Time-lapse of the devastating sea level rise from climate change (1980 2024),

There is 1 KEY component missing.....There is NO CHANGE in the SEA LEVEL !

Yet people BELIEVE whatever these these IDIOTS tell them. WOW.

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Exactly... Thank you for clarifying...

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May 22Liked by Strange Sounds

Excellent world news roundup, as always!! Much appreciated, Manuel!! ;-)

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May 23Liked by Strange Sounds

The dead monkeys are from geoengineering (SRM and SAI solar radiation management and stratospheric aerosol injection). The freaky hail piling up a foot, same. (oh, that's so natural, right?) The airline passenger that died, probably from a broken neck as the aircraft met a high altitude, sudden drop, the same. The massive and deadly tornadoes in the Midwest, the same. The intense flooding occurring all over the world, the same.

They are guilty of the deaths of multiple MILLIONS of people from weather modification alone. Count up all the people who have died in PREVENTABLE, STEERABLE hurricanes, floods and tornadoes over the last 40 years. Factor in the clot shots and that number jumps by scores more millions.

All while the people stare into their phones perhaps falling to their death trying to get that "awesome selfie" for social media so they can say "look at me!! I'm at the edge of the Grand Canyon!" How much insanity can we who understand truth take?

I'd like to deflect some of it's aggravation off of myself onto others. Maybe some of them would wake the bleep up like those mask wearing, fearful and willfully ignorant freaks, wearing pajamas and bunny slippers, hundreds of pounds overweight, filling their ride-upon shopping carts (because they can't even walk for their morbid obesity) with more junk food who think that as long as MacDonald's is selling Big Macs and Walmart is open, all is well. I've got news: All is NOT well. IN FACT we're in very serious trouble! Only One Way out. Find that Way! You know where to look, whoever you are.

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May 23Liked by Strange Sounds

"Will we wake up?" Three minute read ahead. Please, please read it. Surprise ending! The quote from the TS Eliot book "Hollow Men"... What he describes is indeed what is going on now with inflation, the increasing work and decreasing pay, the decreasing product size and the increasing price. However, there will assuredly be "a happening" despite Eliot's description. It's the sudden and complete disappearance of millions of people all over the world and it will happen at any minute!

It is the Rapture of the "church" (not the brick and mortar churches of the modern age, they are mostly all apostate and not in line with Biblical Truth). Hardly any of the thousands of churches are even addressing from their pulpits the insanity of the times we are living in AND the many prophecies coming to pass before our eyes. Modern churches will be 90% full, standing room only in many cases the Sunday after the Rapture. And that fact is also Bible prophecy happening right before our eyes.

This event called the Rapture will happen very quickly and will be felt worldwide. Every single person left behind will be impacted by it. And, it will cause widespread chaos and panic as loved ones disappear into thin air. Imagine the chaos and terror as babies and toddlers disappear from their mother's arms, even from the WOMBS of expectant mothers. They'll look at their tummies where their expectant child was being carried and gasp as the water breaks and the baby is GONE.

This WILL happen. At this time, even so-called Christians, especially in the fallen churches, are scoffing at we who share this Bible truth but even THAT is predicted in Bible prophecy! "They'll say, Where is the promise of His coming? Since the fathers fell asleep (died) all things continue as they were from the beginning of Creation." 2 Peter 3:4 KJV (parenthesis mine)

There's still time. Just seek Him hard and you'll find Him. He’ll know if you’re even CURIOUS about Him and He’ll assist you in ways you wouldn’t believe possible! The Bible has never been more accessible to the entire world by the internet. We can carry every Bible version of the modern age in our pockets! (but I recommend only the KJV; Satan has gotten hold of the written word and has and continues to corrupt it by changing it with the excuse of "easier to read").

Whoever you are, your choice still exists. Escape the horrific times ahead as God pours out His WRATH on this earth and come with us, we who love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. OR, read this comment and so many left by others after the Rapture and weep, suddenly realizing what you missed. There will be many saved during the tribulation but why wait? He is most definitely the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6 You can escape certain MISERY coming very soon to a city near you.

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I may be alone when I defend the cop for shooting the man with a knife in his hand. He was told to drop it and he did not. Judging from the 10 second clip, it's hard to tell and if I had more info I may go the other way. The cop really didn't give the guy much chance to drop it and the man was not pointing the knife in their direction. This is a tough one. It will be interesting to see how it ends.

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One more thing and I'm done. Youtoogle has been censoring my comments; not sending notification, deleting comments, et al. Does anyone know how to prevent being censored and shadow banned on Youtube?

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