the real cause, ie., fake vaxx.
That is one reason I do not use tv, and have been against tv since 1973. I do like my old fashioned sci-fi dvd's. All my friends in HS were anti-tv, except a couple. We all knew then the Hollyweirdos were perverts and liars. I only liked John Wayne, James Stewart, Steve McQueen, Sean Connery, Mel Gibson, and Clint Eastwood films. Pretty much it, and that is what I stuck to. The rest of tv and films were stupid. Bunch of lying and fake people.
TV is mostly mind poison. We used to have more fun outside hunting, target practice, throwing the ball around, bike riding. Glad I grew up in those times. After 09/11, I remember getting cable tv. I left it on the retro tv channel, and watched old classic movies on TCM. Hit the news to keep updated. Had no use for the other gazillion channels. Shitcanned it after a year. Turned my radio back on, like I do nowadays. I was always more into radio anyways. Even as a kid, I liked radio. We were not allowed more than an hour or two of tv in our house back then. My friend's parents wouldn't even allow a TV in their house.
Just listened to Trump speak on radio. He has not denounced his mistakes on the fake vaxx. He was touting the rush to vaxx as a success. He did not say he made bad choices and was mislead by pharma-sorcery, Fraudchi, and Birx.
I will go with DeSantis. He and Rand Paul both are anti-fake vaxx. Trump blew his chance to admit his failure on the fake vaxx roll out! Very dissappointed.
I would have to agree regarding Trump. He continues the lie of the so called covid "vaccines". Not for me... I supported him and voted for him twice, however, I will vote for the likes of DeSantis, or Rand Paul or any other individual that will stop the LYING to the American people and will return America back to freedom and liberty (I know, I know, fat chance as America does not even know what that means... The BLUEPRINT is coming to give America a look at that!!!) Trump had his chance. He blew it.
Trump has always been part of the cabal. He is neck deep in perpetrating the fake worldview the bought media is conditioning the people with including every lie about the murderous plot which is everything about Covid, the shots the boosters, the hospital protocol of intubation and deadly (proven in Africa to be FATAL) Remdesivir (which killed my only brother earlier this year) and anything they say about any of it is a lie.
Trump was NEVER for us but has been a puppet of distraction and controlled opposition from the start. He was groomed for the "position" of POTUS for decades - for this time period, the end of the age. "You're fired!"
Desantis is another liar puppet installed AS controlled opposition. He has the world stage and he could really send out the message of the phony "vaccine" by BANNING it - any governor could do this in his own state. Desantis has a great opportunity to turn this thing around but in addition to dragging his feet in light of all the evidence that this is a kill shot, in his latest public appearance, he showed us where his loyalties are. He flashed the "Roc" numerous times (look this up and study it if you haven't heard of it before) confirming his allegiance to THEM. The deep state. The Cabal. The Illuminati.
Here is a sure fire way to know the truth in these days. Listen to the media. Take ANYTHING they say and believe the opposite. Investigate all of this while you still can (speaking to everyone) and if you do not know Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior, start seeking Him RIGHT NOW. He can be found in the cabal's most feared and hated book, the King James Bible.
Read Romans in the NT and if you're interested, ask God to show you the absolute TRUTH in this matter. Most don't know or understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ, many do not WANT to know. But if you are sincere and really want to know Him in your heart, He will save you by showing you your sinful nature. You can know for sure that He saved you if you are SORRY for those sins you know you have committed ("sin" is an old archery word meaning MISSING the mark) and you turn away from them (repent) and seek to do His Will for your life.
Jesus is coming for those who love Him and He could literally come at any minute now. There is no prophecy of Scripture left unfulfilled which marks His coming, in fact, the ages are beginning to "overlap". What does that mean? It simply means that events which we understand as major future events after the Rapture of His Saints (e.g. worldwide famine, pestilences, one world government etc.) are happening RIGHT NOW and we could not have made this claim just 5 years ago.
The fact that He is coming so soon has NEVER been more evident and we who long for His return for us (we who love Him from having sought Him by reading the KJV and ASKING) know in our hearts and we all are all sounding the same alarm to the world that this is FACT. I care for every person in this world, I am linked to everyone else by the common thread of having been created - a BEING which has consciousness and awareness and a WILL. Where do you think that came from???
You can study world religions if you prefer to compare them to the Bible or you can believe what I am saying and skip the false religions, Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist etc. all of these are man's efforts to get to God by some kind of work or effort of our own. Biblical Christianity is the only system of belief (not a religion) whereby God sought to save US in the most Effective way possible - He came as ONE of us but without sin. He came to DIE for us and to spill His Blood, the redeeming, precious Blood of God Himself paying OUR penalty for us and He conquered death RISING on the third day according to the prophets writing every detail of this 800 years earlier!
I never intend for my messages to be as long as this one but I start typing and if I feel led to type, I do so until I finish. If you have read this far and you have never considered seeking to know God, why haven't you? That is a question which you should honestly ask yourself. There has never been a better time to seek Him so tell me, what have you got to lose?
The fact is that you have only your sins to lose and EVERYTHING to gain, literally! The Bible says that we, as born again saints (a saint is not a Catholic prominent figure of old but a born again Christian) will inherit ALL THINGS. God made everything and He dwells in a dimension which we cannot understand and it is a much higher dimension.
He is waiting for everyone who desires to be free of their sins and who come to Him, humbly asking forgiveness. So, then, who's day is this? Please think about this all important decision, THE most important a person could ever make.
You should know by now I am a Christian. Lol.
Jim, some points I agree with you, and some points I disagree. We don't have to agree on everything though.
Yes, I figured you were but the comment wasn't directed to you in whole. The first part about Trump was but like I said, when I start typing, if I'm led to write, especially if I feel led by the Holy Spirit, I write. I'm completely passionate about the truth in every matter. Jesus said He was the Truth (John 14:6) and for those living in this age where the truth is a lie to everyone who is following the insanity mandate we who love truth are the most hated and maligned people in the world. Especially we who speak up about truth (in all matters). Thanks for reading my comment and btw, what's up with the owl? Is he your pet? (ha ha, just kidding)
I do animal rescue offgrid. Owls are some of my favorite rescues. I agree on when the Holy Spirit calls upon you to speak out.
There's a guy on youtube who handles venomous snakes and has a conservatory at his house. He has a pet Eurasian owl named Bagoy and that bird is a hoot! Pun intended. If you don't mind watching dead rats being fed to snakes and whole turkeys (dead) being fed to crocodiles go check out his channel. Chandler's wild life. Go just to see the owl, he is so awesome and such a nice pet to him. He can fly away but he stays with Chandler (who acts like a nut case very often).
I will too thanks
Thanks Jim. I avoid screwtube as much as possible. I have enough on my hands at the ranch to deal with. I have a few geese, and ducks. Two male geese are fighting this week. The one is crippled from fighting. Can't flap his wings. He still wants to fight the one that crippled him. It is fixing to storm now too, so I just fed and watered all the basins. Wind his blowing cold. Expecting snow again.
And I also believe that many people READ these comments but don't comment themselves and THAT is who I was directing this comment toward or actually to anyone who reads it.
I see your perspective. He just needs to get out in front of this now. Back then was different, since he was mislead by his horrible advisors. I really blame redchinesey, our own bio traitors, fraudchi, birx, cdc, who, pharma-sorcery, ---all of them.
Yeah, that is probably true. He did go for the non-fake vaxx solutions like Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin. No money for pharma-sorcery in those. If he and DeSantis ran together that would be interesting as it would block division among Conservatives. To hell with the rinos.
Cannot emphasize enough!....read this and think about where the world is headed
More and more each day I think the USA is becoming Babylon!..........Just as in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man!
I have a truck and a car......IT IS NOT JUST A CAR....IT IS YOUR FREEDOM!
Rear Admiral, Creature Levine:
Who can take that demon seriously? Surprised a Holy Lightning Bolt hasn't vaporized it yet.
Been having trouble loading substack all day. Especially off email link.